When there is blood in the water, it is
only natural that dorsal fins swirl around excitedly. Now that America’s housing
market is ailing, predators have their sights on the country’s credit-card
market. Analysts at Goldman Sachs reckon that credit-card losses could reach $
99 billion if contagion spreads from subprime mortgages to other forms of
consumer credit. Signs of strain are clearly visible. There are rises in both
the charge-off and delinquency rates, which measure the share of balances that
are uncollectable or more than 30 days late respectively. HSBC announced last
month that it had taken a $1.4 billion charge in its American consumer-finance
business, partly because of weakness among card borrowers. It is too early to panic, though. Charge-offs and delinquencies are still low. According to Moody’s, a rating agency, the A. There is a change in America’s personal-bankruptcy laws. B. The charge-offs and delinquencies are still low. C. The influence of the personal-bankruptcy laws has been digested. D. The overall conditions for borrowers are getting worse. [单选题]“CNC”的含义是( )。
A.数字控制 B.计算机数字控制 C.网络控制 [判断题]长期鼻饲的病人每次喂食前必须证实胃管在胃内方可喂食。( )
对 错 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]患儿,男,生后5天。2天前曾患有脐炎,未治疗,近两日黄疸加重入院治疗。患儿拒食.吐奶.脑性尖叫,体重不升。该患儿最可能的诊断是:( )
A.新生儿肺炎 B.新生儿败血症 C.新生儿低血糖 D.新生儿溶血症 E.新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病 [判断题]( )使用 signal mirror 时,将观察孔直接对准搜救飞机或船只即可。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]企业网上银行的“投资理财”功能包括:()
A.基金业务、国债买卖 B.通知存款、定期存款、协定存款 C.工行理财产品 D.外汇投资买卖 [简答题]
Mount Rushmore Mount Rushmore is a monument to the ideals of the United States. The faces of four presidents who contributed to the formation of the nation are carved on Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. These four presidents are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt. Each had a vision of what the United States of America should be and shaped the development of the country. Doane Robinson, the superintendent of the South Dakota State Historical Society, first envisaged the idea of a monument consisting of colossal stone carvings situated in South Dakota in 1923. He proposed the carving of giant statues of historical figures of the Old West, such as General George Custer and Kit Carson into a mountainside. Robinson lobbied for support of the idea, as he believed it would promote tourism in the area. Although many thought the idea was ludicrous, Robinson managed to enlist the support of U.S. Senator [单选题]SF6配电装置室、电缆层(隧道)的排风机电源开关应设置在( )。
A.门内 B.控制室内 C.门外 [单项选择] 下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断;如果该句提的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。