{{B}}Vienna{{/B}} Vienna was one of the music centers of Europe during the classical period, and Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven were all active there. As the seat of the Holy Roman Empire (which included parts of present-day Austria, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Czech and Slovakia), it was a{{U}} (51) {{/U}}cultural and commercial center{{U}} (52) {{/U}}a cosmopolitan character. Its population of al most 250, 000 (in 1800) made Vienna the fourth largest city in Europe. All three{{U}} (53) {{/U}}masters were born elsewhere, but they were drawn to Vienna to study and to seek{{U}} (54) {{/U}}. In Vienna, Haydn and Mozart became close friends and influenced each other’s musical{{U}} (55) {{/U}}Beethoven traveled to Vienna at sixteen to play fo A. symbol B. sign C. sight D. signal [单项选择]二十三岁未婚少女,因肥胖多毛及闭经,初步诊断为多囊卵巢综合征。本例最常见的临床表现是()
A. 相间出现月经过多与闭经 B. 原发性闭经 C. 继发性闭经 D. 进行性痛经 E. 月经周期紊乱 [多选题]用电信息采集系统运行维护对象,主要包括(_)。
A.采集档案 B.采集系统主站 C.通信信道 D.现场设备 [单项选择]笛卡尔的论证思路不包括下面哪一个()。
A. 上帝存在 B. 存在=可感性质的集合 C. 我思故我在 D. 物体实体存在 [简答题]合肥1号线车间电源只向列车_______系统供电,通过隔离二极管或接触器与列车主电路隔离。
[多选题]变压器差动保护防止励磁涌流的措施有( )。
A.采用二次谐波制动 B.采用间断角判别 C.采用五次谐波制动 D.采用波形对称原理 [多选题]信号是指示()的命令,有关行车人员必须严格执行。(技规)
A.列车运行 B.调车作业 C.运输工作 [单项选择]我国现行饮用水卫生标准规定,总大肠菌群应为().
A. <10个/L B. <3个/L C. <10个/100ml D. <3个/100ml E. 不得检出/100ml [判断题]从辙叉咽喉到心轨的实际尖端的这段距离,轮缘失去钢轨引导,所以叫做有害空间。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交