It was a holiday weekend. The police officers were
sitting in a hot room{{U}} (56) {{/U}}in-structions(指示)from their
captain. One of these officers{{U}} (57) {{/U}}Ed Williams. He and ten
other officers were on special{{U}} (58) {{/U}}because they knew that
two weeks{{U}} (59) {{/U}}over 400 people had died from accidents{{U}}
(60) {{/U}}by drivers. Over 4,000 people had received seri-ous
injuries, all caused by drunken drivers. The{{U}} (61) {{/U}}would try
their best to prevent{{U}} (62) {{/U}}accidents before they
happened. Joe Forest was{{U}} (63 A. enjoying himself B. breaking the law C. drinking and driving D. drinking at his sister’s [单项选择]
Humans not only love eating ice cream, they enjoy (21) it to their pets. Market studies show that two thirds of all dog owners give ice cream to the dogs. (22) , says William Tyznik, an expert in animal nutrition at Ohio State University, "ice cream is not good for dogs. It has milk sugar in it," he says, "which dogs cannot (23) very well." [单项选择]读者每本图书所借最长期限是多少天?()
A. 90 B. 60 C. 30 D. 50 [多选题] [中] ( )在银幕或屏幕上,通过蒙太奇表现,呈现出多种复杂的时间形态,这些形态大致有以下几种表现?
A.压缩 B.延长 C.停滞 D.实时 [单选题]糖皮质激素的不良反应不包括( )
A.满月脸 B.高血压 C.骨质疏松 D.抗炎 [简答题]操纵内燃机车时,提、回手柄有何要求?
[单项选择]据报载,动物走私使得多种动物面临着灭绝的 (102) 。全世界每年有200多万只野生动物 (103) 杀害。而走私和为走私而进行的偷猎是造成这种 (104) 的最重大、最 (105) 的原因之一。生物学家们根据化石分析得出的结果认为,一种鸟类的自然灭绝至少 (106) 两万年,一种兽类为60万年。但人类进入工业化的时代,竟使自然界的生灵的灭绝 (107) 加快了一千乃至几千倍。10年前,平均每4天有一种动物绝迹;而现在,这个时间已 (108) 为4个小时。
A. 效果 B. 恶果 C. 场面 D. 形状 [判断题]低压开关(熔丝)拉开(取下)后,应在适当位置悬挂“禁止合闸,有人工作!”或“禁止合闸,线路有人工作!”标示牌。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]断层的倾角表明了断层的( )。
A.倾向 B.走向 C.倾斜程度 [单项选择]下列文件中,不属于多媒体范畴的文件是______。
A. .MP3 B. .AVI C. .JPEG D. .SYS [单选题]烟火报警探测器控制按钮中,哪一个能使系统复位并重新正常运行( )。
A.复位 B.停用 C.Fire 1测试 D.即时故障探测 [单选题]多人同时挖土操作时,应保持足够的安全距离,横向间距不得小于2m,纵向间距不得小于( )m,禁止面对面进行挖掘作业。
A.1 B.2 C.2.5 D.3 我来回答: 提交