A. Great, I love pets.
B. It doesn’ t really matter.
C. No problem.
D. I’ d rather you didn’ t, actually.
E. Don’ t worry.
F. It’ s good to see you again.
G. Can’ t you stay a little longer
H. I’ m very happy.
Questions 191-195 refer to the
following advertisement and e-mail. THE 20TH ANNUAL HOME ELECTRONICS SHOW January 20-24 Join us at the Convention Center to see the latest in home electronics. Companies from around the country will display new model stereos, TVs, and sound systems for home use, as well as the latest in home security devices. Don’t miss the special domestic robot demonstrations. See robots clean floors, wash dishes, even take out the garbage! Admission to the show costs $10 for adults, $5 for children ages 5-12. Children under 5 will not be admitted, An extra $3 fee is charged for some special events. These include: January 21 Movie: "The Home of Tomorrow" January 22 Speaker: Roberta Wilkinson, President of Automation, Inc. Topic: T A. (A) Younger than five B. (B) Between five and twelve C. (C) Older than twelve D. (D) Eighteen [简答题]将当前演示文稿的放映方式设置为:观众自行浏览(窗口)、手动换片,放映时加旁白,放映第2~6张幻灯片。
[单项选择]法律规定的公安权力,只能由( )行使,其他任何机关、团体和个人均无权行使这些权力。
A. 公安机关 B. 人民警察 C. 公安机关及其人民警察 D. 国家权力机关和司法机关 [判断题]做溶解气体分析时,取样量为40~80mL。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]减速手信号的显示方式正确的是( )。
A.昼间:展开的黄色信号旗 B.夜间:黄色灯光 C.昼间:绿色信号旗下压数次 D.夜间:白色或绿色灯光下压数次 [单项选择]下列关于样本的叙述,错误的是______
A. 样本是研究总体的代表 B. 从样本的结果可推断总体 C. 要有足够数量的样本,越多越好 D. 在选择样本时必须要服从研究目的,按设计规定的条件进行严格选取 [单项选择]关于肛门坐浴的作用,下列哪项错误()
A. 能增进局部血运 B. 促进炎症吸收 C. 缓解肛门括约肌痉挛 D. 清洁作用 E. 有止血作用 [判断题]依照《行政诉讼法》.行政机关委托的组织所作的行政行为.委托的行政机关是被告。()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交