日 A. 15.6% B. 17.7% C. 18.9% D. 31.5%
Public x As Integer
Private Sub Commandl Click( )
Call sl
Call s2
MsgBox x
End Sub
Private Sub sl( )
End Sub
Private Sub s2( )
Dim x As Integer
End Sub
打开窗体运行后,如果单击命令按钮,则消息框的输出结果为【 】。
A. 10 B. 30 C. 40 D. 50
[单选题]以南宁2号线电客车为例,( )根据车辆载荷变化情况控制空气弹簧气囊的充气或排气?
A.差压阀 B.溢流阀 C.高度阀 D.安全阀
[多选题]深化科技体制改革,建立以( )的技术创新体系,加强对中小企业创新的支持,促进科技成果转化。 A.企业为主体 B.市场为导向 C.产学研深度融合 D.互联网+
[单选题]一二次融合开关设备的配电终端配套的取电电流互感器开路电压尖峰值宜不大于( )V,否则应加装开路保护器。 A.50 B.100 C.200 D.300
[单选题] 下列哪个物料在齿轮箱换油时不是必换件的(1.0分) A.. 防松铁丝 B.. 齿轮箱螺堵 C.. Φ20橡胶垫圈 D.. Φ50橡胶垫圈
[判断题]扫雪除冰安全规定:除雪工作结束后还要及时清点携带的除雪工具,防止因工具遗漏在道岔和线路上,造成列车碰撞工具等险情的发生。( ) A.正确 B.错误
[单选题]书面形式的密件在封面( )标明密级和保密期限。 A.A:标题上方。 B.B:标题下方。 C.C:左上角。 D.D:右上角。 E.略 F.略
[单选题]《铁路运输收入管理规程》规定,现付是指旅客票价,行李、包裹、货物运费以及发站发生的杂费实行发送核算制,由( )负责计费收款,发送运输企业审核列账。 A.发站 B.到站 C.大站 D.车站
[多选题]货币政策与财政政策的共性表现在( )。 A.都是需求管理政策 B.调节范围一致 C.调控目标一致 D.都存在政策时滞
[多项选择]房地产估价机构设立分支机构的条件包括( )等。 A. 房地产估价机构具有一、二级资质 B. 分支机构负责人应当是注册后从事房地产估价工作3年以上的专职注册房地产估价师 C. 在分支机构所在地有3名以上专职注册房地产估价师 D. 有固定的经营服务场所 E. 估价质量管理、估价档案管理、财务管理等各项内部管理制度健全
[判断题]大面积航班延误是指机场在某一时段内一定数量的进、出港航班 延误或者取消,导致大量旅客滞留的情况。 ( ) A.正确 B.错误
出付费区时,凭证为() A.A.工作制服 B.B.身份证 C.C.居住证 D.D.公务票或相关有效证件
[单项选择]患者女性,35岁。因下腹疼痛3天就诊。自述1周前曾在当地卫生院行经阴道手术。妇检:见阴道大量黄色分泌物,经阴道后穹隆穿刺出20ml血性、恶臭的脓性液,厌氧培养结果为革兰阴性杆菌。有关该菌生物学特征描述正确的是() A. 革兰阴性杆菌染色不均,具多形性 B. 胆盐可抑制其生长 C. 不发酵葡萄糖 D. 不能分解胆汁七叶苷 E. 不耐胆盐
[单项选择]足背动脉搏动可分为() A. 正常、增强、可疑、消失 B. 正常、减弱、可疑、消失 C. 正常、减弱、增强、消失 D. 正常、减弱、时有时无、消失
[单选题]灾害发生后,若需对配电线路、设备进行巡视,应得到()批准。 A.设备运维管理单位领导 B.设备运维管理单位 C.工作负责人 D.值班调控人员
[判断题] 在Visio中要将某个形状(如文档)从图表中删除,正确操作是单击并按DELETE键。 A.正确 B.错误
[单选题]列车车辆制动试验监测装置不包括( )。 A.列尾装置 B.数据接收处理主机 C.无线传输接发仪 D.无线风压监测仪
[单选题]会计监督是会计的()之一。 A.基本职能
[单项选择]根据预算法,我国对地方政府发行公债管理权限的规定是() A. 地方政府可自行发行公债 B. 地方政府发型公债的规模经国务院确定 C. 地方政府所属部门可根据实际情况发行公债 D. 地方公债用于解决本地区财政经费的不足
[单项选择]在建工程作业场所的临时疏散通道应采用不燃、难燃材料建造并与在建工程结构施工同步设置,临时疏散通道应具备与疏散要求相匹配的耐火性能,其耐火极限不应低于()h。 A. 0.20 B. 0.30 C. 0.50 D. 0.60
[多选题]下列属于杆件基本变形的是( )。 A.拉伸压缩 B.剪切与挤压 C.扭转 D.弯曲
[单选题]患者男性,56岁,头部摔伤1月,头痛、呕吐3天,CT示右颞顶新月形等密度病灶,中线轻度移位。治疗首选 A.开颅血肿清除术 B.去骨瓣减压术 C.钻孔引流术 D.保守治疗 E.以上都不对
[单选题]使用安全柜时,安全柜的移门开启保持( )的安全高度。 A.lOcm B.20cm C.30cm D.40cm E.50cm
[判断题]储油罐室、油处理室和柴油发电机房内应保证良好的通风,地面应采用防滑材料。 A.正确 B.错误
[判断题]超声波探伤系统所具有的探测最小缺陷的能力,称为仪器的灵敏度。( ) A.正确 B.错误
[单选题]鲁A12345,蓝牌车,行驶证核定载人数5人,载货汽车,车长为5000mm,总质量为4495KG,该车车型为()。 A.A.一类客车 B.一类货车 C.一类专项作业车 D.二类货车
[多选题]根据现行《公路土工试验规程》的规定,按土的粒径分为巨粒租、粗粒组和细粒组,下列属于巨粒租的有( )。 A.漂石 B.砾石 C.卵石 D.砂 E.粉粒
[多项选择]组成药物中含有人参、生姜、半夏的方剂是 A. 旋覆代赭汤 B. 半夏泻心汤 C. 小柴胡汤 D. 回阳救急汤
[判断题]( ) 高空作业区域下方出现与高处作业垂直交叉的其它作业,注意施工安全的情况下,可继续施工。 A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]不属于黏膜相关淋巴组织的是()。 A. 扁桃体 B. 支气管相关淋巴组织 C. M细胞 D. 脾 E. 小肠派氏集合淋巴结
