The United States government publishes guidelines for appropriate nutrient intakes. These are known as the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) and are updated regularly based on new research in nutrition. RDAs are suggested amounts of calories, protein, and some minerals and vitamins for an adequate diet. For other dietary substances, specific goals must await further research. However, for the U.S. population as a whole, increasing starch and fiber in one’s diet and reducing calories (primarily from fats. sugar, and alcohol) is sensible. These suggestions are especially appropriate for people who have other factors for chronic diseases due to family history of obesity, premature heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and high blood cholesterol, or for those who use tobacco. Snacks can furnish about one-fourth of the calorie requirements am A. The time of day when food is consumed affects its nutritive value. B. Different foods can be combined to increase total nutrition value. C. It can be detrimental to your health to eat breakfast foods later in the day. D. When food is eaten has no bearing on its nutritive effects. [单项选择]“导之以其所便,开之以其所苦”属于中国古代传统心理治疗思想中的()。
A. 义理开导法 B. 以情志相胜法 C. 习见习闻法 D. 消愁怡悦法 E. 气功引导法 [单选题]1.27 轻型载货汽车的总质量为( )__kg。
A.大于4500 B.小于4500 C.小于等于4500 D.小于等于4000 [单选题]对电机各绕组的绝缘检查,要求是:电动机每1kV工作电压,绝缘电阻( )。
A.小于0.5MΩ B.大于等于1MΩ C.等于0.5MΩ [判断题]《南昌铁路局互联网售票管理办法》(南铁客发[2011]413号),对互联网购票持二代身份证乘车的旅客,列车验票时,要核对旅客所持的二代身份证原件及车票的信息;经确认没有旅客铁路电子客票信息的,应当编制客运记录交旅客到站处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]矿井平巷运输事故原因除矿用机车司机和推车工未按规程操作外,还有哪些原因:()。
A.行人与列车抢道 B.列车挂钩工不按规程操作 C.机车运输巷道不符合规程要求 [单选题]不能防护间接触电的是()。
A.采用Ⅱ级电工产品 B.采用高电压 C.采用不接地的局部等电位连接保护 [单选题]【单选】737-700/800,机长和副驾驶的共同责任区域是______。
A.气象雷达面板和备用仪表 B.方向舵和副翼配平面板 C.备用仪表,上DU,下DU和气象雷达面板 [单选题][T]B-B-B-A-027 3 2 1
QS-650K清筛机筛分装置振幅为( )。 A.5.5mm B.8mm C.9.5mm D.12mm [单项选择]在第二产程时其辅助作用的产力是()
A. 腰大肌收缩力 B. 盆底组织阻力 C. 膈肌和腹肌收缩力 D. 子宫收缩力 E. 肛提肌收缩力 [单项选择]面对复杂的金融市场环境,银行的高管层们如未能正确把握方向,在顶层设计或发展决策方面,对政策、形势、市场误读误判,将直接产生()
A. 信用风险 B. 市场风险 C. 国家和转移风险 D. 战略风险 我来回答: 提交