Recently the Department of Planning of New York issued a report which laid bare a full scale of change of the city. In 1970, 18 percent of the city’s population was foreign-born. By 1995, the figure had risen to 33 percent, and another 20 percent were the US-born off springs of immigrants3. So immigrants and their children now form a majority of the city’s population. Who are these New Yorkers Why do they come here Where are they from (OK, time to drop the "they". I’m one of them.) The last question at least is easy to answer: we come from everywhere. In the list of the top 20 source nations of those sending immigrants to New York between 1990 and 1994 are six countries in Asia, five in the Caribbean, four in Latin America, three in A. Asia. B. Europe. C. All over the world. D. Latin America. [单选题]有限空间作业前,应对作业设备、工具及防护器具进行( )。
A.安全检查 B.安全试验 C.清洗消毒 D. E.略 F.略 [单选题]凡临时计划需停用牵引变电所所用电、接触网上网开关操作电源的,各供电单位应提前( )将停电时间、影响范围向集团公司调度所(电调)和相关牵引变电所设备管理单位通报
A.1天 B.2天 C.3天 D.5天 [判断题]绝大多数触电死亡事故是由电击造成的。
[单选题]由一个线圈中的电流发生变化在另一个线圈中产生感应电流的现象称为( )。
A. 电磁感应 B. 自感 C. 互感 D. 涡流 [单选题]手抬泵泵体与水面的垂直距离不能超过( )。
A. 6M B. 7M C. 8M D. 10M [单选题]普通大、专院校,中、小学和中等专业学校、技工学校是指符合( )所规定的年限、学期和课程等制度并经相应级别的教育机关注册的院校。
A.国务院教育机构 B.政府教育部门 C.国务院铁路主管部门 D.铁路总公司 [单选题]室内消火栓栓口处的出水压力超过( )水柱时,应有减压设施。
A.30m B.40m C.50m D.80m [单项选择]下述哪一项不是颅脑增强扫描的禁忌证()
A. 碘过敏 B. 严重肝、肾功能损害 C. 脑血管性病变 D. 急性颅脑出血 E. 颅脑外伤 [单项选择]这种技术装置的进一步(),将可以用来自动控制宇宙飞船下降阶段的制导。
A. 完备 B. 改善 C. 完善 D. 改正 [多选题]生产经营单位应当按照国家标准、行业标准或者地方标准为从业人员无偿提供合格的劳动防护用品,并()从业人员正确佩戴和使用。
A.督促 B.检查 C.教育 D.考核 [判断题]生产经营规模小、应纳税款不多的纳税人,可以实行简易申报、简并征期等申报纳税方式。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]925.大量饮清水后引起尿量增多的主要原因是
A.A.抗利尿激素分泌减少 B.B.肾小球滤过率增大 C.C.动脉血压升高 D.D.近球小管渗透压增高 E.E.血管紧张素Ⅱ减少 [单项选择]()年四川茂县叠溪7.5级地震,大规模的山崩使叠溪古城全部被毁,还在岷江上形成了数个地震湖。
A. 1920 B. 1933 C. 1976 [多选题]有( )情形的,行政机关应当依法办理有关行政许可的注销。
A.行政许可有效期届满未延续的; B.被许可人以欺骗、贿赂等不正当手段取得行政许可的 C.行政许可依法被撤销、撤回,或者行政许可证件依法被吊销的; D.因不可抗力导致行政许可事项无法实施的; [判断题]Ⅲ型混凝土枕和混凝土宽轨枕线路在日常线路养护维修中,可根据道床状态,采取捣固、垫砟、垫板相结合的作业方法。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]病人在不进食的情况下一般采取( )
A. 肠内营养 B. 肠外营养 C. 外科补液 D. 静脉输液 E. 胃肠造瘘 [单选题]㠋(L)车轮直径原形为( )。
A.830(0,+2)mm B.860(0,+2)mm C.890(0,+2)mm D.920(0,+2)mm [判断题]党在任何时候都把群众利益放在第一位,同群众同甘共苦,保持最密切的联系。
A.半个 B.1个 C.2个 D.3个 [填空题]The Dollar in World Markets
According to a leading German banker, the U.S. dollar is "the most frequently discussed economic phenomenon of our times". He adds, "...the dollar’s exchange rate is at present the most important price in the world economy..." . Because the dollar acts as a world currency its value affects many nations The central banks of many countries hold huge reserves of dollars, and over half of all world trade is priced in terms of dollars. Any shift in the dollar’s exchange rate will benefit some and hurt others. Some people suggest, therefore, (8) . The dollar’s exchange rate has been too volatile and unpredictable. Several years ago the dollar was rapidly declining in value. This made it (9) The rise in the price of foreign goods made it possible for U. S. businesses to raise the price of competing goods produced here, thus worsening inflation. Foreigners who dealt in dollars or who held dollars as reserves were hurt. People in the United [单选题]以下有关申请撤诉的说法,错误的是:( ) 。
A.申请撤诉的主体既可以是原告,也可以是第三人 B.撤诉申请必须是自愿的、明确的 C.撤诉申请必须在判决、裁定宣判前提出 D.撤诉必须经人民法院准许 [判断题]非冗余配置的备自投控制系统进行软件升级或程序装载时应将备自投退出,相关开关切至“就地”位置。(____)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列四个句子中没有语病的是( )
A. 我们有这样英雄的军队,焉能无往而不胜 B. 我们有这样英雄的军队,怎能战无不胜 C. 我们没有这样英雄的军队,能战而不胜 D. 我们没有这样英雄的军队,安能无往而不胜 [单项选择]可清上焦之热,缓和苦寒之性,免伤脾阳()
A. 煨杏仁 B. 蒸黄精 C. 酒黄芩 D. 制何首乌 E. 淡附片 [单项选择]休克患者使用热水袋保暖时,应加强观察( )
A. 意识 B. 生命体征 C. 缺氧状况 D. 局部皮肤反应 E. 药物疗效 [单项选择]老年人在用药过程中除观察出血迹象外,还应常规监测凝血时间的药是()
A. 氯霉素 B. 华法林 C. 肝素 D. 对乙酰氨基酚(扑热息痛) E. 苯巴比妥 我来回答: 提交