Chess(国际象棋) must be one of the oldest
games in the world. An Arab traveler in India in the year 900 wrote that it was
played "long, long ago". Chess was, probably invented in India. And it has been
played everywhere from Japan to Europe since 1400. The name "chess" is
interesting. When one player is attacking the other’s king, he says, in English,
"check". When the king has been caught and cannot move anywhere, he says "check
mate". These words come from Persian. "Shah mat" means "the king A. All kinds of people can play chess. B. Only two people can play chess sitting at the same table. C. Some people write to each other while playing each other. D. The Russians once lost the game played by radio. [判断题] 三相四线制配电的电缆线路,绿/黄双色芯线用作工作零线(N线)0( ) (1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.
Question: My ninth-grade art teacher doesn’t give any grade above 94% because, she says, "There’s always room for improvement." In previous years, I earned a 99% and a 100%. The 94 I received this term does not reflect the hard work that I put into this course. Because of her "improvement" theory, I got a lower grade than I deserve. Is her grading philosophy ethical (符合职业道德规范的)
Answer: Your teacher’s grading system may be unwise, but it is not unethical. A teacher deserves wide latitude in selecting the method of grading that best promotes learning in her classroom; that is, after all, the prime function of grades. It is she who has the training and experience to make this decision. Assuming that your teacher is neither biased nor corrupt and that her system conforms to school rules, you can’t fault her ethics.
You can criticize her methodology. A 100 need not imply that there is no possibility of improvement, only
A. 亲自履行 B. 全面履行 C. 诚实信用 D. 协作履行 [判断题]直到现在加州汽车排放标准仍然是世界上最严格的汽车排放标准。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列关于第二乳磨牙和第一恒磨牙的鉴别,错误的是
A.第二乳磨牙牙冠较小,色乳白 B.第一恒磨牙牙冠较大,色较黄 C.第二乳磨牙颈部缩窄明显 D.第二乳磨牙近远径大,颊舌径小 E.乳磨牙根较长,牙根多聚拢 [单选题]在消防车的最大供水高度计算时,沿楼梯铺设水带时,登高水带长度为实际供水高度的几倍。 ( )( 中 )
A.1.2 B.1.5 C.1.8 D.2.0 [单选题]( )能够防止钢丝绳在传动过程中脱离滑轮槽而造成钢丝绳卡死和损伤。
A.力矩限制器 B.超高限制器 C.吊钩保险 D.钢丝绳防脱槽装置 [多选题]路由环路问题会引起
A. 慢收敛 B. 报文在路由器间循环转发 C. 路由器重起 D. 路由不一致 [单选题]无论作业中或作业后,发现线路轨向不良,用10 m弦测量两股钢轨的轨向偏差,当两股钢轨的轨向偏差平均值达到( ) mm,必须立即设置停车信号防护,及时通知车站,并采取钢轨降温、切割等紧急措施,消除故障后放行列车。
A. 6 B. 8 C. 10 D. 12 [判断题]锚杆托盘应保持下端面平整,不得出现三角翘起的情况。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]To call something "marginal" means it is not very good. Farmers have their own way to (47) marginal land: It is the last to be planted under good conditions, and has the (48) to be avoided under poor conditions. Low (49) soil is not the only reason land could be considered marginal. It might be in an area where rainfall is (50) or where a hillside might rise too steeply (陡峭地).
There are uses for marginal land, however. Most often it is used as grassland. Grasses provide excellent (51) for grazing (吃草) animals like cattle, sheep and goats. Grass seed can be bought from a foreign supplier or (52) grasses can be used. However, using marginal land for grazing is not a simple issue. There is a (53) of overgrazing. Cattle can damage the crops by eating down to the roots. Also, the weight of the animals crushes the soil and can make it too hard for growing. A(n) (54) way to reduce the harm is to move animals from one field to another. This method is known as rotational g
A. 《斯巴宰牛歌》 B. 《放牛歌》 C. 《斯巴宰羊歌》 [单项选择]()是团体意外伤害保险和个人意外伤害保险的主要区别。
A. 保单效力 B. 保险责任 C. 给付方式 D. 索赔方式 [判断题]依据《华电集团反违章管理指导意见》(中国华电生【2005】512号),任何人发现作业性违章行为都有立即制止的权利和责任。对严重违章者有权停止其工作,并汇报有关领导和部门处理。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]属于低钠食品的是()
A.方便面 B.罐头 C.卤蛋 D.咸菜 E.氯化钾酱油 [单项选择]血源性肺脓肿最常见的病原菌是()。
A. 大肠杆菌 B. 金黄色葡萄球菌 C. 肺炎克雷伯杆菌 D. 变形杆菌 E. 厌氧菌 [单选题]胸膜腔内含有少量浆液,其作用为:( )。
A.可以减少肺在呼吸运动中的摩擦 B.营养肺 C.保护心脏 D.营养心脏 我来回答: 提交