Imagine going to your doctor with a
complaint of frequent headaches. Your doctor takes a prescription pad and writes
a word on it. The word isn’t "aspirin", it’s "Mozart". Many kinds of music can stir the imagination and produce strong feeling. For some people, romantic composers such as Chopin and Tchaikovsky enhance feelings of love and compassion. Religious and spiritual music can help some people feel peace or lessen their pain. But one musician seems to have a unique ability to heal the human body—Mozart. Scientists have found Mozart’s music to be remarkable in its ability to calm its listeners. It can also increase their perception, and help them express themselves more clearly. Many amazing cases have been documented using Mozart as a healing aid.For example, a tiny premature baby (早产婴儿) named Krissy, who weighed just A. premature baby can survive and grow normally B. antenatal training (胎教) is important for baby’s mental development C. music can help a person improve in all areas of his/her life D. Mozart’s music has a good healing effect [单项选择]对于幼儿来说,个性发展的主要内容是( )开始形成。
A. 自我意识 B. 个性特征 C. 调控系统 D. 情绪状态 [判断题] 软横跨横向承力索和上、下部固定绳不得有接头、断股和补强。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择][*]
[单项选择]Passage Two
Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard. A. To set up sites for collecting recycled materials. B. To teach the public how to separate various kinds of recycled materials. C. To make policies favorable for upgrading equipment for recycling. D. To increase the demand for recycled materials. [多选题]旅客投诉受理渠道主要包括(),以及社会监督机构、上级单位和政府部门等转来的投诉。
A.12306电话 B.12306网站邮件 C.站段投诉电话 D.信件方式受理 [单选题]在凯恩斯的货币需求函数中,把可用于储存财富的资产分为( )。
A.货币和债券 B.现金和股票 C.现金和存款 D.股票和债券 [单项选择]
A. fixed B. eternal C. permanent D. variable [填空题]调车作业由( )单一指挥。
[单项选择]某公司要买100本便笺纸和100支胶棒,附近有两家超市,A超市的便笺纸0.8元一本;胶棒2元一支,且买2送1。B超市的便笺纸1元一本,且买3送1,而胶棒1.5元一支,如果公司采购员要在这两家超市买这些物品,则他至少要花多少元钱( )
A. 183.5 B. 208.5 C. 225 D. 230 [多项选择]合闸线圈在正常操作当中烧毁,原因可能是()
A. 负荷电流过大 B. 线圈自身故障 C. 控制回路故障 D. 接触不良 [判断题]各单位保存的会计档案一般不得借出,如有特殊需要,经单位负责人批准后可以借出。
[单项选择]According to the passage, what does it mean by "it's better to be painfully politically correct for a few days than thought of as the office somebody" in paragraph 6
[单选题]在Word 2013( )中,多栏并排显示出来与打印出来的效果一样。
A.普通视图 B.联机版式视图 C.页面视图合量 D.大纲视图 [单选题]特快及快速货物班列自动制动机主管压力为( ) kPa。
A.500 B.550 C.600 [判断题]机场税是部分机场向乘客收取的费用,类似于我国的机场建设费。
A. 各种问,各种打听,宣称明日上班去看看 B. 向他的带教老师告发 C. 拒绝听他讲,并告诉他病人的隐私是不可以泄露 D. 听完后,讲给自己的同学听 [单选题]下列说法错误的是( )。
A.碱性焊条其熔渣的成分主要是碱性氧化物 B.碱性焊条的脱氧性能差 C.碱性焊条含有较多的铁合金作为脱氧剂和合金剂 [单选题] 以有价值的可信的科学研究结果为证据,提出问题,寻找实证,用实证对患者实施最佳的护理是指()
A.整体护理 B.自理理论 C.护理活动 D.护理诊断 E.循证护理 [简答题]㐀7】降低线损的技术措施中的建设措施指的是哪几方面?
[单项选择]潮式呼吸的特点是( )
A. 呼吸暂停,呼吸减弱,呼吸增强,反复出现 B. 呼吸深,呼吸暂停,呼吸浅慢,三者交替出现 C. 呼吸深快,逐步浅慢以致暂停,反复出现 D. 呼吸浅慢,逐渐加快加深,再度变浅变慢,呼吸暂停,周而复始 E. 呼吸减弱,呼吸增强,呼吸暂停,反复出现 [单选题]《监察法》规定,立案调查决定应当向( )宣布,并通报相关组织。涉嫌严重职务违法或者职务犯罪的,应当通知( ),并( )。
A.被调查人;被调查人家属;向社会公开发布 B.被调查人家属;所在单位;向社会公开发布 C.被调查人;所在单位;向社会公开发布 D.被调查人;被调查人家属;向所在单位通报 [单选题]法国技术道岔的翼轨采用高锰钢整铸摇篮式翼轨。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]幕上急性硬膜外血肿最多见于
A. 颞区 B. 额顶区 C. 顶枕区 D. 额极区 E. 矢状窦区 [简答题]煤与瓦斯突出的危害有哪些?
[填空题]弘扬“支部建在连上”光荣传统,落实党要管党、 要求,全面提升党支部组织力,强化党支部政治功能。( )
[单项选择]Is teaching important Well, of course it is. There was a time when the necessary knowledge could be taught to the young by family members. (25) But as societies became more complex and division of labor more common, it was impossible for family members to teach the information and skills young people needed to become useful members of the society. As the need for specialists appeared, the job of teaching came into being in our society, and teaching as a job has been of increasing importance over the past hundred years. Today, we have strict rules for teachers. We hope all children can attend schools. Many things tell us that teaching is indeed an "important" job. In recent years, there has been an increasing need for teachers to be "responsible". This means that the public expects teachers to succeed in teaching important information to the young. Teachers’ salaries today, while not much, certainly are much higher than they were in years past. These increases have come about be
A. The need for specialists B. the explosion of information C. the development of the society D. the civilization of human beings [单项选择]胀缝缝隙宽约20mm,对于交通繁忙的道路,为保证混凝土板有效地传递载荷,防止形成错台,可在胀缝处板厚中央设置()。
A. 钢丝网 B. 钢筋 C. 传力杆 D. PVC管 [简答题]CCBⅡ制动系统由哪些部件组成?
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Vingo was released from prison ()the successful efforts of his friends to prove his innocence.
A. according to B. as a result of C. for reasons of D. with the help of [单项选择]固定式硫化氢监测仪每()校验一次。
A. 半年 B. 一年 C. 一年半 D. 两年 [单选题]下列关于风湿性疾病的说法错误的是
A.包括各种关节炎在内的弥漫性结缔组织病,是重要组成部分 B.弥漫性结缔组织病对糖皮质激素的治疗有一定反应 C.类风湿关节炎不具有遗传倾向 D.风湿性疾病也可以是精神性或功能性的 E.风湿性疾病的病因可以是肿瘤性的 [单选题]满族先民除渔猎外,也在水中捞捕鱼虾贝蚌,采集珍珠,由此产生了项体育运动,即()
A..篮球 B..珍珠球 C..渔球 D..贝蚌球 [单项选择]服务型政府是指在公民本位、社会本位和权利本位的指导之下,通过法定程序,按照()的意志组建起来,承担服务职能的政府。
A. 领导 B. 公民 C. 政府 D. 企业 我来回答: 提交