Most of us are taught to pay attention
to what is said—the words. Words do provide us with some information, but
meanings are derived from so many other sources that it would hinder our
effectiveness as a partner to a relationship to rely too heavily on words alone.
Words are used to describe only a small part of the many ideas we associate with
any given message. Sometimes ate can gain insight into some of those
associations if we listen for more than words. We don’t always say what we mean
or mean what we say. Sometimes our words don’t mean anything except "I’m
letting 0ffsome steam. I don’t really want you to pay close attention to what
I’m saying. Just pay attention to what I’m feeling." Mostly we mean several
things at once. A person wanting to purchase a house says to the current owner,
This step has to be fixed bef A. they use proper words to carry their ideas B. they both speak truly of their own feelings C. they try to understand each other’s ideas beyond words D. they are capable of associating meaning with their words [单选题]某地区为岩质路堑,且该岩质破碎软弱,则应优先选择( )。
A.重力式挡土墙 B.预制短卸荷板式挡土墙 C.锚杆挡土墙 D.土钉墙 [单选题]钢轨外侧路面在距钢轨50毫米范围内,道口铺面应较钢轨面低()毫米。
A.5 B.6 C.8 D.10 [单项选择]多元智能提出人的智能包括()等8个方面。
A. 音乐、自然、体育、数学逻辑、语言、人际关系、自我认识、自然观察 B. 音乐、自然、舞蹈、数学逻辑、语言、人际关系、自我认识、自然观察 C. 音乐、智能、形体、数学逻辑、语言、自理能力、自我认识、自然观察 D. 音乐、智能、运动、数学逻辑、语言、人际关系、自我认识、自然观察 [单选题]《安全生产法》是我国第一部全面规范安全生产的( )法律。
A.A、专门 B.B、基础 C.C、根本 [单项选择]We regret ______ you that the goods you ordered are out of stock.
A. to tell B. telling C. having told D. to have told [判断题]接触网悬挂状态检测监测装置简称4C 。( )(注明出处:《普速铁路接触网运行维修规则》第8条)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某单位有职工320人,1983年8月25日-30日6天内发生痢疾70人,发病高峰在8月27日-29日,9月1日后尚有2例患者发病。根据病例分布情况,下述推论哪个可能性最大
A. 痢疾发病率季节性升高 B. 经水源或食物引起的痢疾大流行 C. 持续暴露于污染的水源导致的痢疾流行 D. 由持续传播引起的痢疾流行 E. 一次暴露于污染的水源或食物引起的痢疾暴发,继之接触传播 [单选题]低压配电网中的开断设备应易于操作,并有明显的()指示。
A.仪表 B.信号 C.开断 D.机械 E./ F./ [判断题]1936年10月,红二、红四方面军先后同红一方面军在会宁会师。至此,三大主力军的长征胜利结束。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]关键产品质量问题是指(1234)
A.插有扣修、倒装色票的及车体倾斜超过规定限度的 B.曾经发生冲突、脱轨、火灾、爆炸或曾编入发生特别重大、重大、较大事故列车内以及在自然灾害中损坏,未经检查确认可以运行的 C.装载货物超出机车车辆限界,无挂运命令的 D.装载跨装货物(跨及两平车的汽车除外)的平车,无跨装特殊装置的 [判断题]车挡表示器设置在线路终端的车挡上,昼间一个红色方牌;夜间显示一个红色灯光。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《行规》第60条:连挂停留在曲线上的车辆,须在连挂前(),调整好钩位后,方可连挂。
A.10处停车 B.5车停车 C.3车停车 D.一度停车 [多项选择]常见的生物特征识别系统主要有:()、面部识别、语音特征识别、签字识别等。
A. 指纹识别 B. 掌形识别 C. 眼底纹识别 D. 虹膜识别 [简答题]重合位置点阵
A.20 B.50 C.100 D.10 我来回答: 提交