More than a month after the deadline
for city restaurants to stop preparing food with artificial trans fat, some
fast-food chains are still serving French fries with high amounts of it, a
nutrition advocacy group said yesterday. According to the group, the Center for Science in the Public Interest, one large portion of Wendy’s French fries contains nearly twice the recommended daily limit of the fat, and four limes more than the company claims. Burger King French fries also have a high trans fat content, according to a study the group released yester- day, but McDonald’ s fries were found to have far less. "That proves that other restaurants could do the same," said Michael Jacobson, executive director of the advocacy center. "It is not that restaurant French fries could not be made without A. Matter-of- fact, B. Detached. C. Uninterested. D. impersonal. [判断题]已达到报废标准的客车,应当依法办理注销手续。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]叉车的工作装置是由货叉、门架、起升链条、链轮和( )等组成。
A.叉梁 B.叉铁 C.叉架 D.货架 [单选题]我国货币政策的目标是( )。
A.保持国家外汇储备的适度增长 B.保持国内生产总值以较快的速度增长 C.保持货币币值稳定,并以此促进经济增长 D.保证充分就业 [单选题]母乳喂养,增加辅食最适宜的时间是
A.2~3个月 B.3~4个月 C.4~6个月 D.6~8个月 E.半岁后 [判断题]代理人承运超重货物可直接自行承运。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]站内的ZPW-2000A接收器采用什么模式的冗余备用模式?实现轨道电路系统的高可靠性。( )
A.1+1 B.N+1 C.双机并用 D.N+M [单选题]流通中现金一般用()表示。
A.M0 B.M1 C.M2 D.M3 [单选题]如果上DU失效,发动机的显示会自动转换到任一内侧DU上
A.A.对 B.B.错 [判断题]空调缺氟,应先查漏,后加氟。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]根据安监总局印发的《安全生产事故隐患排査治理暂行规定》,事故隐患治理方案的内 容应当包括()。
A.治理的目标和任务 B.采取的方法和措施 C.经费和物资的落实 D.负责治理的机构和人员 E.治理的时限和要求 [单项选择]肩井穴归属于:
A. 少府 心俞 肺俞 太渊 胰俞 B. 内庭 心俞 肺俞 太渊 胰俞 C. 太溪 太冲 肝俞 肾俞 胰俞 D. 中脘 内关 肺俞 胃俞 肾俞 E. 承浆 中脘 肝俞 脾俞 胰俞 [单选题]区间钢轨位移观测桩间距不应大于()
A.500m B.450m C.50m D.100m 我来回答: 提交