In 1971 the Royal College of Physicians decided to take action on the problem of smoking and health. They formed an organization called Action on Smoking and Health -- ASH. Its aims are to make people aware of the dangers of smoking and to help those people who do smoke to give up. As part of its campaign to make people see how smoking damages us all, both as individuals and as members of society, ASH has gathered together some every convincing facts and figures. For in stance, smoking is very harmful to industry. Nearly 50 million working days are lost in Britain every year due to smoking -- at least four times the number of days lost in strikes. And the cost of treating people suffering from smoking related disease is around £ 100 million each year.
But the human suffering which smoking causes is far more serious than the economic price which society has to pay. 95% of those who suffer from bronchitis are smokers. It has been estimated that 20% of all cigarette
A. Bronchitis.
B. Coronary heart disease.
C. Strikes.
D. Lung cancels.
Trees are useful to man in three
important ways: they provide him with wood and other products; they give him
shade; and they help to prevent droughts and floods. Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, man has not realized that the third of these services is the most important one. In eagerness to make money from trees, men have cut them down in large numbers. And besides, men are usually too careless to plant and look after new trees. So the forests slowly disappear. A. Because an empire was set up. B. Because the empire fell to pieces. C. Because it lost all its trees. D. Because too much had been spent on wars. [判断题]危险货物港口经营人应当建立安全生产标准化体系,实施安全生产标准化,并保持体系的有效性。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]汽车轮胎着火时使用喷雾射流全覆盖直接予以扑灭,油箱
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者,男性,72岁,素体气虚,复感外邪,恶寒较重,无发热,鼻塞流涕,头痛无汗,肢体倦怠乏力,咳嗽咯痰无力,舌质淡,苔薄白,脉浮。诊断为气虚感冒。据此判断气的功能减退主要体现在
A. 推动作用 B. 温煦作用 C. 防御作用 D. 固摄作用 E. 气化作用 [判断题]互感器或电能表误差超出允许范围时,以“0”误差为基准,按验证后的误差值退补电量。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]与邻近带电设备距离小于表3、大于表5规定的工作,应填用( )工作票。
A.电力电缆第二种 B.电力线路第一种 C.电力线路第二种 D.带电作业 [单选题]选择词语的正确词形____。
A.鞭笞 B.鞭苔 [单选题]关于有功功率和无功功率,错误的说法是( )。
A.无功功率就是无用的功率 B.无功功率有正有负 C.在RLC电路中,有功功率就是在电阻上消耗的功率 D.在纯电感 [判断题]WLAN只能工作在2.4GHZ的频段中
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于受委托行政机关实施行政许可的行为,下列说法正确的是( )。
A.受委托行政机关在委托范围内,以自己名义实施行政许可;可以再委托其他组织或者个人实施行政许可 B.受委托行政机关在委托范围内,以自己名义实施行政许可;不得再委托其他组织或者个人实施行政许可 C.受委托行政机关在委托范围内,以委托行政机关名义实施行政许可;可以再委托其他组织或者个人实施行政许可 D.受委托行政机关在委托范围内,以委托行政机关名义实施行政许可;不得再委托其他组织或者个人实施行政许可 [单项选择]患儿,2岁,急起发热、流涕4天,皮疹1天于2月3日入院,查体结膜充血,面部可见红色斑丘疹,口腔科普利克斑阳性,查血WBC4.0乘以十的九次方/L。为明确诊断应查()
A. 风疹抗体 B. 麻疹抗体 C. IgE抗体测定 D. 抗链"O" E. 血培养 [判断题]电缆低阻、高阻故障的区分是由某个具体的电阻数值来界定
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列对期货从业人员应当遵守的执业行为规范表述正确的是()。
A. 具有良好的职业道德与守法意识,抵制商业贿赂,不得从事不正当竞争行为和不正当交易行为 B. 不得以本人或者他人名义从事期货交易 C. 向客户提供专业服务时,不得对客户作出营利保证 D. 坚持客户利益高于一切的原则 [多选题]特种设备月检至少应检查下列项目( )。
A.各种安全装置或者部件是否有效 B.动力装置、传动和制动系统是否正常 C.润滑油量是否足够,冷却系统、备用电源是否正常 D.控制电路与电气元件是否正常 [多选题]固定消防炮灭火系统按喷射介质不同,分为()类型?(易)
A.水炮系统 B.泡沫炮系统 C.干粉炮系统 D.气体系统 [单选题]用普通温度计测出的空气温度,称为( )。
A.干球温度 B.空气温度 C.露点温度 [单选题]病人,男,48岁。因膀胱肿瘤行膀胱镜检查感到尿道不适,正确的护理指导是:
A.减少饮水量以减轻尿道不适 B.增加饮水量以防止感染 C.适当活动 D.留置导尿 E.会阴护理 [判断题]对灭火装置被破坏的燃烧罐(池),利用泡沫管枪、移动泡沫炮、泡沫钩管进攻或利用举高消防车喷射泡沫等方法灭火。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交