Men are happier with money, while women
find greater joy in friendships and relationships with their children,
co-workers and bosses, a new global survey reveals. The online survey of 28,153
people in more than 51 countries by global marketing and information firm
Nielsen found that as the world grapples(努力解决) with a recession and financial
markets remain volatile(反复无常), many people are reminding themselves that money
can’t buy happiness. The Nielsen Happiness Study found that globally, women are happier than men in 48 of the 51 countries surveyed in April 2008, and only in Brazil, South Africa and Vietnam were men found to be happier than women. "Because they are happier with non-economic factors, women’s happiness is more recession-proof which might explain why women around the world are happier in general than men A. Country with small income differences has a high happiness level. B. A harmonious country condition equals to a high happiness level. C. Levels of happiness have a close connection with economic development. D. The improvement of life quality may prove a high happiness level. [判断题]为防止站台列车清客出错,相关人员须严格执行调度命令复诵制度,确保不误传、不漏传。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在起吊、牵引过程中,受力钢丝绳的周围、上下方、转向滑车外角侧、吊臂和起吊物的下面,禁止有人逗留和通过。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]评价中的心理调控
A. 藿香正气散 B. 白虎汤 C. 生脉散 D. 六一散 E. 香薷饮 [判断题]《巴塞尔新资本协议》规定的国际活跃银行的核心资本充足率不得低于8%。()
[单项选择]The passage is mainly about ______ .
A. the characteristics of American newspapers B. the development of American newspapers C. the functions of American newspapers D. the merits and shortcomings of American newspapers [简答题]简答消费者行使监督权的几种形式?
A.子宫收缩力 B.腹肌收缩力 C.膈肌收缩力 D.坐骨海绵体肌收缩力 E.呼吸肌收缩力 [判断题]矿山岩石按其生成原因不同,可分为岩浆岩、沉积岩和变质岩,煤层的顶板和底板多是由沉积岩组成。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]湿陷性黄土诞生的年代
A. N1、Q1 B. N2、N1 C. Q2、Q3 D. Q3、Q4 [单选题]乙公司欠债权人甲债务200万元后乙公司分立为乙、丙两个公司乙、丙两公司在分立时就对甲的债务达成协议:由乙公司承担150万元丙公司承担50万元。但该协议并没有告知债权人甲。则此时200万元的债务()承担。
A.按照乙和丙协议的方式承担 B.由乙公司承担 C.由乙、丙两公司各承担100万元 D.由乙、丙两公司承担连带责任 [判断题]开箱前应仔细检查是否有运输或者存储导致的破损。如果外包装破损并有机械损伤应立即通知运输公司和本公司相关人员。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]既能平肝阳又能清肝热的药物是()
A. 全蝎 B. 牛黄 C. 蜈蚣 D. 天麻 E. 钩藤 [多选题]远动系统的通信规约传送方式为()。
A.103规约 B.102规约 C.循环式远动规约 D.问答式远动规约 [多选题]依据华电《电力安全工作规程(热力和机械部分)》(2013年版),检查液态的除渣口时,为防止烫伤,下列做法正确的是___。(1.0分)
A.工作人员必须戴上有色防护眼镜 B.应避开通渣孔的正面 C.应站在正面 D.穿长筒靴 [单选题]西方法律格言说:“法律不强人所难。”关于这句格言的阐释,下列选项正确的是( )。
A.对人所不知晓的事项,法律不得规定为义务 B.天灾是人所不能控制的,也不是法律加以调整的事项 C.根据法律规定,人对不能预见的事项,不承担过错责任 D.凡是人能够做到的,都是法律所要求的 [简答题]请写出十条与乘务岗位相关事件苗头构成条件?(至少写出10个,一题一分)