The effect of the baby boom on the
schools helped to make possible a shift in thinking about the role of public
education in the 1950’s. In the 1920’s but especially (21)
the Depression of the 1930’s, the United States experienced a
(22) birth rate. Then with the prosperity (23)
.on by the Second World War and the economic boom that followed it,
young people married and (24) households earlier and began
to (25) larger families than had their (26)
during the Depression. Birth rates rose to 102 per thousand in 1946,
106. 2 in 1950, and 118 in 1955 (27) economics was probably
the most important (28) . it is not the only
explanation for the baby boom. The increased value placed (29)
the idea of the family also helps to (30) this
rise in birth rates. The baby boomers began s A. conference B. symposium C. seminar D. discipline [判断题]行政处罚种类包括警告.罚款.没收违法所得.没收非法财物.责令停产停业.暂扣或者吊销许可证.暂扣或者吊销执照.行政拘留和法律.法规规定的其他行政处罚()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]钳花的方法是:双手拿钳花工具,在面坯适当位置,根据需要钳出造型。()
[多选题]在( )的工作场所,宜采用全面通风的方法控制有害物质积累。
A.有害物质发源地点固定 B.有害物质的扩散能控制在车间内一定范围 C.有害物质发源地点不固定 D.有害物质的扩散不能控制在车间内一定范围 [单项选择]下列属于我国行政诉讼法特有的基本原则的是()
A. 适用法律一律平等 B. 合法性审查 C. 审判公开 D. 两审终审制 [判断题]黄/绿双色线只能用于保护线。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下图中搭设的高度为28m的双排脚手架有哪些不妥之处:( )
A. 横向扫地杆未在纵向扫地杆下部 B. 脚手架的步距未达到2.0m C. 基础较高侧的纵向扫地杆未向低处延长两跨 D. 基础较高侧的纵向扫地杆未向低处延长三跨 E. 未在外侧全立面连续设置剪刀撑 我来回答: 提交