Skin Care
The eyes are described as the windows of the soul, the mouth as the courier of thought, and the nose as the servant of olfaction. The skin is just the frame to the picture. Unfortunately, many judge themselves according to this frame. They could either have feelings of content or censure of their own physical features. Good health and self-esteem go hand-in-hand during the process of exercising and establishing good health habits. The skin’s clarity of ache, wrinkles, and sunburns is merely assistance to their stature of confidence. Having healthy skin is a step to confidence. Becoming worry-free of appearances is practicing good sleeping, eating, and drinking habits that lead to the success of a healthy looking person. Adolescents need about 8-10 hours of sleep a night, and adults need less than that. However, the body needs to rest and save energy for ongoing activities. Eating properly from the four basic foo
A. feel contented or frustrated
B. feel indifferent
C. feel always confident
D. feel always fearful
A simple definition for a social
network is the circles of people you know. There are circles of your close
friends, others include your family, and yet others are of your acquaintances
from church, your job, or community life. The Internet offers yet another
opportunity for developing a social network with people who share something in
common with you but whose paths you wouldn’t have necessarily crossed because
they reside in other states or countries. Social networking on the Internet took off in popularity several years ago. Now there are over 200 sites where you can make new friends, find a date, exchange photos or make new business connections. Examples of some popular sites on the Internet include {{U}}MySpace@AE{{/U}}, FaceBook and Linkedin@AE. At MySpace you can create a private community to share phot A. filling out as less information as possible B. filling out as much information as possible C. filling out the information up to the lowest acceptable level D. filling out some private and personal information [单选题] 海啸发生发展速度快,通常以每小时大约()的速度扩展。短时间内就可席卷岛屿或大陆沿海地区,受灾区域广大。( )
A. 500~600km B. 600~700km C. 700~800km D. 800~900km [填空题]电务车载设备各项作业须纳入()管理,日常作业由段信息技术科逐级下达,临时作业由段调度科下达,严禁擅自作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]动车组用水设备包括:洗手盆、卫生间、电茶炉等。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]
一般资料:李某,男性,21岁,大学三年级学生。 A. 病理思维奔逸 B. 错觉 C. 特殊意义妄想 D. 幻觉 [单选题]我国把年平均雷暴日不超过(____)的地区叫少雷区。
A.10 B.15 C.40 D.90 [判断题]违反《汽车运输出境危险货物包装容器检验管理办法》规定,按照商检法及其实施条例、《危险化学品安全管理条例》等有关法律 法规规定处罚。;
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于发电机组,下列说法错误的是( )。
A.发电机组电源必须与其他电源互相锁闭 B.发电机组电源可以与其他电源并列运行 C.发电机组应采用电源中性点直接接地的三相四线制供电系统 D.发电机组应独立设置TN-S接零保护系统 [判断题]热辐射是以物体接触的方式传递热量的。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]西方许多企业和政府组织结构形式已经开始向扁平化方向发展。所谓组织扁平化,就是指通过减少行政管理层次,裁减冗余人员,从而建立一种扁平化组织结构。扁平化结构具有的优势有()。
A. 行政幅度增宽,行政层次减少,组织成员积极性提高 B. 行政幅度减少,行政层次减少,组织成员积极性提高 C. 行政权力分散,行政管理控制增强 D. 管理成本降低,工作效率大大提高 [单项选择]与鼻咽部前部处于同一平面的是()
A. 额窦 B. 筛窦 C. 蝶窦 D. 上颌窦 E. 上门齿 [单项选择]患者女性,42岁,反复低热并盗汗2个月。查体:左颈部锁骨上可及-3.0cm×3.5cm包块,无压痛,双侧腋窝多发肿大淋巴结。血常规无异常。B超示脾大,腹膜后、髂内外及双侧腹股沟区多发肿大淋巴结。TB-Ab阴性。肿瘤标志物蛋白芯片C12均在正常水平。左颈部锁骨上包块穿刺细胞学示炎性病变,遂行抗炎治4周,效不显,仍低热并伴消瘦。18F-FDGPET/CT显像示左颈部锁骨上、双侧腋窝、腹膜后、髂内外及双侧腹股沟多发淋巴结放射性分布异常浓聚,SUVave2.3~4.7,SUVmax3.5~8.9,脾大伴放射性分布散在性浓聚,SUVave3.8,SUVmax5.3;全身其余探测部位未见异常。18F-FDG PET/CT显像的作用包括()
A. 提供最初的诊断 B. 病变的临床分期 C. 选择合适的病理取材部位 D. 协助治疗计划的制定 E. 以上均是 [单选题]依据《环境影响评价法》,国务院有关部门、设区的市级以上地方人民政府 及其有关部门,对其组织编制的土地利用的有关规划、区域、流域、海域的 建设开发利用规划,应当在规划编制过程中组织进行环境影响评价,编写 ()。
A.环境影响报告表 B.环境影响登记表 C.环境影响报告书 D.有关环境影响的篇章或说明 [单选题]LPA不适用条款应填:
A.Y B.N C.N/A D.A/N [单选题]除牵引供电专业人员按规定作业外,任何人员及所携带的物件、作业工器具等须与牵引供电设备高压带电部分保持( )m以上的距离,与回流线、架空地线、保护线保持1m以上距离,距离不足时,牵引供电设备须停电。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [单选题]CRH380A统型动车组的中央装置可以用来选择列车信息控制系统的运行模式包括:一般、检修、诊断与 。
A.备用 B.自动 C.中断 D.观察 [单项选择]作为南京青奥会铁人三项比赛的场地是()
A. 老山国家森林公园 B. 玄武湖公园 C. 秦淮河风景区 D. 紫金山风景区 我来回答: 提交