Like every dog, every disease now seems
to have its day. World Tuberculosis (infections disease in which growths appear
on the lungs) Day is on Saturday March 24th. Tuberculosis was once terribly fashionable. Dying of "consumption" seems to have been a favorite activity of garret-dwelling 19th-century artists, h has, however, been neglected of late. Researchers in the field never tire of pointing out that TB kills a lot of people. According to figures released earlier this week by the World Health Organization, 1.6 million people died of the disease in 2005, compared with about 3m for AIDS and l m for malaria. But it receives only a fraction of the research budget devoted to AIDS. America’s National Institutes of Health, for example, spends 20 times as much on AIDS as on TB. Nevertheless, everyone seems to getting in on the TB-da A. TB kills more and more AIDS patients. B. TB has something to do with AIDS. C. multi-drug resistance makes Tuberculosis fashionable again. D. Eli Lilly is a member of the MDR-TB Global Partnership. [判断题]对已经立项即将开工或者正在建设的公路,公路管理机构应当予以公告并依法实施路政管理。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]降弓手信号在昼间的显示方式为左臂垂直高举,右臂( )并左右水平重复摇动。
A.前伸 B.下垂 C.高举 [判断题]1211 灭火器是固定灭火装置。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]齐步时手指轻轻握拢,拇指贴于食指()
A.食指第四节 B.食指第二节 C.食指第一节 D.食指第三节 [单项选择]小肠肿瘤的诊断主要依靠是()
A. 纤维内镜检查 B. 选择性动脉造影 C. X线钡餐检查 D. 临床表现和X线钡餐检查 E. 临床表现和选择性动脉造影 [填空题]浓缩系统开、停车期间,为防止环境中的_( )_进入嗅材设备造成腐蚀,应该
采用_( )_气封。 我来回答: 提交