Three weeks ago, a story we published
put us in the middle of a controversy. It was hardly the first time that has
happened, but this instance suggested an opportunity for more than usual
colloquy in the letters pages. So for this occasion and others like it, we have
revived a section of TIME called Forum, which begins on page 28, concerns our
cover subject this week—the Nation of Islam and its leader, Louis
Parrakhan. The decision to pursue an in-depth investigation of this subject was prompted by the anti-Semitic and otherwise racist speech that Farrakhan’s aide, Khallid Muhammad, gave at Kean College in New Jersey. The story was newsworthy in large part because it came just as some mainstream black groups were attempting to form a constructive alliance with Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. News o A. racism B. whites C. blacks D. Jews [单项选择]获得对事物的本质属性、内在联系和发展规律的认识,只有通过( )。
A. 感觉 B. 记忆 C. 思维 D. 想象 [多项选择]下列关于肿瘤转移的叙述正确的是
A. 淋巴转移是乳腺癌最常见的转移方式 B. 肺癌转移至肝或脑为经淋巴转移途径发生 C. 胃癌转移至卵巢为种植性转移 D. 淋巴转移是癌最常见的转移方式 E. 血行转移是癌最常见的转移方式 [多选题]口笛鸣示方式为一短声的为( )
A.一道 B.试验制动机减压 C.距离信号三车 D.试拉 [单选题] 我国交流电的频率为50Hz,其周期为( )。
A.0.01s B.0.20s C.0.1s D.0.02s [单选题]急性下壁心肌梗塞时出现梗塞图形的导联是?()
A.Il、lll、aVF B.I、aVF C.V1、V2、V3 D.V4、V5、V6 E.I、aVL、V5、V6 [单选题] 氧熔剂切割的切割厚度在()mm以上。
A.40 B.50 C.60 [单选题]低压指对地电压在( )及以下。
A.A、220V B.B、250V C.C、110V D.D、300V [单项选择]男性52岁,有高血压病史。在工作中突然头痛,呕吐,左侧肢体不能动二小时立即入院。体检:BP26.6/20.0kPa(200/150mmHg),神志清,双眼向左注视看不见物体。左中枢性面舌瘫,左侧偏瘫,脑膜刺激征阳性为明确病变性质,首先应进行的检查是()
A. 头部MRI B. 脑CT C. 腰穿 D. 脑电图 E. 脑血管造影 [多项选择]我国各省市的儿童福利院、社会救助管理站属于公益一类事业单位,这类单位的主要特征有()。
A. 承担政府规定的社会公益性服务 B. 根据国家确定的公益目标开展相关业务活动 C. 面向社会提供无偿公益服务 D. 经费由国家财政拨款 E. 可以依法开展经营活动 [单项选择]Mozart was born (21) January 27, 1756, in Austria. When he was only three, he asked for music lessons. He could think of nothing (22) music.
The child learned (23) by watching and (24) the music that was played in his home for pleasure several evenings a week. He played the violin without taking any (25) .A. sung B. sing C. singing [单项选择]It’s not that we thought things were fine. It’s just that this year there were no fixes to the messes we made—no underwater off-well caps, no AIG bailouts, no reuniting the island castaways in a church and sending them to heaven. We had to idly watch things completely fall apart, making us feel so pathetic that planking seemed like a cool thing to do. This was the year of the meltdown.
If a meltdown could happen at a nuclear reactor in Japan—a country so obsessed with keeping up to date that its citizens annually get new cell phones and a new Prime Minister—we should have known we were all doomed. Meltdowns happened to the most unlikely victims. Everyone was so vulnerable to meltdowns that even Canadians rioted, though they did it only so the rest of the world wouldn’t feel bad about their riots. It didn’t take a tsunami; anything could trigger a meltdown. Greece, a country so economically insignificant that its biggest global financial contribution to this century was that N A. They know that rich people are called "upper-middle class" in their country. B. They know what the 99% are not satisfied with. C. They know that there is no class system in their country. D. They know that their country is completely feudal. [判断题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》规定,电气化餐车电炸锅内油面高于1/3油锅深度,最高油面高度不超过油位警告标志,油温设定值严禁超过200℃。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]《广深港高速铁路跨境旅客运输组织规则》规定对跨境旅客发售的车票必须为()车票。
A. 胸部X线检查是早期诊断肺结核的主要方法 B. 痰菌检查是诊断肺结核最特异的方法 C. 结核菌素试验中硬结直径小于5mm为阴性 D. 结核病不存在传染性 [单项选择]瘰疬的病因病理下列哪项不符
A. 肝气郁结 B. 脾失健运 C. 肺肾阴虚 D. 痰火凝结 E. 风湿相搏 [单选题]《公路工程试验检测仪器设备检定/校准指导手册》(2013年)要求,按照量值溯源的具体方式对仪器设备进行分类管理。针对Ⅱ-1类仪器设备的检定/校准工作,应该由( )开展。
A.质量技术监督部门依法设置的计量检定单位 B.经质量技术监督部门授权建立且可以提供检定/校准服务的单位 C.国家道路与桥梁工程检测设备计量站是国家质检总局授权建立的交通运输行业最高层级的计量检定单位 D.检测机构可参照行业内相关仪器设备计量管理指南,或自行、委托有能力的单位 [判断题]因登记机关工作人员工作失误造成房屋权属登记不实的,登记机关有权注销房屋权属证书。 ( )
A. s↑.link=p↑.link;p↑.link:=s B. q↑.link:=s;s↑link=p C. p↑.link:=s↑.link;s↑.link:=p D. P↑.link:=s;s↑.link:=q [单项选择]中国企业在进行海外并购时,需要经有权部门出具“小路条”后方能进行有法律约束力的并购交易行为。“小路条”指的是:()
A. 项目信息报告收悉函 B. 项目信息报告确认函 C. 境外并购事项前期报告表 D. 境外直接投资外汇登记申请表 [多选题]外标法是最常用的定量方法。其优点是操作简便、计算简单。结果的准确性主要取决于: ( )
A.保留时间 B.进样的重现性 C.分离度 D.操作条件的稳定性 [单项选择]汽车转向系摇臂轴与衬套的配合间隙应为()。
A. 0.03~0.07mm B. 0.08~0.10mm C. 0.12~0.15mm D. 0.15~0.20mm [单选题]软垢覆盖面积占牙面1/3以下时,简化软垢指数记为
A.0 B.3 C.0.5 D.1 E.2 我来回答: 提交