Buick in China The first Buick model off the line was just the beginning of General Motors’ long march into the Chinese market. A total of 23,000 cars rolled out of the factory in 1999.This year, Shanghai GM Buick aims to produce 50,000 cars. It is interesting to review the long negotiations with the Chinese government to set up Shanghai GM Buick. The biggest issue was who would supply the car parts and how the parts would get from the factory to the Buick plant. A car is made up of more than 30,000 parts. Parts manufacturers in China don’t have the technological know-how to make all the necessary parts. Therefore, at the beginning, about half the necessary parts will be shipped to Shanghai from North America. These parts are made at GM’s Tillsonburg Ontario facility. The tr A. Annual production of cars. B. The location of Shanghai GM Buick. C. Car parts and their shipment. D. The price of domestic car parts. [单项选择]股票是一种( )
A. 有价证券 B. 非要式证券 C. 不可转让证券 D. 不可流通证券 [填空题]给float型的变量赋值时,要在数字后加 ______。
A. bottomless B. uncomplicated C. sophisticated D. protected E. direct [单选题] 根据《国家电网公司计量资产全寿命周期管理办法》,计量资产配送申请应通过()系统提交。
A.营销业务应用 B.省调度平台 C.营销业务应用和省调度平台 [判断题]起重机械出厂的技术文件中不包括设计文件。
[单选题]《铁路旅客运输办理细则》第六十三条规定,承运行李应要求旅客出具车票,( )不能托运行李。
A.铁路乘车证 B.市郊定期客票 C.车票 D.代用票 [单选题]皮肤无汗而灼热常见于
A. 穿工作服 B. 戴口罩 C. 戴安全帽 D. 戴绝缘手套 [判断题]对于能够同时进行系统流程评级、流程授信的客户,当二者审批权限一致时,可同时审批。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]基础模板应具有足够的(____)和(____),并应保证其整体稳固性。
A.承载力 B.硬度 C.刚度 D.韧性 [单项选择]BSP方法的产品/服务的生命周期中,下列中哪个阶段与开发资源有关
A. 需求阶段 B. 获取阶段 C. 经营和管理阶段 D. 回收或分配阶段 我来回答: 提交