A new look at an asteroid orbiting the
sun shows it could possibly smash into the Earth with tremendous force.
But experts say the potential impact is still 872 years away, time enough
for the speeding space rock to alter its course. Named 1950DA, the asteroid--1 kilometer wide--is the most threatening to the Earth of all of the known large asteroids, but the odds are only adout one in 300 that it would impact the planet, researchers said. "One in 300 is pretty long odds," said Jon D. Giorgini, a scientist in Califonia. "I’m not personally going to worry about it. It is so far in the future that lots of things could change." There are approximately 1,000 asteroids bigger than a kilometer that can pass near the Earth in their orbit of the sun. About 580 have been found and their orbits plotted. Of these, only 1950DA represen A. nothing can alter the course of an asteroid in its orbit of the sun B. only about one in 300 asteroids near the sun would hit the Earth C. scientist have managed to identify all the asteroids orbiting the sun D. there is no immediate threat to the Earth from an asteroid [单选题]以下哪项服务对财富管理签约客户收取费用?( )
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