The whole point to marriage is that it
imposes clear obligations, not just the right to pursue your own happiness. And
the main obligation is to provide both emotional and practical nurture for
children. The glow of burning passion may well have faded, you love for your
spouse may not be as exciting or satisfying as it once was, but going off in
search of another love will not help your children. The Love Family is either
too amorphous (不定型的) for children—your friends have no obligation to provide for
them—or it’ s too unstable, with adults moving on if the relationship no longer
answers their search for perfect happiness. What divorce does is to damage children. I am aware of the complex research surrounding the effects of divorce on children and I acknowledge that some children are better off without a violent father, an income boozed (嗜酒如命 A. It makes the children suffer poverty sometimes. B. It damages the stability, security and continuity which children need. C. It makes father have more freedom. D. It weakens the child’s links with his (or her) relatives. [判断题]118.单个客户的个人质押贷款额度上限为人民币1000万元。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]清水箱压气机的工作动力是什么:
A.液压泵 B.电动马达 C.真空泵 D.人工泵 [单选题]MSS工作站主界面右上角有 4 个信息提示灯,分别为报警、检修、故障、不达标,当有( )发生时,故障灯会红绿闪烁。
A.报警 B.检修 C.故障 D.报警纳入不达标 [单项选择]关于慢性白血病急性变下列哪项不符()
A. 外周血嗜碱性粒细胞>20% B. 外周血出现有核红细胞 C. 骨髓中原始细胞>20% D. 除Ph染色体外,出现其他染色体异常 E. 原因不明的血小板进行性减少或增多 [判断题] ( )转子的临界转速等于其固有频率,在临界转速时发生的剧烈振动就是共振。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]MRI的成像基础是______
A. 组织间吸收系数的差别 B. 组织间密度高低的差别 C. 组织间形态的差别 D. 组织间弛豫时间上的差别 E. 组织间大小的差别 [判断题]温度变化不会影响光电效应原理中互感器的准确度。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]中央和国家机关利用太阳能、风能等可再生能源产生的能耗计入综合能耗中。
[单项选择]( ) 对于 效尤 相当于 出台 对于 ( )
A. 以儆——政策 B. 效仿——出笼 C. 模仿——暴露 D. 效果——出现 [单项选择]功率放大器标称额定负载阻抗大于音箱的标称阻抗时,这种功率放大器与音箱的配接一定( )。
A. 匹配 B. 轻载失配 C. 重载失配 [单项选择]患者,男性,30岁。颈项、双侧肘关节伸侧皮疹伴阵发性瘙痒反复发作4年。专科检查:颈后、双侧肘关节伸侧见扁平隆起性斑丘疹,大小不等,表面粗糙,部分苔藓化。皮损局限。关于该病与扁平苔藓的鉴别诊断,最具价值的简便方法是()。
A. 皮肤划痕试验 B. 组织病理 C. 皮损表面Wickham纹 D. 皮损碘染色试验 E. 点刺试验 [判断题] 131、在实施欠平衡钻井作业中,自井内返出气体在未接触大气之前所含硫化氢浓度等于或大于75mg/m3(50ppm)必须终止欠平衡作业。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交