The current political debate over
family values, personal responsibility, and welfare takes for granted the
entrenched American belief that dependence on government assistance is a recent
and destructive phenomenon. Conservatives tend to blame this dependence on
personal irresponsibility aggravated by a swollen welfare apparatus that saps
individual initiative. Liberties are more likely to blame it on personal
misfortune magnified by the harsh lot that falls to losers in our competitive
market economy. But both sides believe that A. people competed with each other fiercely for land B. many people worked for the railroad companies C. quite a few families made it on their own D. social and personal interdependence was indispensable to Americans [判断题]依据《钢结构工程施工质量验收规范》GB50205-2020,第7.2.1条,钢材切割面或剪切面应无裂纹、夹渣、毛刺和分层。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]不属于“旦”的分类的是()。
A. 正旦 B. 花旦 C. 老旦 D. 青衣 [多选题]区段站主要办理的作业有()
A.客运业务 B.货运业务 C.运转业务 D.机车业务 E.车辆业务 [单选题]管理员小张为了提高企业内部OA访问的安全性,他应首先考虑哪种技术来提高远程用户访问OA的安全性( )( 2 分)
A.VPN技术 B.Web防火墙技术 C.身份认证技术 D.访问控制技术 [简答题]办理结算业务中发现伪造变造的开户证明文件,如何处理?
A. 2,国际航空运输者协会(IATA. B. B.3,国际航空运输者协会(IAT C. 2,国际民航组织(ICAO) D. 3,国际民航组织(1CAO) [单项选择]全胃肠外营养的要求是()
A. 氮(g):热(kcal)比为1:(150~200) B. 钾:氮之比为5mmol:1g C. 定期补充脂肪乳剂 D. 氨基酸与葡萄糖同时滴注 E. 以上全对 [单选题]若辨证为行痹,除主穴外应配用的穴位是
A.肾俞、关元 B.大椎、曲池 C.肝俞、太冲 D.膈俞、血海 E.阴陵泉、足三里 [单项选择]From: ACA Events
To: Greg Underwood Subject: Registration forthe ACA Business Management Seminar Dear Mr. Underwood, You have successfully signed up for the ACA Business Management Seminar at the Harwood Hotel, Boston, on March 14. Your details are recorded in our files as follows: Name: Greg Underwood Position: Retail Manager ACA Member: No Registration Fee: Paid Booking Number: 77609 Accommodation: Booked If there are any errors or problems with this information, please email and let us know. Please find attached a schedule of events. As the date of the seminar approaches, you will be forwarded a copy of the seminar materials. It is hoped attendees will all make an effort to read these materials so that discussion at the event can be as engaging as possible. The ACA Events Team ACA Business Management Seminar B. Employment issues will be discussed in the morning. C. Ms. Harrison and Mr. Roster will copresent several sessions. D. The executive from P-Tech will make the closing address. [单选题] 等电位作业人员转移电位时,人体裸露部分与带电体的距离,330、500千伏不应小于( )米。
A. 0.2 B. 0.3 C. 0.4 D. 0.5 [简答题]近期,股票市场一路飘红,不少投资者把钱从银行取出,更有人卖房炒股,也有人苦于缺少投资理财的知识,持币观望。假如投资者向你咨询理财问题,请你提出建议。
[单选题]( )针对瘦狗类的战略业务单位,企业最常采取( )策略。
A.加大投入 B.维持 C.舍弃 D.发展 难易度:中 [多选题] 根据公安机关办理行政案件的有关规定,鉴定意见应当载明()。
A. 委托人 B. 委托鉴定事项 C. 鉴定时间 D. 结论性意见 [判断题]收付通业务的风险主体为代理行,因此仅需占用代理行单证额度和国家风险额度,无需占用客户授信额度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]党组织应当指定( )名正式党员作为入党积极分子的培养联系人。( )
A.1至2名 B.1至3名 C.2至3名 D.2至4名 [单选题]35kV-750kV:塔高50m以下角钢塔,杆塔倾斜度:>10‰,属于什么缺陷( )
A.其他缺陷 B.一般缺陷 C.重大缺陷 [判断题]>包扎炉底水管有利于节能及提高钢坯的加热质量。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]发生高压设备、导线接地故障时,在室内人体不得接近接地故障点()以内。
A.4m B.8m C.10m [单选题]生活区与施工区应严格划分,采用专用金属定型材料或砌块进行围挡,且高度( )。
A.不得低于1.5米 B.不得低于1.8米 C.不得低于2米 D.不得低于2.5米 [多选题]关于戊戌变法,下列表述准确的是( )。
A.戊戌变法时我国开始第一次向国外派遣留学生 B.戊戌变法之所以推动了中国近代化是因为兴办军事近代工业 C.戊戌变法时废除了八股文 D.戊戌变法是进步的爱国的运动 [多选题]煤矿应绘制井下作业人员管理系统设备布置图,图上标明分站、电源、中心站等设备的( ),并根据实际布置及时修改,报矿技术负责人审批。
A.位置 B.接线 C.传输电缆 D.供电电缆 我来回答: 提交