The Weight Experiment Nicola Walters has been taking part in experiments in Scotland to discover why humans gain and lose weight. Being locked in a small room called a“calorimeter”(热量测量室)is one way to find out. 1. The signs above the two rooms read simply“Chamber One”and“Chamber Two”.These are the calorimeters:4m by 2m white-walled rooms where human volunteers are locked up in the name of science .Outside these rooms another sign reads“Please do not enter work in progress” and in front of the rooms advanced machinery registers every move the volunteers make.Each day,meals measured to the last gram are passed through a hole in the wall of the calorimeter to the resident volunteer. 2. Nicola Walters is one of twenty volunteers who,over the past eight months,have spent varying periods inside the calorimeter. Tall and slim,Nicola does not have a weight problem,but thought the strict diet might help with her training and fitness programme.As a self-employed community dance worker,she was able to fit the experiment in around her work .She saw an advert for volun- teers at her local gym and as she is interested in the whole area of diet and exercise,she thought she would help out. 3. The experiment on Nicola involved her spending one day on a fixed diet at home and the next in the room.This sequence was repeated four times over six weeks.She arrived at the calorimeter at8:30 am on each of the four mornings and from then on everything she ate or drank was carefully measured.Her every move was noted too,her daily exercise routine,timed to the last second. At regular intervals,after eating,she filled in forms about how hungry she felt and samples were taken for analysis. 4. The scientists help volunteers impose a kind of order on the long days they face in the room. “The first time,I only took one video and a book,but it was OK because I watched TV the rest of the time,”says Nicola. And twice a day she used the exercise bike. She pedaled(踩踏板) for half an hour,watched by researchers to make sure she didn't go too fast. 5. It seems that some foods encourage you to eat more,while others satisfy you quickly.Volun- teers are already showing that high-fat diets are less likely to make you feel full.Believing that they may now know what encourages people to overeat,the researchers are about to start testing a high-protein weight-loss diet. Volunteers are required and Nicola has signed up for further ses- slons。
Paragraph 1______
A.What does the calorimeter look like inside?
B.What program was designed for the experiment?
C.What is a calorimeter?
D.What is the first impression?
E.How do the volunteers kill the time?
F.Why did Nicola join in the experiments?
[单项选择]审定公司制期货交易所章程、交易规则及其修改草案是交易所()的职权。 A. 监事会 B. 董事会 C. 专门委员会 D. 股东大会
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