{{B}}The Cutting
Edge{{/B}} Economists and governments agree these days on the crucial importance of foreign direct invest-ment (FDI). They see it both as the global market’s "seal of approval" on a country’s policies and prospects, and as a force, especially in developing countries, for far- reaching economic change. This consensus is surprising when you remember that FDI remains politically sensitive in many poor, and some not-so-poor, countries. But the benefits are so great that reservations on this account have been put aside. The point about FDI is that it is far more than mere "capital": it is a uniquely potent bundle of capital, contacts, and managerial and technological knowledge. It is the cutting edge of globalization. The outlook for FDI- in total, and countr A. is to be severely limited. B. is to be expanded. C. remain uncertain. D. diminish gradually. [单选题]填用配电第一种工作票的工作,应得到配电运维人员的许可,并由工作负责人确认工作票所列当前工作所需的安全措施全部完成后,方可下令开始工作。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]关于胎盘早剥的处理原则,正确的是 ()
A. 一经诊断,立即剖宫产 B. 缩宫素促使及早分娩 C. 应及早使用肝素预防凝血功能障碍 D. 重型胎盘早剥患者可给予期待疗法 E. 纠正休克,及时终止妊娠 [多选题](难)( )党的十九大提出“加强社会心理服务体系建设,培育()、理性平和、()的社会心态”。
A.自尊自信 B.自尊自爱 C.积极向上 D.乐观向上 三、多选题(共250道) [单选题]选出文中划横线的句子断句正确的一项( )
A.但当/涉猎见往事/耳卿言多务/孰若孤/孤常读书自以为/大有所益。 B.但当涉猎/见往事耳/卿言多务/孰若孤/孤常读书/自以为大有所益。 C.但当涉猎/见往事耳卿言/多务孰若孤/孤常读书自以/为大有所益。 D.但当涉猎见/往事耳卿言/多务孰若孤/孤常读/书自以为/大有所益。 [单项选择]体现我国教学的根本方向和特点的教学原则是( )。
A. 理论联系实际原则 B. 科学性和教育性相结合原则 C. 因材施教原则 D. 循序渐进原则 [多选题]柜员查询()等内部交易,必须严格遵守《全省农村商业银行柜面操作“70条严禁”》等相关内部要求办理。
A.业务流水 B.业务明细 C.核心总账 D.内部账务 [填空题]Most Americans start school at the age of five when they enter{{U}} (36) {{/U}}Children do not really study at this time. They only{{U}} (37) {{/U}}for half the day and learn what school is like.
Children attend{{U}} (38) {{/U}}school for the next six years. They learn to read and write and work with numbers. They also study the world and its people. After six years, children go to{{U}} (39) {{/U}}high school for three years and senior high school for another three years. This is called secondary education.
In their secondary schooling, children cover more{{U}} (40) {{/U}}knowledge and begin to concentrate on their special{{U}} (41) {{/U}}. They usually study further in history, geography, government, English and literature. They may{{U}} (42) {{/U}}to study foreign languages, advanced mathematics or science, such as physics or chemistry.
Higher education takes place in colleges and universities. The{{U}} (43) {{/U}}course is four years.{{U}} (44) {{/U}
梁钢筋的绑扎,必须在( )或操作平台上操作。 A.脚手架 B.梯子 C.满铺脚手板的支架 D.支撑杆件 [单选题]预先风切变探测系统(PWS),扫描飞机前方多少海里以内的空间以探测风切变?
A.5 B.10 C.15 我来回答: 提交