{{I}}Questions 18~21 are based on the following dialogue.{{/I}} |
Will chips one day be planted in our
bodies for identification A US doctor has planted under his skin a computer chip that can send personal information to a scanner(扫描仪), a technology that may someday be widely used as a way to identify people. The chip gives off information which will be scanned by a hand-held reader. The chip is similar to those planted in more than one million dogs, eats and other pets in recent years to track and identify them. The doctor decided to test the chip himself after the Word Trade Center disaster. The dead could have been identified if their names and other important information had been chipped. Officials of the company said they hope to sell the chips to patients with man-made arms or legs or other body parts. The idea is that the chip will provide immediate and correct medical A. catch escaped prisoners B. find missing children C. follow lost animals D. treat sick people [单项选择]单纯性肾病的临床特点应除外()
A. 高血压和血尿 B. 低蛋白血症 C. 大量蛋白尿 D. 高脂血症 E. 水肿 [判断题]有一只三相四线有功电能表,B相电流互感器反接达一年之久,累计电量为7000kWh,那么差错电量为7000kWh。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]At least since the Industrial Revolution, gender roles have been in a state of transition. As a result, cultural scripts about marriage have undergone change. One of the more obvious (31) has occurred in the roles that women (32) . Women have moved into the world of work and have become adept at meeting expectations in that arena, (33) maintaining their family rules of nurturing and creating a(n) (34) that is a haven for all family members. (35) many women experience strain from trying to "do it all," they often enjoy the increased (36) that can result from playing multiple roles. As women’s roles have changed, changing expectations about men’s roles have become more (37) . Many men are relinquishing their major responsibility (38) the family provider. Probably the most significant change in men’s roles, however, is in the emotional (39) of family life. Men are increasingly (40) to meet the emotiona
A. take B. do C. play D. show [单选题]热以电磁波的形式传递,称为()。
A. 热传导 B. 热对流 C. 热辐射 D. 热交换 [多项选择]洞按构造型式分为()。
A. 管涵 B. 盖板式涵 C. 拱涵 D. 暗涵 [单选题]煤矿全年原煤产量超过核定(设计)生产能力幅度在( )以上属于重大隐患。
A. 10% B. 8% C. 5% [多项选择]听证主持人有权决定与听证案件有关的()等到场参加听证。
A. 证人 B. 鉴定人 C. 勘验人 D. 要求举行听证的公民 [单项选择]能够与HCl-Mg反应,呈现红至紫红色的化合物是
A. 槲皮素 B. 大豆素 C. 红花苷 D. 矢车菊素 E. 硫磺菊素 [填空题]
Small, Imperfectly Formed One has to look a long time for an American politician of any political stripe who has failed to laud small businesses. Still, many have little clue as to what makes such businesses succeed or fail. Federal agencies aimed at helping small business, such as the Small Business Administration and the Minority Business Development Agency, have been around for half a century, yet persistent differences remain between the performance of businesses founded by white, male entrepreneurs and the rest. Blacks are less likely to be self-employed, for example, and when they are their businesses, on average, have lower sales and profits than do their white-or Asian-owned counterparts. If researchers could explain the causes of these differences, policy-makers could (at least in theory) supply small businesses with more useful help. Two researchers for the Census Bureau’s Centre for Economic Studies, Ron Jarmin [判断题]进行现场工作时,在合上交流(直流)电源前,应测量电源侧是否有直流(交流)电位。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]工会依法参加事故调查处理,但无权向有关部门提出处理意见。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交