More than three years after moving from
Australia to this remote part of England, we are still learning how things are
done here. Not too long after we arrived and unpacked, we were invited for "a drink on Sunday morning" by a retired couple nearby. We got there about noon, to find the living-room crowded—lots of chat and discussions, and on all a very jolly occasion. Trouble was, there was no food—no self-respecting Australian would regard a tray of crisps as food. In Sydney, when you are invited for a drink any time after midday on a Sunday, you know you will be fed as well as watered and you plan accordingly. Meaning the hard-worked little woman makes no plans to cook lunch because you are eating out. By one-fifteen my stomach was sending up "please explain" to me. Even the crisps had gone. There was nothing we could do except wait, an A. (A) the only people there B. (B) given lunch as well C. (C) taken to a restaurant for lunch D. (D) asked to take some food with them [单选题]已知在标准状态下,铜离子无法氧化碘离子(EθCu2+/Cu+=0.17V.EθI2/I-=0.535V);但若生成CuI沉淀后情况会有所变化。通过计算判定(均在标准状态下)2Cu2++4I-→2CuI↓+I2↓反应的方向(KspCuI=l.1×10-12)()。
A.A.0.41V.反应向左进行 B.B.0.52V.反应向左进行 C.C.O.76V.反应向右进行 D.D.0.88V.反应向右进行 [判断题]通常给水管应铺在排水管下面。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]道岔轨撑是防止基本轨的倾覆、扭转和( )移动的支撑件,安装在基本轨外侧。
A.纵向 B.横向 C.轨向 D.向上 [多选题]根据《合同法》的规定,下列合同中,属于效力待定合同的有()。
A.甲、乙恶意串通订立的损害第三人丙利益的合同 B.某公司法定代表人超越权限与善意第三人丙订立的买卖合同 C.代理人甲超越代理权限与第三人丙订立的买卖合同 D.限制民事行为能力人甲与他人订立的买卖合同 [单项选择] Russian president Vladimir Putin has inadvertently (不注意地) spotlighted one of today’’s momentous mysteries: collapsing birthrates in industrialized countries. Putin proposed that Russia pay women to have children to remedy a "critical" population outlook. Actually, he might have said "desperate." In 2000, Russia’’s population totaled almost 147 million.
Russia’’s case, though extreme, isn’’t isolated. There’’s no more population "explosion." In wealthier countries, motherhood is going out of style and plunging birthrates portend population loss. One way or another, the side effects will be massive for economics, politics and people’’s well being. Indeed, they may already have started. Is it a coincidence that Germany and Italy, two countries on the edge of population decline, are so troubled
First, some facts. On average, women must have two children for a society to replace itself. The actual number of children per woman is called the "total fertility rate," or TFR. Here
A. Growing urbanization. B. Women’’s access to education and jobs. C. More divorces. D. None of the above. [单项选择]抢救经呼吸道吸入的急性中毒,首要采取的措施是
A. 清除尚未吸收的毒物 B. 排出已吸收的毒物 C. 使用解毒剂 D. 对症治疗 E. 立即脱离现场及急救 [单选题]中国“复兴号”动车组采用的标准涵盖了动车组基础通用、( )、走行装置、司机室布置及设备、牵引电气、制动及供风、列车网络标准、运用维修等10多个方面。
A.车体 B.端墙 C.车窗 D.车顶 [单项选择]数据管理技术随着计算机技术的发展而发展。数据库阶段具有许多特点,但下面列出的特点中, ______ 不是数据库阶段的特点。
A. 数据结构化 B. 数据面向应用程序 C. 数据共享性高 D. 数据具有较高的独立性 [单项选择]《证券法》规定,在证券交易活动中做出虚假陈述或者信息误导的,责令改正,处以()的罚款。
A. 3万元以上20万元以下 B. 5万元以上20万元以下 C. 10万元以上30万元以下 D. 10万元以上50万元以下 [单项选择]
The current French bestseller lists are wonderfully eclectic. In (1) . there is everything (2) blockbuster thrillers to Catherine Miller’s La Vie Sexuelle de Catherine M., a novel which has been (3) praised as high art and (4) as upmarket porn. Then there are novels (5) the sticky questions of good and (6) (Le Demon et Mademoiselle Prym) and faith versus science m the modern world (L’apparition). Philosophical (7) continue in the non-fiction list. (8) this week by Michel Onfray’s "Antimanuel de Philosophic". a witty talk (9) some of philosophy’s perennial debates. Those who like their big issues in small chunks are also enjoying Frederic Beigbeder’s Dernier Inventaire avant Liquidation. a survey of France’s (10) 20th-century books, (11) with Mr. Beigbeder’s (12) humour from the title on (The 50 books of the Century Chosen by You and Critiqued by [单选题]基层是路面结构中的承重层,主要承受车辆荷载的(),并把面层下传的应力扩散到路基。
A.竖向力 B.冲击力 C.水平力 D.剪切力 [单选题]新生儿期是指自出生后脐带结扎起至生后
A.26天为止 B.27天为止 C.28天为止 D.29天为止 E.30天为止 [多选题]关于启炉,下列说法正确的是( )
A.启炉时长不超过12小时 B.标记启炉的起始点是推料器动作推料时刻 C.启炉期间炉膛中上部断面5分钟平均温度大于850℃ D.鉴于垃圾入炉会出现低温现象,建议在国发平台炉温5分钟870℃—890℃开始标记 [单项选择]有关喉阻塞的描述下列哪项是错误的()。
A. 常有吸气性软组织凹陷 B. 肺部叩诊呈过清音 C. 喉喘鸣声音与阻塞程度相关 D. 气管切开是解决喉阻塞的有效手段 E. 病情紧急可先行环甲膜切开术 [多项选择]全厂性的生产流程的组织与布置有三种基本类型,下面说法正确的是( )。
A. 纵向生产路线布置:沿厂区或车间纵轴方向布置 B. 横向生产线路布置:垂直于厂区或车间纵轴方向布置 C. 交叉布置 D. 多回线型布置 E. 树状布置 [判断题]救援目的地为场段时,司机在转换轨处注意转换手持对讲机频组,运行过程中须认真确认进路、信号、道岔位置,发现异常情况或危及行车安全时,必须立即采取停车措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]考察内部一致性信度的方式主要有( )。
A.分半信度 B.同质性信度 C.复本信度 D.重测信度 E.专家判断法 [多选题]下列哪些属于可以撤销行政许可的情形?
A.超越法定职权作出准予行政许可决定的 B.行政许可所依据的法律、 法规、 规章修改或者废止 C.违反法定程序作出准予行政许可决定的 D.准予行政许可所依据的客观情况发生重大变化的 我来回答: 提交