She knew how to make an entrance. Her dark hair cut in a severe pageboy, Ayn Rand would sweep into a room with a long black cape, a dollar-sign pin on her lapel and an ever present cigarette in an ivory holder. Melodramatic, yes, but Rand didn’t have time to be subtle. She had millions of people to convert to objectivism, her philosophy of radical individualism, limited government and avoidance of altruism and religion. Her adoring followers--some called them a cult--revered her as the high priestess of laissez-faire capitalism until her death in 1982 at age 77.
The bad economy has been good news for Rand’s legacy. Her fierce denunciations of government regulation have sent sales of her two best-known novels, The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, soaring. Yet her me-first brand of capitalism has been exccoriated (严厉批评) for fomenting (引发) the recent financial crisis. And her most famous former acolyte-onetime Fed chairman Alan Greenspan--has been blamed for infl
A. Exaggerated
B. Melodic
C. Decent
D. Dramatical
Pedro was a wonderful person among all
the people of the ranch. Besides being the most renowned hunter, he had
seen the world, and conscious of his superiority, he strutted among the vaqueros
and other ranch hands like an only rooster in a small barnyard. Besides, he
spoke English, which he had learned on one of his trips up North. Yes, Pedro was
a traveled man; he had been as far away as Sugar Land and had worked in the
sugar-cane plantations. Many strange things he had seen in his travels. He had
seen how the convicts were worked on the plantations and how they were whipped
for the least offenses. Yes, he, Pedro, had seen that with his own
eyes. He did not stay in the Sugar Land country long; the dampness was making him have chills. So he hired himself as a section hand. His auditors should have seen that big black monste A. never learned how to speak it. B. could never learn how to speak and write it. C. learned it on his trip in Houston. D. spoke well enough to sing along with the beautiful American ladies. [单项选择]下列对对虾烂鳃病描述正确是()
A. 烂鳃病的发展一般经黄鳃、黑鳃至烂鳃的过程 B. 鳃丝局部或全部变黄(黄鳃),随病情发展,鳃丝颜色进一步加深变黑(黑鳃),并最终发展为烂鳃 C. 对虾因缺氧而浮于水面或卧于池边,游动缓慢,反应迟钝,摄食下降甚至停止摄食,最后因缺氧而死 D. 以上全对 [单项选择]SDH的网络单元包括( )。
A. 中继器、网桥和路由器 B. 网桥、分插复用器和数字交叉连接设备 C. 终端复用器、路由器和数字交叉连接设备 D. 终端复用器、分插复用器和数字交叉连接设备 [单项选择]一种非侵犯性诊断程序——磁共振造影(MRI),能被用来确认冠状动脉堵塞。与一种经常使用的侵犯性诊断程序Angiograms相比,磁共振造影不会对病人产生危害。因此,为了在尝试诊断动脉堵塞时确保病人安全,磁共振造影应在所有尝试诊断冠状动脉堵塞时取代Angiograms。
下列哪项陈述如果正确,最能支持上述建议( ) A. MRI与Angiograms一样能够确认动脉堵塞 B. Angiograms能比MRI揭示更多的关于堵塞物本性的信息 C. 磁共振造影主要是用来诊断冠状动脉堵塞的 D. Angiograms能被用来诊断动脉堵塞之外的情况 [单选题]生产经营单位应当建立( ),按照安全风险分级采取相应的管控措施。
A.安全风险分级管控制度 B.风险隐患双重预防管控机制 C.隐患排查治理体系 D.风险动态管控机制 [单选题]皮肤病急性期若仅有红斑、丘疹、水疱而无渗液时,外用药物可选用哪些剂型
A.油剂 B.洗剂、粉剂、乳剂 C.酊剂 D.软膏 E.溶液 [多选题]外来施工人员进入分公司范围内施工作业时,需要做到( )。
A.应明确消防安全负责人 B.应加强施工人员的消防安全教育 C.施工人员应熟悉和使用灭火器材 D.施工人员在发生火情时,应立即撤离 [判断题]供油拉杆卡滞或失去控制,会造成柴油机飞车。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]急性卡他性会厌炎充血、肿胀位置主要是在()。
A. 会厌全部 B. 会厌根部 C. 会厌舌面 D. 会厌喉面 E. 杓会厌皱襞 [判断题]ES错被按压后,车控室的I错P控制盘将报警。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]根据《国家电网公司分布式电源并网服务管理规则》(国家电网企管〔2014〕1082号),承揽分布式电源工程,设备选型应符合国家与行业(____)要求和标准。
A.高效 B.安全 C.节能 D.环保 [判断题]电阻器与变阻器的选择参数主要是额定电阻值,与工作制无关。(出自轨道交通装备制造业职业技能鉴定指导丛书《维修电工》初级工第34页)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.
