Nowadays, no document is safe any more.
Counterfeiting. once the domain of skilled deceivers that used expensive
engraving and printing equipment, has gone mainstream since the price of desktop
publishing systems has dropped. In ancient times, counterfeiting was a hanging
offence. Today, desktop counterfeiters have little reason to worry about prison,
because the systems they use are ubiquitous (普遍存在的) and there is no means of
tracing forged documents to the machine that produced them. This, however, may
soon change thanks to technology development by George Chiu, an
anti-counterfeiting engineer. His approach is based on detecting imperfections in the print quality of documents. Old-school scientists were able to trace documents to particular typewriters based on quirks (构槽) of the individual keys. He employs a simil A. the quirks of the keys of the typewriters B. the drums and mirrors of the printers C. the subtle flaws of printing devices D. the special skills of the experts [多选题]下列属于共同违反治安管理的是( )。
A.基于共同故意实施违反治安管理的 B.教唆他人违反治安管理的 C.胁迫他人违反治安管理的 D.诱骗他人违反治安管理的 [单选题]患者男性,55岁。既往有高血压病病史,反复右侧颈动脉TIA发作,阿司匹林治疗后仍反复发作,查右侧颈动脉狭窄>80%。选择治疗为
A.改善循环治疗 B.颈动脉内膜剥脱术(CE C. D.脑保护治疗 E.中药治疗 [判断题]监控中心要配足、配齐值守人员,是否落实双人24小时坐班值守制度。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]客户办理正式挂失手续后,要求撤销挂失时,可以向任一家营业机构申请。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]危险化学品可通过( )进行运输。
A.箱式列车 B.全挂板车 C.罐式汽车 D.高护栏车 [单项选择]正中神经损伤的典型畸形是()
A. 爪形手畸形 B. 垂腕畸形 C. “银叉”畸形 D. 方肩畸形 E. 猿手畸形 [多项选择]“深圳十大观念”包括()。
A. 时间就是金钱,效率就是生命 B. 空谈误国,实干兴邦 C. 质量成就未来 D. 来了,就是深圳人 [单选题]3.175. 第175题
在电容器回路中串接串联电抗器,以改变电容器回路的阻抗参数,可限制()。 A.高次谐波 B.工频过电压 C.过电流 D.频率变化 [判断题]架空软母线安装时,使用电动卷扬机牵引时,钢丝绳应从卷筒下方卷入;卷筒上的钢丝绳应排列整齐,工作时最少应保留3圈;最外层的钢丝绳应低于卷筒突缘,其距离不得小于1根钢丝绳的直径;钢丝绳与构架接触部分应有防护措施。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]流行性腮腺炎的主要传播途径是( )
A. 呼吸道传播 B. 消化道传播 C. 密切接触传播 D. 虫媒传播 E. 血液传播 [单选题]地锚坑在引出线露出地面的位置,其前面及两侧的()m范围内不准有沟、洞、地下管道或地下电缆等。
A.1 B.2 C.4 D.5 E.略 F.略 [判断题]西德和东德原来是一个国家,二战以后分成两个国家,现在又把它给合在一起了。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]避雷器的泄漏电流正常指示在( )。
A.红区 B.绿区 C.黄区 D.都不是 [单项选择] {{B}}TEXT C{{/B}}