Hypertension is the medical term for
persistent and sustained high blood pressure. It is one of the most
{{U}} (51) {{/U}} forms of heart disease. An understanding of blood
pressure in {{U}} (52) {{/U}}, healthy individuals is necessary in order
to understand hypertension. Blood pressure is simply the force {{U}} (53) {{/U}} against the walls of the body’s arteries (血管) as blood flows through. The force, produced primarily by the pumping {{U}} (54) {{/U}} of the heart, is essential for the {{U}} (55) {{/U}} of the blood and its life-supporting nutrients(营养) to all parts of the body. Every time the heart {{U}} (56) {{/U}}, called a systole, blood pressure increases. When the heart relaxes {{U}} (57) {{/U}} beats(diastole), the pressure decreases. The normal systolic pressure of a person at vest is between 100 to 140, and the norma A. condenses B. compresses C. concentrates D. contracts [多项选择]《建设工程委托监理合同(示范文本)》规定,监理人的主要义务包括( )。
A. 依法履行监理职责,公正维护委托人及有关方面的合法权益 B. 推荐选择工程的施工单位 C. 选派合格的监理人员及总监理工程师 D. 不得泄露与工程有关的保密资料 E. 代表委托人与承包人解决合同争议 [单选题] 计算机软件系统由计算机运行的程序、指令、程序所使用的数据以及相应的文档组成。下面关于程序的说法错误的是______。
A. 程序是为解决某一问题而设计的一系列有序的指令或语句的集合 B. 程序在计算机内部用二进制数表示 C. 指令在计算机内部也用二进制数表示 D. 程序用十进制数表示,指令用二进制数表示 [单选题]甲县检察机关作出不起诉决定后,被不起诉人李某在押,公安机关应当( )。
A.取保候审 B.监视居住 C.监外执行 D.立即释放 [单选题]在光绪皇帝发布的新政诏令中,并没有采纳维新派多次提出触及封建制度的根本的主张是( )。
A.设议院、开国会、制宪法等政治主张 B.保护和奖励农工商业 C.设立译书局,翻译外国书籍 D.创设学堂,提倡西学 [单项选择]大型建设工程项目总进度目标论证的核心工作是通过()。
A. 编制总进度纲要,论证总进度目标实现的可能性 B. 分析工程发包组织方式,论证总进度目标分解的合理性 C. 分析施工技术方面的资料,论证总进度目标的控制措施 D. 分析施工组织资料,论证总进度目标实现的条件 [单选题]风压的国际单位是( )。
A.牛肚 B.帕斯卡 C.公斤力 D.千克 [简答题] Biotechnology is the name that has been given to a very wide range of agricultural, industrial and medical technologies that make use of living (47)______ (e.g., plants or animals) or parts of living organisms to provide new products and services.
Biotechnology’’s (48)______ lie in the ancient crafts of brewing(酿造), baking and the production of fermented(发酵) foods such as yoghurt and cheese. It was not until 1859 that the cause of both desirable and (49)______ changes in food was identified. Louis Pasteur provided a scientific understanding of these natural processes, which helped to improve the (50)______ of traditional fermentations and ensure the safe (51)______ of food and drink.
Pasteur thought that living organisms were always needed to bring about the changes which occur during fermentation. Towards the end of the last century, however, it was realized that non-living extracts from cells could also cause changes that are normally associated with the activities of w
[判断题]不管哪种采煤方法,工作面相对瓦斯涌出量随产量增大而增加。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]财政政策实现资源的优化配置的核心问题是:
A.收支平衡 B.充分就业 C.价格稳定 D.财政资金的投向问题 [判断题]杆塔上下无法避免垂直交叉作业时,应做好防落物伤人的措施,作业时要相互照应,密切配合。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]影响革兰染色结果的因素除培养基成分、培养条件外,还有()
A. 干燥 B. 固定 C. 脱色 D. 涂片 E. 操作技术 [比较题](1).药品生产企业必须遵守()|(2).药品批发企业必须遵守()|(3).医疗机构()|(4).个体零售药店必须遵守()
A. 《药品管理法》 B. 《药品流通监督管理办法》 C. 两者均是 D. 两者均不是 [单选题]行政主体权利处分的有限性决定了行政纠纷的( )。
A.不可调解性 B.法定性 C.单方面性 D.恒定性 我来回答: 提交