The early retirement of experienced
workers is seriously harming the U.S. economy, according to a new report from
the Hudson Institute, a public policy research organization. Currently, many
older experienced workers retire at an early age. According to the recently
issued statistics, 79 percent of qualified workers begin collecting retirement
benefits at age 62; if that trend continues, there will be a labor shortage that
will hinder the economic growth in the twenty-first century. Older Americans constitute an increasing proportion of the population, according to the US. Census Bureau, and the population of those over age 65 will grow by 60% between 2001 and 2020. During the same period, the group aged 18 to 44 will increase by only 4%. Keeping older skilled workers employed, even part time, would increase U.S. economic output and strengthen the ta A. (A) is calling attention to the privileges to which baby-boomers are entitled B. (B) is calling for the government to take counter measures against labor shortage C. (C) is refuting a notion about experienced workers’ early retirement D. (D) is justifying the ineffectiveness of federal tax and benefit policies [判断题]压力管道操作人员应该努力学习业务知识,不断提高操作技能。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]如果三元催化转换器良好,后氧传感器信号波动()。
A. 频率高 B. 增加 C. 没有 D. 缓慢 [单项选择]对已经完成的项目的规划目标、执行过程、效益、作用和影响所进行的系统客观的分析,称为______。
A. 项目评估 B. 项目决策分析 C. 项目后评价 D. 项目执行管理 [判断题]特种作业人员应持证上岗,未取得《特种作业证》的人员一律不得从事特种作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]依据《职业病防治法》的规定,国内首次进口与职业病危害有关的化学材料,进口单位应当向有关部门报送该化学材料的毒性鉴定以及登记注册或者批准进口的文件等资料。受理上述文件资料的有关部门是()。
A. 国务院卫生行政部门与公安部门 B. 国务院安全监管部门与工业和信息化管理部门 C. 国务院卫生行政部门和安全监管部门 D. 国务院公安部门与安全监管部门 [单项选择]失去雏鸟的美国红雀到池边给金鱼喂食,雌性动物产生繁殖行为的主要因素是()
A. 雌性激素 B. 雄性激素 C. 环境刺激 D. 兴趣所致 [单项选择]用80mm×50mm×6mm不等边角钢,内煨外径为800mm的角钢圈,则料长l。为()(角钢中性层Y0=26.5mm)。
A. 2336.8㎜ B. 2346.8㎜ C. 2356.8㎜ D. 2355.8mm [单选题]用人单位申请减免残疾人就业保障金的最高限额不得超过( )的保障金应缴额,申请缓缴保障金的最长期限不得超过( )。
A.6个月,6个月 B.1年,6个月 C.6个月,1年 D.1年,1年 [单选题]以下哪一项不属于“聚焦城市服务辐射能级,建设地铁新线精品工程”的内容?()
A.优化提升地铁线网功能 B.提高新一轮轨交建设标准 C.持续推进创新平台建设 D.推广地铁智慧建造 [判断题] 倒闸操作中发生疑问时,可依据现场情况更改操作项。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]什么是视频?简述视频图像的数字化过程。
A.等于 B.大于 C.小于 D.不一定 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Narrow Escape
We had left the hut too late that morning. When we stepped outside,the sky beyond the mountains to our east was already livid with colour. It meant the day would be a hot one,and the warmth would loosen rocks that were gripped by ice. As soon as we stepped out on to the face,it became obvious this was going to be an awkward route. The main problem was talus,the debris that collects on mountainsides. Talus is despised by mountaineers for two reasons. First,because it can easily be pushed off on to you by people climbing above. And second,because it makes every step you take insecure. For about 30 minutes we moved steadily up the face. The rock was in poor condition, shattered horizontally and mazed with cracks. When I tried to haul myself up on a block of it,it would pull out towards me,like a drawer opening. My hands became progressively wetter and colder. Then came a shout.“Cailloux!Cailloux!”I heard yelled from above,in a female voice. The words echoed down towards us. I looked up to see where they had come from. There were just two rocks at first,leaping and bounding down the face towards us,once cannoning off each other in mid-air. And then the air above suddenly seemed alive with falling rocks,humming through the air and filling it with noise. Crack,went each one as it leapt off the rock face,then hum-hum-hum as it moved through the air,then crack again. The pause between the cracks lengthened each time,as the rocks gained momentum and jumped further and further. I continued to gaze up at the rocks as they fell and skipped towards me. A boy who had been a few years above me at school had taught me never to look up during a rock fall.