Most people who travel long distance
complain of jetlag. Jetlag makes business travelers less productive and more
prone (21) making mistakes. It is actually caused by
(22) of your "body clock" --a small cluster of brain cells
that controls the timing of biological (23) . The body clock
is designed for a (24) rhythm of daylight and darkness, so
that it is thrown out of balance when it (25) daylight and
darkness at the "wrong" times in a new time zone. The (26)
of jetlag often persist for days (27) the internal body
clock slowly adjusts to the new time zone. Now a new anti-jetlag syst A. signs B. defects C. diseases D. symptoms [单项选择]人体分布最广泛的组织是()。
A. 上皮组织 B. 疏松结缔组织 C. 肌组织 D. 神经组织 [单选题]炎症时首先起血管反应的是( )
A.细动脉 B.毛细血管 C.小静脉 D.小动脉 E.细静脉 [单选题]框构桥涵顶进,钢刃脚用厚度在( )以上钢板制成。
A.5mm B.8mm C.15mm D.10mm [单选题](44791)曲线超高应在整个缓和曲线内顺完,允许速度 vmax≤120km/h 的其他线路顺坡坡度一般应不大于
()。(1.0分) A.1/(9vmax) B.1/(9vmin) C.1/vmax D.1/vmin [简答题]什么情况下制动梁或下拉杆脱落列行车事故?
[单选题] 在顶板破碎煤质松软大采高时还要设置( ),改善煤壁片帮的影响。
A.侧护板; B.插板; C.护帮板; D.后侧护板; [填空题]在树形结构中,没有前件的结点是______。
[单选题]借记支付业务以( )作为轧差依据。
A.回执包中的成功交易 B.回执包 C.贷记批量包 D.贷记单笔业务 [单项选择]脓胸进入慢性期常出现下列情况,除外()
A. 消耗性体质 B. 贫血、低蛋白血症 C. 低热、气促、咳嗽 D. 患侧胸廓饱满 E. 患侧呼吸音减低或消失 [判断题]钢轨伸缩调节器由基本轨、尖轨、扣件系统、轨枕等组成。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]夜间白色灯光左右小摇动是停留车位置信号。()
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]教育成果数量指标
A. Cache B. 磁带 C. 硬盘 D. 内存 [单项选择]{{B}}第二篇{{/B}}