Computer monitoring is most often
intended to improve efficiency and effectiveness in the workplace, but with good
intentions comes the opportunity for abuse by employers and employees alike.
Computer Monitoring in the 21st Century written by a futurist is an exceptional
observation as to what the future may hold for those people choosing to enter
the technological field such as industry, commerce, medicine and
science. As computer monitoring increases, there comes a concern for the types of effects it may have in the workplace. The article says: "By the end of the decade, as many as 30 million people may constantly be monitored in their jobs." As computer systems become so sophisticated, this number will drastically increase. As we enter this new age of technology, we must remember that with more power comes more responsibility b A. The employees will have more freedom. B. The employees will accept the performance rating better than the computer monitoring. C. Many employees will frequently stay away from their work. D. More employees will leave the company. [单选题]114.公民小华对行政机关作出的罚款决定不服,遂申请行政复议,同时一并向行政复议机关提出对其罚款所依据的规定进行审查。关于对该规定的审查申请,不包含下列哪一项?( )
A.国务院部门的规定 B.县级以上地方各级人民政府及其工作部门的规定 C.乡、镇人民政府的规定 D.国务院部、委员会规章和地方人民政府规章 [单选题]CCBⅡ制动机“第三步闸”移至重联位:制动缸增压至( )kPa。
A.300 B.360 C.450 [判断题]23014.( )全闭环控制数控系统不仅控制精度高,而且具有稳定的控制特性。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]晋能控股装备制造集团充分利用资源和市场优势,依靠过硬的生产制造能力和优势产品的市场竞争力,在重组成立不到一个月的时间,就拿到了首个超()装备制造大订单。
A.A、一亿元 B.B、四亿元 C.C、两亿元 D.D、三亿元 [单选题]《普速铁路工务安全规则》规定,从业人员在任职、提职、改职前,必须经过( )级以上单位进行安全技术教育培训,考试合格后,持铁路岗位培训合格证书上岗。
A.车间 B.段 C.铁路局 D.总公司 [单选题]根据《山东省农村商业银行会计事后监督管理办法》的通知(鲁农信联办〔2020〕301号),再监督按月进行,监督比例不低于重点监督业务的( )且一般不应少于( )笔。
A.2%,500 B.2%,1000 C.5%,500 D.5%,1000 [单项选择]可与川芎注射液配伍使用的是()
A. 硫酸小檗碱注射液 B. 农吉利注射液 C. 紫花丹参注射液 D. 复方丹参注射液 E. 夏天无注射液 [单项选择]下列先天性心脏病中,无心内分流的是()
A. 房间隔缺损 B. 室间隔缺损 C. 动脉导管未闭 D. 法洛四联症 E. 房间隔缺损并肺动脉瓣狭窄 [单选题]生态文明建设是指人类在利用和改造自然的过程巾,主动保护自然,积极改善和优化人与自然的关系,建设健康有序的生态运行机制和良好的生态环境。生态文明的核心是正确处理
A.人与自然的关系 B.生产与消费的关系 C.人与社会的关系 D.人与人的关系 [填空题]
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