“Why?Because a rock in your face is far less pleasant than a rock on your helmet,”he told us.“Face in,always face in.” I heard Toby,my partner on the mountain that day,shouting at me. I looked across. He was safe beneath an overhanging canopy of rock. I could not understand him. Then I felt a thump,and was tugged backwards and round,as though somebody had clamped a heavy hand on my shoulder and turned me to face them. A rock had hit the lid of my rucksack. I looked up again. A rock was heading down straight towards me. Instinctively,I leant backwards and arched my back out from the rock to try to protect my chest. What about my fingers,though,I thought:they'll be crushed flat if it hits them,and I'll never get down. Then I heard a crack directly in front of me,and a tug at my trousers,and a yell from Toby. “Are you all right?That went straight through you.”The rock had pitched in front of me, and passed through the hoop of my body,between my legs,missing me but snatching at my clothing as it went. Toby and I had spent the evening talking through the events of the morning:What if the big final stone hadn't leapt sideways,what if I'd been knocked off,would you have held me, would I have pulled you off?A more experienced mountaineer would probably have thought nothing of it.I knew I would not forget it. What is sarcastic in the words of the boy in paragraph four? A.He didn't keep his“face in”. B.Not every climber wears a helmet. C.It is very difficult not to look up during a rockfall. D.Being hit by a rock isn't“pleasant”at all. [判断题]凡办理人民币存取款业务的金融机构(以下简称金融机构)应无偿为公众兑换残缺、污损人民币,不得拒绝兑换。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]在资源税中,下列应税资源产品可以采用代扣代缴方式征收的有()。
A. 原油 B. 铜矿石 C. 天然气 D. 石棉矿 E. 煤炭 [单项选择]《民用航空器事故和飞行事故征候调查规定》,民航局事故调查职能部门应当在事故发生后()天内向国际民航组织提交初始报告。
A. 7 B. 14 C. 28 D. 30 [判断题]三相五线制控制电路道岔由定位表示时使用X1、X2、X4。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]保和丸中配伍莱菔子的主要用意是
A.消食止泻 B.下气消食 C.消食导滞 D.化滞解酒 E.消积和胃 [多项选择]在员工招聘中,情景模拟是一种很有效的招聘方法,这种方法( )。
A. 设计简单,易于操作 B. 往往适用于招聘中高级管理人员 C. 费用成本比较高 D. 包括无领导小组讨论、角色扮演、案例分析等多种方式 E. 前期准备工作时间短 [单选题]由于泵内存在空气,泵入口的( )将无法形成和保持。
A.压力 B.真空 C.空气 [多项选择]在探放水钻机的()的给进手把活动范围内,不准站人。
A. 后面 B. 前面 C. 侧面 [多项选择]在社区卫生调查中常用的抽样调查方法有()
A. 普查 B. 定量抽样 C. 定性抽样 D. 概率抽样 E. 非概率抽样 [单选题]近电预警器的音量变()时,应更换电池。
A.小 B.长 C.短 D.大 [单项选择]已经获得除( )以外的所有运行所需资源的进程处于就绪状态。
A. 存储器 B. CPU C. 外设 D. 磁盘空间 [判断题]按燃烧对象可分为固体火灾、液体火灾、气体火灾。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 我们说的共产主义,是指一种( )
A.科学的理论 B.现实的运动 C.未来的社会制度 D.没有矛盾的社会形态 [单选题]()对于旅游相当于律师对于()
A.游客 被告 B.导游 诉讼 C.景点 法官 D.游览 辩护 [单选题]下列关于传动系统的说法错误的是( )。
A.机械传动效率高 B.液力传动可实现无极变速 C.液力传动的燃油经济性低 D.大功率接触网作业车宜采用机械传动 [名词解释]建筑物区分所有权
A. 整个事务都会回滚 B. 第二条语句的执行结果会被完全回滚,第一条语句的执行结果则会被提交 C. 第二条语句的执行结果会被完全回滚,第一条语句的执行结果不会被提交 D. 只有违反约束的更新操作被回滚,其他结果都会被提交 E. 只有违反约束的更新操作被回滚,其他不会被提交 [单项选择]为防止肌肉痉挛,夏季进行长时间的运动时,要注意补充;冬季锻练时,要注意保暖。()
A. 盐份 B. 水 C. 钙 D. 糖 [单选题]施工起重机械和整体提升脚手架、模板等自升式架设设施安装完毕后,安装单位应当自检,出具自检合格证明,并向()进行安全使用说明,办理验收手续并签字。
A.设计单位 B.建设单位 C.施工单位 D.监理单位 E.略 F.略 [填空题]社会主义的根本任务是()。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]游客在( )情况下要求调换房间,导游应予以满足。
A.房间有老鼠 B.楼层不好 C.房间看不到风景 D.夏天空调不制冷 E.浴缸有污迹 [多选题]对矿井企业员工要进行应急救援常识培训教育,内容包括( )。
A.生产形势分析 B.应急处置、撤离、报告 C.典型案例分析 D.事故征兆判断 我来回答: 提交