Passage Four
Another month, another dismal set of job figures. America pulled out of its last economic recession way back in November 2001, yet the country’s "jobs recession" finished only last autumn, when 2.7 million jobs had been lost since the start of the slowdown. Now, though economic growth has bounced back, new jobs refuse to do the same in this, the third year of recovery. In February, a mere 21,000 jobs were created, according to the official payroll survey, at a time when George Bush’s economists forecast 2.6 million new jobs for 2004 mounting alarm at the White House, and increased calls for protection against what a growing number of Americans see as the root of most ills: the "outsourcing" of jobs to places like China and India. Last week the Senate approved a bill that forbids the outsourcing of government contracts--a curious case of a government guaranteeing not to deliver value-for-money to taxpayers. American anxie
A. is the chief reason for the high unemployment rate in the U.S.
B. is nothing compared with the job loss within the U.S.
C. is profoundly changing the structure of the American economy
D. equals the number of jobs created each month in the U.S.
Imagine going to sleep in October and
waking up in May! Well, marmots and ground squirrels stay warm by sleeping all
winter. All this time, they do not wake up once. This special kind of sleep is
called hibernation. During this sleep, the heart slows down, and the animal
breathes more slowly, it doesn’t move around, so it uses less energy. Animals like the marmot and the ground squirrel inhabit the coldest parts of the world. They need special talents to survive in these frigid places. Their furry coats keep them snug when the temperature falls below zero. It often gets this cold in the Arctic, a land that is just below the North Pole. Before the long winter, some animals eat and eat. After a while, they grow very fat. When the winter comes, they live on the fat saved up in their bodies. Layers of fat keep an animal warm.< A. is very restless B. uses more energy C. is looking for food D. has lost its young [判断题]回送检修车辆及时电话通知车站,列检作业开始至作业完毕后10分钟内,在HMIS系统填写《检修车回送单》(车统-26)并上传。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]按照我国《合同法》第33条的规定,当事人采用信件、数据电文等形式订立合同的,若合同要成立,对确认书的要求是( )。
A.可以在合同成立之后要求签订确认书,签订确认书时合同成立 B.可以在合同成立同时要求签订确认书,签订确认书时合同成立 C.可以在合同成立之前要求签订确认书,签订确认书时合同成立 D.可以不要求签订确认书,合同也成立 [单选题] DWL-48捣固稳定车柴油机每运行500小时应更换燃油滤清器滤芯。
A.100h B.200h C.300h D.500h [单选题]IEEE802.1Q的标记是在以太帧头和数据之间插入()比特来标示的,因此,理论上在一个网络中最多可以有212=4096个虚拟局域网。
A.12 B.22 C.32 D.42 [单选题]在室内采暖、给排水管道安装用料的计算规则中,室内外管道分界一般以距建筑物外墙表面()m为分界线。
A.1.0. B.1.5. C.1.3. D.1.7 [单选题]97型25Hz相敏轨道电路用0.06Ω标准分路电阻线分路,轨道继电器(含一送多受的其中一个分支的轨道继电器)端电压不大于( )V时,其前接点应断开。
A.5 B.6.4 C.7.4 D.8.4 [单选题] Vmax≤120km/h线路钢轨锈蚀,经除锈后( )为重伤。
A.轨底厚度不足5mm或轨腰厚度不足8mm B.轨底厚度不足9mm或轨腰厚度不足10mm C.轨底厚度不足6mm或轨腰厚度不足11mm D.轨底厚度不足5mm或轨腰厚度不足14mm [单选题]带电物体相互作用是因为带电物体周围存在着()。
A.电压; B.磁场 ; C.电场 [多选题] 禁止起吊物件长时间悬挂在空中,作业中遇突发故障,应采取措施将物件降落到安全地方,并( )或( )后进行检修。无法放下吊物时,应采取适当的保险措施,除排险人员外,任何人员不得进入危险区域。 (1.0分)
A. 开启发动机 B. 关闭发动机 C. 运行状态 D. 切断电源 我来回答: 提交