During McDonald’s early years French fries were made from scratch every day, Russet Burbank potatoes were (31) , cut into shoestrings, and fried in its kitchens. (32) the chain expanded nationwide, in the mid-1960s, it sought to cut labour costs, reduce the number of suppliers, and (33) that its fries tasted the same at every restaurant. McDonald’s began (34) to frozen French fries in 1966 — and few customers noticed the difference. (35) the change had a profound effect on the nation’s agriculture and diet. A familiar food had been (36) into a highly processed industrial (37) McDonald’s fries now come from huge manufacturing plants (38) can process two million pounds of potatoes a day. The expansion (39) McDonald’s and the popularity of its low-cost, mass-produced fries changed the way Americans eat.
The (40) of McDonald’s French fries played a crucial role in t
A. As
B. Due to
C. Owing to
D. With
Michael Porter, who has made his name
throughout the business community by advocating his theories of competitive
advantages, is now swimming into even more shark-infested waters, arguing that
competition can save even America’ s troubled health-care system, the largest in
the world. Mr. Porter argues in "Redefining Health Care" that competition, if
properly applied, can also fix what ails this sector. That is a bold claim, given the horrible state of America’s health-care system. Just consider a few of its failings: America pays more per capita for health care than most countries, but it still has some 45m citizens with no health insurance at all. While a few receive outstanding treatment, he shows in heart-wrenching detail that most do not. The system, wastes huge resources on paperwork, ignores preventive care and, above all, has A. American spends more money on health care than on other services. B. Most Americans couldn’ t get their health insurance till their old age. C. Most American hospitals do not offer outstanding treatment to patients. D. The costs of health care are not steered towards a health direction. [单项选择]()奥黛丽·赫本于哪年同梅尔·费勒结婚?
A. 1954年 B. 1956年 C. 1958年 D. 1960年 [单选题]装饰施工中,顶棚抹灰宜搭设()脚手架。
A.临时 B.单排 C.满堂 D.双排 [单项选择]1943年10月30日()三国外长会议结束时,中、苏、美,英四国共同发表声明,首次正式提出建立联合国的问题。
A. 莫斯科 B. 伦敦 C. 德黑兰 D. 开罗 [多项选择]深度冷冻法生产氧气具有()存在着诸多危险有害因素,容易导致事故发生。
A. 高压 B. 低温 C. 易热 D. 易爆 [单选题]( )是指当电力网路中漏电电流达到危险值时,能自动切断电源的装置。
A.检漏保护装置; B.接地装置; C.过流保护装置; D.过载保护 [单选题]设有进站信号机引导接车时,应在进站信号机外方( )m内,便于确认的地点显示引导手信号。
A.20 B.25 C.30 D.35 [单项选择]患者男,36岁,二个月前因外伤一上前牙脱落口腔检查:左上1缺失,间隙正常,牙槽嵴无明显吸收。右上1牙冠1/2缺损,已露髓,探稍敏感,叩诊阴性,无松动。左上2牙冠良好,叩诊阴性,无松动。上下前牙牙龈轻度红肿,易出血,可见菌斑及牙石。余牙未见异常。下列关于左上2金瓷冠牙体预备的要求正确的是()
A. 切端磨除2mm B. 唇侧磨除1mm C. 唇侧龈边缘放龈上 D. 唇侧龈边缘位于龈沟底 E. 牙体预备分次磨除 [单项选择]心尖部听到隆隆样舒张期杂音伴第一心音亢进 提示
A. 二尖瓣关闭不全 B. 二尖瓣狭窄 C. 室间隔缺损 D. 三尖瓣狭窄 E. 主动脉瓣关闭不全 [多项选择]收银员受理银联信用卡时,检查防伪标志应包括()。
A. 银联标识 B. 银联全息防伪标志 C. 签名条 D. 保安标志 [判断题]27、诺西CU模块内置的功率放大器和收发信单元负责模拟信号的处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]我国著名的粮仓集中分布在哪些地区?
A.UAA B.UAG C.UGG D.UGA E.AUG [判断题]配合停电的同杆(塔)架设线路装设接地线要求与检修线路相同。()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交