We were in the middle of an argument.My mother
wanted me to wear a certain saree(莎丽)for my cousin’s wedding.I neither wanted to
wear the chosen saree nor was I interested in the wedding.She walked away in
anger murmuring something about the present generations’stubborn ways.We finally
worked out a compromise.I wore what I wanted to but I did end up going to the
wedding. I can’t help looking back on that incident with a trace of amusement.In a way, it stood for that swange relationship between a grown daughter and her middle-aged mother.After years of growing up on her values and following in her footsteps, I was finally struggling to insist on my A. she still needed her mother’s support B. it was her turn to take care of her mother C. her mother was sick and should see a doctor D. it was somewhat cruel to leave her mother alone at home [单选题]54.国网典设湖南省深化版中窄基塔在2000m 海拔高度及以下的最大使用档距为( )m。
A.60 B.80 C.100 D.120 [单项选择]“宰相肚里能撑船”最早用来形容怎样的大度()。
A. 原谅小人背后暗箭 B. 原谅妻妾偷野食 C. 原谅冤枉自己的人 [单选题]4.治疗具有严重细胞免疫缺陷患儿的重要措施是
A.保护性隔离 B.采用抗生素作预防性治疗 C.输新鲜血 D.免疫球蛋白替代疗法 E.免疫重建或替代疗法 [单项选择]链球菌感染后肾炎,补体C3恢复时间为()。
A. 起病2周以内 B. 起病4周以内 C. 起病8周以内 D. 起病3个月以内 E. 起病6个月以内 [单项选择]三国时期下列地区中经济发展水平最高的是______
A. 黄河流域 B. 西南地 C. 江东地区 D. 荆州地区 [单选题]近电作业,当作业人员或机械器具与66~110kV带电设备的最小距离小于( )m风险控制值时,施工项目部应编写安全施工方案,并将安全施工方案提交运维单位备案。
A.A-7.5 B.B-6.5 C.C-5.5 D.D-4.5 E.略 F.略 G.略 [单选题]钢梁联结系的作用是把两片主桁架联结形成一个稳定的空间体系,并承受( )。
A.静载 B.恒载 C.横向荷载 D.水平荷载 [单项选择]除非特别说明,在计算利息时,给出的利息率均为()。
A. 月利率 B. 季利率 C. 半年利率 D. 年利率 [填空题]智力的核心是__________。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Organic farmers had fought to prevent genetically-engineered crops from being (67) organic, and it could (68) for them. Plants genetically (69) to resist insects and other pests (70) about 15-percent of United States crop production, but it has become a (71) 15-percent. Several European countries are refusing to (72) genetically-engineered crops from the United States. Jim Skiff, president of the Illinois-based company U-S Soy, says his company will not grow crops with genetically modified organisms, known as G-M-O for short.
But the biotechnology industry is fighting back. Here’s an advertisement produced by the Washington-based Council for Biotechnology Information. The biotech industry received a (n) (73) in April, (74) a National Academy of Sciences report (75) that C-M-O crops appear to be safe. G-M-O supporters called the report proof (76) fears of these crops are (77) A. fund B. pledge C. recommendation D. boost [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》(Q/CSG510001-2015)第20. 2. 2条规定:安全带应采用( )的方式,不应系挂在移动、锋利或不牢固的物件上。
A.低挂低用 B.低挂高用 C.高挂低用 D.高挂高用 [判断题]无论高压配电线路、设备是否带电,巡视人员不得单独移开或越过遮栏;若有必要移开遮栏时,应工区领导同意,并保持表3-1规定的安全距离。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]开关和熔断器的容量应满足被保护设备的要求。闸刀开关应有保护罩。可用其他金属丝代替熔丝。( )
A..正确 B..错误 [填空题]二次接线图中FA表示( )。
[单选题]装设柱上开关(包括柱上断路器、柱上负荷开关)的配电线路停电,应( )。送电操作顺序与此相反。
A.先断开柱上开关,后拉开隔离开关(刀闸) B.先拉开隔离开关(刀闸),后断开柱上开关 C.先停主线开关,后停支线柱上开关 D.先停支线柱上开关,后停主线开关 [单选题]综合监控报警队列中的()等级报警信息、设备故障信息,行车值班员必须立即确认
A.红色 B.橙色 C.黄色 D.蓝色 [单项选择]下列关于保险产品定价的描述中,错误的是( )。
A. 对于人寿保险产品而言,死亡率越高,产品费率越高 B. 预定利率的增加或减少对采用自然保费的保单无影响 C. 预定利率的增加或减少对采用趸交保费和均衡保费的保单都有影响 D. 在未来理赔金额确定的情况下,预定利率增加会减少现值,保费会降低 我来回答: 提交