Sally Kristen Ride was born on May 26,
1951 in Los Angeles, California. At the {{U}} (36) {{/U}} of ten, Dr.
Ride began to play tennis and became an excellent tennis player. She
{{U}} (37) {{/U}} a tennis scholarship to Westlake School for
{{U}} (38) {{/U}} in Los Angeles. After her {{U}} (39) {{/U}}, she
enrolled in Swarthmore College and {{U}} (40) {{/U}} out to become a
{{U}} (41) {{/U}} tennis player. She worked hard {{U}} (42) {{/U}}
her tennis game, but after a few months decided she would {{U}} (43)
{{/U}} tennis. She enrolled at Stanford University. Dr. Ride had always been
{{U}} (44) {{/U}} in Math and Science and eventually {{U}} (45)
{{/U}} her doctorate degree in Physics. Dr. Ride saw an {{U}} (46)
{{/U}} in the Stanford University paper about NASA {{U}} (47) {{/U A. learn B. pick up C. teach D. quit [单选题]一级化学防护服为( )全密封结构。(易)
A.连体式 B.分段式 C. 拉链式 D. 组合式 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Voice Your Opinion一Change is Needed in Youth Sports
Everywhere you look, you see kids bouncing a basketball or waving a tennis racquet(网球拍).And these kids are getting younger and younger. In some countries,children can compete on basketball,base- ball,and volleyball teams starting at age nine.__________(46)And swimming and gymnastics classes begin at age four,to prepare children for competition. It's true that a few of these kids will develop into highly skilled athletes and may even become members of the national Olympic teams.__________(47)This emphasis on competition in sports is having serious negative effects. Children who get involved in competitive sports at a young age often grow tired of their sport.Many parents pressure their kids to choose one sport and devote all their time to it.__________(48)But 66 per- cent of the young athletes wanted to play more than one sport一for fun. Another problem is the pressure imposed by over-competitive parents and coaches.Children are not naturally competitive.In fact,a recent study by Paulo David found that most children don't even understand the idea of competition until they are seven years old._________(49) The third,and biggest,problem for young athletes is the lack of time to do their homework,have fun, be with friends一in short,time to be kids.When they are forced to spend every afternoon at sports practice, they often start to hate their chosen sport.A researcher found that 70 percent of kids who take part in competitive sports before the age of twelve quit before they turn eighteen.