Granted, it’s a pretty serious time to
be living on this planet. Insane terrorists, political fingerpointing, a string
of awful hurricanes, you name it, all filling the headlines with grim reminders
that life aren’t so peachy. Even reading the smaller stories in national
publications seems to indicate that the world is run by gruwnups, and they’re
busy taking the fun out of everything. The other day I was browsing through one of those magazines that explain serious science news to us dumbbells, and came across an item which announced that two different companies have perfected a pill that contains all the good-for-you stuff found in a glass of red wine and is completely non-alcoholic. Now I’m sure there are other adults out there who, like me, were pleasantly surprised to learn that a little tipple of pinot noir with the A. food-prepared B. falsely-prepared C. concocted D. carefully done [单选题]滤油机及油系统的金属管道应采取()的接地措施。
A.防感应电 B.防静电 C.防触电 D.防雷电 [判断题]发现火灾时,单位或个人应该先自救,当自救无效、火越着越大时,再拨打火警电话119。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]某日上午,一施工人员在××村2#配变台架上处理低压配电箱刀闸缺陷,使用起子接线时,由起子金属裸露部分造成两相短路,产生的弧光导致三相短路,电弧引燃张某某身上的T恤衫,张某某面部被烧伤,从配变台架上跌落。以下对上述违章行为的分析,正确的是( ):
A.A-作业人员工作时,对工具外裸的导电部位未采取绝缘措施。 B.B-作业人员未穿工作服。 C.C-在配变台架上作业未系安全带。 D.D-单人从事低压带电作业无人监护。 [单选题]沪深300指数期货交易合约最后交易日的交易时间是( )
A.9:00?11:30,13:00~15:15 B.9:15-11:30,13:00?15:00、 C.9:30?11:30,13:00?15:00 D.9:15?11:30,13:00?15:15 [多选题]新文化运动提出的两大口号是( ) ( )
A.民主 B. 人权 C. 自由 D. 科学 [判断题]细石混凝土防水屋面有抗渗性能,因此混凝土不仅要做抗压强度试验,而且还要做抗渗试验。
A. 单位时间发动机产生的机械能与单位时间内发动机燃油完全燃烧时放出的热量之比 B. 发动机的推力与动能之比 C. 发动机推进功率与单位时间流过发动机空气的动能增量之比 D. 推进功率与单位时间内发动机加热量之比 [单选题]下列说法错误的是?( )
A.新入院患者,责任护士应向患者说明佩戴腕带的目的及意义,并帮助患者正确佩戴 B.患者在院期间应始终佩戴腕带,出院时由护理人员协助取下 C.有创诊疗、输液输血、抢救、语言交流障碍的患者等必须佩戴腕带,用以识别患者身份,其他患者不用佩戴 D.对于无法进行身份确认的无名患者,同样需要佩戴腕带 [判断题]测量仪表检修或校准时,均应进行校准前检查性试验。检查性校验未完成前,对被校仪表不得进行任何形式的调整。
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