The Super Bowl is one of the biggest
events on the advertising calendar, as companies vie to produce the most
memorable and innovative ads. The battle for the National Football League’s
ultimate prize attracts more viewers than anything else on American television
and provides a "symbolic pulsetaking" for the advertising industry every
February, says John Frelinghuysen, an analyst at Bain and Company, a
consultancy. But this year the patient is in poor health. All the advertising
slots(广告摊位) for the 2008 Super Bowl had been sold by the end of November 2007,
despite the $ 2.6 million price of each. For 2009 the price has risen to $ 3
million, but at least, ten slots (out of 67) are still looking for a
buyer. General Motors, which ran 11 ads on Super Bowl Sunday in February 2008, has already said that it will not run a A. The price for running the advertising slots has risen to $ 3 million. B. It is not attractive any more for the advertising industry. C. The advertising industry is suffering a hard year. D. The advertising slots have been on the rise since 2007. [单项选择]疏水器一般用于()。
A. 蒸汽管线 B. 蒸汽排凝管线 C. 冷却水管线 D. 泵出口管线 [不定项选择题]―年张某在甲期货公司营业部开户并存人5000万元准备进行棉花期货交易。由于某些原因张某一直没有交易,营业部经理赵某擅自利用这些资金以自己名义买进了多手期货合约。此时,赵某违法规定的行为有( )。
A.挪用客户保证金 B.违规划转客户保证金 C.收取保证金不入账 D.不按照规定接受客户委托 [判断题]连续操作釜式反应器的热稳定条件是Qr=Qc,且dQr/dT
B.错误 [单项选择]在事故后经调整的运行方式下,电力系统应有规定的静态稳定储备,并满足再次发生单一元件故障后的()和其他元件不超过规定事故过负荷能力的要求
A. 静态稳定 B. 动态稳定 C. 暂态稳定 D. 整体稳定 [判断题]经办人员为客户办理销户后,在预留印鉴卡上标注“注销”并填写注销日期
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](44643)混凝土枕斜裂长度为枕高的( )达到严重伤损标准。
A.1/3以上 B.1/2~2/3 C.1/4~1/3 D.1/3~1/2 [多选题]【公文管理】下面关于“函”这个文种的说法()是正确的。
A.适用于不相隶属机关之间商洽工作,询问和答复问题,请求批准和答复审批事项 B.集团公司机关各部门可用“函”的文种答复职权范围内的审批事项 C.站段向集团公司机关的部门行文时应采用“函”的文种 D.站段向集团公司机关的部门行文时应采用“请示”的文种 [单选题]【单选题】 在鉴别细菌性肝脓肿与阿米巴肝脓肿时,后者不出现的表现是
A. 起病较缓慢 B. 中毒症状严重 C. 脓液呈棕褐色 D. 血清学阿米巴抗体检测阳性 E. 中性粒细胞计数可增高 [单项选择]The proposal of a single six-year term for the President of the United States has been around for a long time. High-minded people have urged it from the beginning of the Republic. The Constitutional Convention turned it down in 1787, and recurrent efforts to put it in the Constitution have regularly failed in the two centuries since. Quite right: it is a terrible idea for a number of reasons among them that it is at war with the philosophy of democracy.
The basic argument for the one-term, six-year presidency is that the quest for reelection is at the heart of our problems with self-government. The desire for reelection, it is claimed, drives Presidents to do things they would not otherwise do. It leads them to make easy promises and to postpone hard decisions. A single six-year term would liberate presidents from the pressures and temptations of politics. Instead of worrying about reelection, they would be free to do only what was best for the country. The argument is super A. have wide political experience B. serve for a term of less than six years C. serve for a term of more than six years D. be allowed to be reelected [单选题]()仅限于着便服、携带装备器材或者因伤病残不便行举手礼时。
A. 举手礼 B. 注目礼 C. 打招呼 D. 不行礼 [单项选择]工件以圆孔用长圆柱销定位时,限制的自由度数目为()。
A. 2个 B. 3个 C. 4个 D. 1个 [判断题]在海关监管区内经营免税的卷烟、雪茄烟的,可以批发,并应当在卷烟、雪茄烟的小包、条包上标注国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门规定的专门标志。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Students in Australia between the ages of 6 and 15 can enjoy ______ education.
A. free B. compulsory C. expensive D. optional [单项选择]窝沟封闭中乳牙的酸蚀时间为()。
A. 20秒 B. 40秒 C. 10秒 D. 60秒 E. 2分 [单项选择]保险,是指投保人根据合同约定,向保险人支付保险费,保险人对于合同约定的可能发生的事故因其发生所造成的财产损失承担赔偿保险金责任,或者当被保险人死亡、伤残、疾病或者达到合同约定的年龄、期限时承担给付保险金责任的商业保险行为。 根据上述定义,下列不属于保险行为的是( )。
A. 为保证合同履行而事先支付一定钱款 B. 职工为退休以后生计有保障而预先每月支付工资中的一部分钱 C. 为防止房产被毁坏而定期交给保险公司一部分钱 D. 人寿保险 [判断题]装设接地线应先接接地端,后接导体端,接地线应接触良好,连接可靠。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]绝缘操作杆、验电器和测量杆使用时,作业人员的手不得越过护环或手持部分的界限。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在按下复合按钮后,常闭和常开按钮时同时闭合和断开的。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]与子宫内膜癌预后关系最为密切的是 ()
A. 年龄 B. 肥胖 C. 子宫内膜癌发生部位 D. 盆腔淋巴结转移 E. 肌层浸润 [单项选择]以下哪项不是产时保健重点()
A. 防滞产 B. 防感染 C. 防致畸 D. 防出血 [单选题]【单选题】
德国学者马克斯·韦伯提出,理想的组织形式就是科层制,强调权威与等级、规章与规范, 属于( )。 A. 行政层级式 B. 职能式C 矩阵式D 事业部制 [单选题]敞车装载板、方材时,货物高度超出车辆端侧墙的,应在( )安装挡板。[312020202]
A.车辆两端 B.车辆两侧 C.货物中部 D.货物两端 [简答题]如何提高教师自身素质?
A. 失笑散 B. 复元活血汤 C. 小活络丹 D. 桂枝茯苓丸 E. 金铃子散 我来回答: 提交