Where Did All the Ships Go The Bermuda Triangle (三角区) is one {{U}} (51) {{/U}} the greatest mysteries of the ses. In this triangular area between Florida, Puerto Rico and Bermuda in Atlantic, ships and airplanes {{U}} (52) {{/U}} to disappear more often than in {{U}} (53) {{/U}} parts of the ocean. And they do so {{U}} (54) {{/U}} leaving any sign of an accident or any dead bodies. It is {{U}} (55) {{/U}} that Christopher Columbus was the first person to record strange happenings in the area. His compass stopped working, a flame came down from the sky, and a wave 100 to 200-feet-high carried his ship about a mile away. The most famous disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle was the US Naval (海军的) Air Flight 19.{{U}} (56) {{/U}} Decembe A. saying B. say C. said D. says [填空题]Violetstraat 124 B-12987 Niveiles Belgium
19 June 2006 Anglo Air Customer Relations 156 Park Lane London W5 3sw, UK Dear Sir/Madam, Flight AA678, 14 June I am writing to complain about the quality of your service and the damage that has been done to my luggage. I have recently returned home after taking your flight from London. Despite the fact that the flight was delayed for over five hours, no explanation was given by your representative and we were not offered any refreshments(点心) at all. I believe that other airlines normally do this. On arriving in Brussels, I found that I had missed the last train and was forced to stay in a hotel. My suitcase did not arrive until four days later and has been so badly damaged that it is beyond repair. The cost of the hotel accommodation and replacing my bag come to approx. 150 pounds. I would therefore like to ask for compensation for these items. I look forwa [判断题]在没有用验电器验电前,线路应视为有电。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]供电质量包括(____)两个方面。
A. 电力质量和供电可靠性 B. 电力质量和用电可靠性 C. 电能质量和用电可靠性 D. 电能质量和供电可靠性 [多选题]对通信设备自环时,自环的两点必须保证()一样。
A.信号 B.传输阻抗 C.传输电平 D.传输速率 [单选题]运输易燃易爆等危险物品,应按当地( )的有关规定提出申请,经批准后方可进行。
A.安全监督管理部门 B.人民政府 C.公安部门 D.交通管理部门 [单项选择]适合采用电子商务隐形进攻战略的网站是()
A. 大型水平网站 B. 成熟社区网站 C. 大型专业垂直网站 D. 后起的、弱小的网站 [单项选择]冠心病病人术前三日应停用( )
A. 抗凝剂 B. 硝酸甘油 C. 抗生素 D. 氯化钾 E. 安定 [多项选择]下列各项中,不属于投资性房地产的是 ( )。
A. 房地产企业开发的准备出售的房屋 B. 房地产企业开发的已出租的房屋 C. 企业持有的准备建造房屋的土地使用权 D. 企业以经营租赁方式租入的建筑物 [判断题]电压互感器的工作原理与变压器相同,正常运行中二次绕组相当于开路状态。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对于国家投资的项目,施工图的建筑面积不得超过初步设计的( ),否则必须重新报批。
A. 2% B. 7% C. 10% D. 5% [填空题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》(铁总运〔2016〕247号)规定:乘务员鞋跟高度不超过<--NRC-->,跟径不小于3.5厘米。
A. 权利争议 B. 利益争议 C. 个别争议 D. 集体争议 E. 团体争议 [单项选择]2005年10月12日,航天员费俊龙、聂海胜乘坐神舟六号飞船再次飞上太空。将“神六”成功送入太空所用的火箭是长征2号F火箭,现在的火箭与中国早期的“火箭”相比虽然相去甚远,但原理却是一样的。如果你要查找火箭作为火药武器的最早记录应该翻阅()
A. 《史记》 B. 《汉书》 C. 《唐书》 D. 《清史稿》 [单项选择]{{B}}Passage One
Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.
A. The body temperature drops and the heartbeat and breathing slow down. B. The body temperature drops and the heartbeat stops. C. The body temperature rises and breathing speeds up. D. The body movements decrease and the heartbeat slows down. [判断题]铝及铝合金的熔点低,焊前不能预热。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]四号线车载ATP防护中后退累加距离超过( )m时触发紧急制动。
A.0.5米 B.0.51米 C.0.473米 D.0.463米 [单项选择]下面不属于人机工程学主要研究方法的是()。
A. 观测法 B. 运动分析 C. 心理测量法 D. 图示模型法 [单选题]线桥大、中修及大型机械作业的施工天窗不应少于( )。
A.60min B.90min C.120min D.180min 我来回答: 提交