The level of economic and industrial development enjoyed by a state affects the foreign policy goals it can pursue. (46) As a general proposition, the more developed a state is economically, the more likely it is that it will play an activist role in the world political economy. Rich nations have interests that extend far beyond their borders and typically command the means necessary to pursue and protect them. (47) Not coincidentally, countries that enjoy industrial capabilities and extensive involvement in international trade also tend to be militarily powerful, in part because military might is a function of economic capabilities. For two decades after world war two, the United States and the Soviet Union stood out as superpowers precisely because they benefited from that combination of economic and military capability including extensive arsenals of nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them anywhere, that enabled both to practice unrestrained globalism. Thei
Music comes in many forms; most
countries have a style of their own. (1) the turn of the
century when jazz was born, America had no prominent (2) of
its own. No one knows exactly when jazz was (3) ,or by whom.
But it began to be (4) in the early 1900s. Jazz is America’s
contribution to (5) music. In contrast to classical music,
which (6) formal European traditions, jazz is spontaneous
and free-form. It bubbles with energy, (7) the moods,
interests, and emotions of the people. In the 1920, jazz (8)
like America. And (9) it does today. The (10)
of this music are as interesting as the music (11)
. American Negroes, or blacks, as they are called today, were the jazz
(12) . They were brought to the Southern states (13)
slaves. They were sold to plantat A. concerned B. itself C. available D. oneself [单选题]联锁试验必须在()内进行。
A.列车间隙 B.天窗 C.随时要点 D.维修天窗 [单选题]当欠缴税款的纳税人放弃到期债权,对国家税收造成损害致使税务机关无法追缴税款,税务机关可以请求人民法院行使( )。
A.抵押权 B.留置权 C.代位权 D.撤销权 [单项选择]甲公司将已交由铁路承运人运输并在途中的600吨大米出售给乙公司。甲乙双方就大米的风险承担没有约定。该案标的物毁损、灭失的风险自()时起由买受人承担。
A. 标的物交付承运人 B. 买卖合同成立 C. 交付买受人 D. 交付货款 [单项选择]在企业价值评估中,分别按单项资产加和法和收益法得出了企业评估结果,当收益法的评估结果大于单项资产加和法的结果时,这个差额通常被称做( )。
A. 商标 B. 专利权 C. 专营权 D. 商誉 [单选题]( )班幼儿应该学会使用筷子。
A.小班 B.中班 C.大班 D.学前班 [判断题]物料提升机空载试验,以提升机各工作速度进行上升、下降、变速和制动等动作,在全行程范围内,反复试验,不得少于3次。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]茵陈主要含有的化学成分是____和___。
A. A型血患者 B. B型血患者 C. O型血患者 D. O型血或B型血患者 E. O型血或A型血患者 [单项选择]男,42岁,高血压病史5年,近2周自感头痛头晕加重,伴心悸明显。查体:血压180/100mmHg。ECG示:二度Ⅱ型房室传导阻滞。控制血压不宜选择下列哪项()。
A. 卡托普利 B. 依那普利 C. 美托洛尔 D. 吲哒帕胺 E. 硝苯地平 [多选题]根据《行政强制法》规定,公民、法人或者其他组织对于行政机关实施的
行政强制,享有( )
A.陈述申辩权 B.申请行政复议的权利 C.提起行政诉讼的权利 D.抗辩权 我来回答: 提交