Business and Social Responsibility{{/B}} Today more and more people believe that business should play an active role in improving society and solving social problems. For example, we expect that businesses will take care not to pollute the air we breathe or the water we drink. We also expect them to offer fair wages and employee benefits and to provide a satisfactory product or service at a reasonable price. Many companies recognize this and have stated publicly that they will act as a good citizen. They support local arts, build parks, raise funds for charities, and try to put back some of their profits into the community that has made their s A. reward children with food B. observe changes and wants in society C. build parks for people D. maximize its profits [单选题]乌申斯基的代表作(),对心理学发展成果进行了总结。
A.《大教学论》 B.《人是教育的对象》 C.《教育心理学》 D.《教育心理大纲》 [多项选择]200年6月,朝鲜与韩国最高领导人实现了历史性会晤。会晤取得的共识有
A. 应由朝鲜民族自主地解决朝鲜统一问题 B. 致力解决离散家庭团聚等问题 C. 加强经济文化等方面的交流与合作 D. 尽快举行当局之间的对话 E. 用联邦制的方式解决国家统一问题 [多选题](232586)可承受的风险是根据企业的(),企业可接受的风险。
A.法律义务 B.HSE方针 C.承受能力 D.心理状态 [单选题]延长环是一种()金具。
A.线夹 B.拉线 C.连接 D.接续 [单项选择]关于慢性肾衰竭患者的饮食治疗,下列哪项是错误的()
A. 低蛋白饮食,蛋白质摄入量根据GFR调整 B. 低热量饮食 C. 少尿和高血压患者给予低盐饮食 D. 食用富含维生素、易消化食物 E. 优质动物蛋白,尽量减少植物蛋白 [单项选择]高血糖患者慎用或禁用的利尿药物是 ()
A. 呋塞米 B. 氢氯噻嗪 C. 螺内酯 D. 氨苯蝶啶 E. 甘露醇 [单选题]下列动物的重量接近于15牛的是()。
A.一头小牛 B.一只蚂蚁 C.一只猫 D.一头象 我来回答: 提交