________(50)Excessive com- petitive sports take away all the enjoyment. Need to remember the purpose of youth sports一to give kids a chance to have developing,strong, healthy bodies. _________(46) A.survey found that 79 percent of parents of young athletes wanted their children to concenltrate on onesport. B.The young soccer organization has teams for children as young as five. C.Many of them completely lose interest in sports. D.Sports for children have two important purposes. E.But what about the others,the average kids? F.Very young kids don't know why their parents are pushing them so hard. [单项选择]下列文件中,对我国商品化会计核算软件的发展起到了决定性作用的是()。
A. 《会计电算化管理办法》 B. 《会计核算软件管理的几项规定》 C. 《会计电算化工作规范》 D. 《关于发展我国会计电算化事业的意见》 [单选题]男性,20岁,被他人发现颈部肿物2天而来就诊。体格检查,发现气管右侧可扪及一结节,质硬,可随吞咽上下移动,同侧胸锁乳突肌前缘可扪及2个肿大淋巴结,首先考虑的诊断是()
A.甲状腺腺瘤 B.甲状腺癌 C.恶性淋巴瘤 D.颈淋巴结炎 E.颈淋巴结核 [填空题]金刚石是由( )元素组成的。
[单项选择]企业现金管理的目的是( )。
A. 努力降低现金短缺 B. 增强企业应付紧急情况的能力 C. 提高企业控制现金的能力 D. 加快现金周转速度 [单选题]临时接地线应当采用( )。 安全用具
A.多股铜绞线 B.钢芯铝绞线 C.橡皮绝缘铜线 D.带透明护套的多股软裸铜线 [单选题]灭火器维修是指为确保灭火器安全使用和有效灭火而对灭火器进行的检查、再充装和必要的部件更换等工作。对于手提式、推车式水基型灭火器出厂期满( )年,首次维修以后每满( )年,建筑使用管理单位需要分批次向灭火器维修企业送修。
A.31 B.42 C.53 D.64 [多选题]港航工程预应力混凝土结构用钢有( )。
A.热轧带肋钢筋 B.矫直回火钢丝 C.冷拉钢丝 D.冷拉钢筋 E.预应力钢绞线 [单选题]1.4 依法扣留.没收并拍卖的国产机动车,其注册登记日期的年份按照________录入。
A.确定号牌号码的年份 B.机动车出厂的年份 C.合格证的发证年份 D.开具机动车销售发票的年份 [单项选择]一般雷达电源都采用()电源。
A. 低频 B. 中频 C. 高频 D. 直流 [单选题]接地线的两端夹具应保证接地线与导体和接地装置都能接触良好、拆装方便,有足够的( ),并在大短路电流通过时不致松脱。
A. 机械强度 B.耐压强度 C.通流能力 D.拉伸能力 [单选题]断路器、隔离开关在检修状态时,测控装置切换开关必须置于( )位置。
A.“运行” B.“停止” C.“远方” D.“就地” [单项选择]安装单位建立计量检测设备应有明显的()等标志标明计量器具所处的状态。
A. “合格”、“可用”、“开放” B. “合格”、“禁用”、“库存” C. “合格”、“禁用”、“封存” D. “可用”、“禁用”、“封存” [多选题]从业人员的安全义务包括()。
A.获得赔偿 B.报告安全事故 C.自觉学习安全知识 D.接受安全教育 [单项选择]有人看守道口栏杆油漆间距250mm()相间色,并设有红牌。
A. 黑白 B. 红白 C. 红黄 D. 黑黄 [单选题]各级党委(党组)特别是( )要强化政治担当.履行主体责任,把每条战线.每个领域.每个环节的党建工作抓具体.抓深入。
A.一把手 B.书记 C.主要领导 D.全体党员 [单选题]使用加热棒拆装汽缸螺丝时,应( )。(电业安规10.2.3)
A.先测绝缘 B.先接通电源 C.先插入螺栓孔 [单选题]生产经营单位安全生产责任制的范围,纵向到各级人员的安全生产责任制,()到各职能部门的安全生产责任制。
A.横向 B.纵向 C.管理 [判断题]建筑倒塌事故处置程序与措施为:现场询情.侦察检测.设立警戒.救生排险.现场急救和清理移交。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]为适应终端销售价格市场化要求,按照“()、()、()”的原则,结合终端产品生命周期,建立终端销售价格原则。
A.产品需示 B.分级授权 C.营业厅快速响应 D.市场化定价 E.用户调查结果 [单选题]根据吉林省监狱对讲机使用规定.信道( )为省局.监狱处理突发事件专用信道.
A. 1 B. 8 C. 15 D. 16 [单项选择]按脏腑分类,将咳嗽分为肺咳、心咳、肝咳、脾咳、肾咳的是:()
A. 《诸病源候论》 B. 《景岳全书》 C. 《素问》 D. 《河间六书》 E. 《医学心悟》 [单选题]次声波频率低于( )。
A.20Hz B.20kHz C.1GHz D.10GHz [多选题]以下哪个不属于耐用消费品( )。
A.汽车 B.住宅 C.装修材料 D.家具 [多选题] 下列( )属于消防 设施。
A.火灾自动报警系统 B.自动灭火系统 C.防烟排烟系统 D. 消火栓系统 E.应急广播和应急照明、安全疏散设施 [单选题]执行下列()任务时,人民警察不可以使用约束性警械。
A.逮捕 B.拘传 C.监视居住 D.强制传唤 我来回答: 提交