Why work {{U}} (62) {{/U}} you
have periodically asked yourself the same question, perhaps focused on
{{U}} (63) {{/U}} you have to work. Selfinterest in its broadest
{{U}} (64) {{/U}} including the interests of family and friends, is a
basic {{U}} (65) {{/U}} for work in all societies. But self-interest can
{{U}} (66) {{/U}} more than providing for subsistence
or {{U}} (67) {{/U}} wealth. For instance, among the Maori, a
Polynesian people of the South Pacific, a desire for approval, a sense of duty,
a wish to {{U}} (68) {{/U}} to custom and tradition, a feeling of
emulation(竞争), and a pleasure in craftsmanship are {{U}} (69) {{/U}}
reasons for working. Even within the United States, we cannot understand work as
simply a response to {{U}} (70) {{/U}} necessity. Studies show that ’the
vast {{U}} (71) {{/U}} of Americans would continu A. reason B. move C. principle D. stimulus [简答题]
(1)公司坐落在某市区,全年实际占用土地面积共计140000平方米,其中:公司办的职工子弟学校占地10000平方米、幼儿园占地4000平方米、非独立核算的门市部占地6000平方米、职工宿舍占地40000平方米、生产经营场所占地80000平方米; (2)公司上年末结转到本年度的固定资产原值共计5200万元,其中:房产原值3200万元,机器设备原值2000万元。7月1日将房产原值200万元的仓库出租给某商场存放货物,出租期限2年,共计租金48万元。签订合同时预收半年租金12万元,其余的在租用期的当月收取; (3)年终实现不含税销售额9000万元,取得送货的运输费收入46.8万元;购进原材料,取得增值税专用发票,注明购货金额2400万元、进项税额408万元;支付购货的运输费50万元,保险费和装卸费30万元,取得运输公司及其他单位开具的普通发票; (4)应扣除的销售产品成本5500万元; (5)发生销售费用1200万元,其中:含广告宣传费800万元; (6)发生财务费用320万元,其中:1月1日向企业借款,借款200万元,借期1年,支付利息费用20万元,同期银行贷款的年利息率为5%; (7)发生管理费用960万元(不包括有关税金),其中:含业务招待费140万元,新产品开发费用80万元; (8)全年计入成本、费用中的实发工资总额2300万元,并按实发工资规定的比例计算提取了2%的职工工会经费(实际拨缴40万元)、2.5%的职工教育经费(实际发生额57.5万元);职工福利费没有计提,按实际发生额300万元计入了成本、费用; (9)8月因管理不善发生材料被盗,经税务机关核定库存外购原材料损失50万元,10月取得了保险公司赔款10万元;9月通过教育部门向义务教育捐款8万元,10月直接向某老年服务机构捐款5万元。 (说明:城镇土地使用税每平方米单位税额4元;房产税计算余值时的扣除比例为25%,不考虑印花税。) 要求:根据上述资料,按下列序号计算回答问题,每问需计算出合计数: 计算该公司2010年税前准许扣除的成本、费用金额( [判断题]〔判断题)通电时间增加,人体电阻因出汗面增加,导致通过人体的电流减小。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] "O态物料使用的刀片是( )
A. 新刀第一次用 B. 新刀的反面 C. 非新刀 D. 都可以" [判断题][判断题]连墙件必须随脚手架逐层拆除,严禁先8各连墙件整层或数层拆除后再拆脚手架。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列各句中,没有语病的一项是
A.在中日邦交正常化40周年之际,由于日本政府和右翼势力置中日友好大局于不顾,罔顾历史事实,强行实施所谓“购岛”行动,引发我国民众的愤怒和不满。 B.为了避免地方电视台娱乐节目的不再泛滥,国家广电总局多次发文干预,但收效甚微,毕竟,这些节目迎合了部分观众的媚俗需求。 C.实体书店犹如一个不可或缺的文化沙龙,它所承载的文化滋养和文化气息,会让城市显得更安详,而没有实体书店的城市,则无异于文化沙漠。 D.国家发改委宣布,自11月16日零时起将汽﹑柴油价格每吨分别降低310元和300元。此次国内成品油价格调整,主要原因是由现行国内产品油价格形成机制和近期国际市场油价变化情况造成的。句式杂糅了 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Stanford University
1 Stanford University is sometimes called"the Harvard of the West".The closeness of Stanford to San Francisco,a city thirty-two miles to the north,gives the university a decidedly cosmopolitan(世界性的)flavor. 2 The students are enrolled mainly from the western United States.But most of the fifty states send students to Stanford,and many foreign students study here,as well.And standards for admission remain high.Young men and women are selected to enter the university from the upper fifteen percent of their high school classes. 3 Not only because of the high caliber(素质)of its students but also because of the desirable location and climate,Stanford has attracted to its faculty some of the world's most respected scholars.The university staff has included many Nobel Prize winners in various fields.Stanford's undergraduate school of engineering and its graduate schools of business, law,and medicine are especially well-regarded. 4 What is student life like on"The Farm"?Culturally,the campus is a magnet for both students and citizens of nearby communities.Plays,concerts,and operas are performed in the university's several auditoriums and in its outdoor theater,where graduations are also held.Several film series are presented during the school year.Guest lecturers from public and academic life frequently appear on campus.For the sports-minded,the Stanford campus offers highly developed athletic facilities.Team sports,swimming,and track and field activity are all very much part of the Stanford picture.So are bicycling and jogging. 5 In addition to financial support from alumni(校友),Stanford receives grants from the government and from private charities.In recent years,government grants have made possible advanced studies in the fields of history,psychology,education,and atomic energy.At present Stanford is carrying out an ambitious building program,financed in part by the Ford Foundation's 25 million grant.Recently added to the campus are a new physics building,new school of business,new graduate school of law,new student union,and undergraduate library. The university offers a rich variety of__________. A.both indoors and outdoors B.both home and abroad C.most distinguished scholars D.desirable climate E.cultural activities F.external financial support [判断题]在Excel中,工作表和表格是同一个概念。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]()是成都地铁依据地铁运营的要求、特点,将运营设备、人员按一定的规律和模式组织列车运行、调车的原则、要求和基本方法的规定,以满足运营的需求。
A.行车组织细则 B.线网行车组织规则 C.列车运行图 D.车站计划表 [多选题]【多选题】安全用药“5R”原则包括
A.正确的药品 B.正确的剂量 C.正确的途径 D.正确的时间 E.正确的患者 [填空题]常规荧光录井荧光检测要求:岩心( )进行荧光湿照。[每空1分]
[单选题]前照灯不亮故障的处理方法是从电源开始顺着线路做有无电流导通检查。 ( )
A. 对 B. 错 C. 不确定 我来回答: 提交