A. In the second half of the 19th century. B. In the 1960s. C. In the first half of the 20th century. D. In the early 1800s. [不定项选择题]一小儿,女患者,11岁。患甲状腺癌,并有颈淋巴结转移。医生告诉患儿母亲,女孩需做甲状腺癌根治术,按常规手术后要造成颈部塌陷变形,肩下垂,身体的外观和功能都要受到一定损害。当患儿母亲听到要造成这些后遗症后,断然拒绝治疗,带孩子出院。过了不久,患儿家属考虑到癌症将危及到病人的生命,故再次来到医院,要求给予治疗,并请求医生尽可能不给孩子留下终身伤残的痛苦。医生经过再三考虑,决定打破常规,采用一种新的术式,既收到治疗效果,又使女孩子保留外形美观,功能不受破坏。患者及家属同意做此手术,尽管这种术式的治疗效果当时尚不能肯定。手术进行得很顺利,随访远期疗效也很好
A.享有自我选择权 B.享有基本的医疗权 C.享有自我决定权 D.享有知情同意权 E.以上都是 [单选题](B01)行车中发动机突然熄火怎样处置?
A.紧急制动停车 B.缓慢减速停车 C.挂空挡滑行 D.关闭点火开关 [单选题]在潮湿或含有酸类的场地上以及在金属容器内应使用()V及以下电动工具。
A.12 B.24 C.36 D.60 E.略 F.略 [单选题]全国人大与全国人大常委会的关系是( )。①共同组成最高国家权力机关②全国人大常委会是全国人大的常设机关③两者共同组成我国国家权力机关体系④两者共同行使国家立法权
A.①③ B.①④ C.②③ D.②④ [多选题]通信网关机的()等升级或变更时,应先在备用设备上修改和调试,经测试无误后,再在另一设备上修改和调试,并核对主备机参数的一致性。
A.通信规约 B.信息点表 C.备份数据 D.配置文件 [单选题]吞噬抗原抗体复合物( )
A.中性粒细胞为主 B.多量巨噬细胞 C.淋巴细胞 D.大量红细胞 E.嗜酸性粒细胞为主 [单项选择] The Ivy League is an association of eight universities in the northeast United States, which have high academic and social status. It comprises Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, the University of Pennsylvania, and Yale.
All of the Ivy League universities share some general characteristics: They are among the most prestigious and selective universities in the U.S.; they consistently place close to the top of college and university rankings; they rank within the top one percent of the world’’s universities in terms of financial endowment; they attract top-tier students and faculty (although many undergraduate classes are taught by graduate students or adjunct faculty — the extent of this practice varies greatly, for example, Brown University and Columbia University require all their professors to teach undergraduates as part of their university-college models, and Dartmouth College simply avoids letting graduate students teach undergraduates in most cases)
A. they are highly selective in recruiting students B. the Ivies are all located in the Northeast region of the United States C. they are among most outstanding universities of the country D. they get most of the financial support from the government [填空题]在实现Serializable的类中,静态变量和使用【 】关键字可以使某些数据不被串行化。
A. 儿子的X染色体来自其父亲 B. 儿子的Y染色体来自其父亲 C. 女儿的一条X染色体来自其父亲 D. 女儿的X染色体均来自其母亲 [单选题]变电站主变冷却电源自投功能每( )试验1次
A.季 B.半月 C.月 D.每年汛期前 [单项选择]《五十二病方》涉及药物数目为
A. 360种 B. 840种 C. 730种 D. 120种 E. 240种 我来回答: 提交