Opinion polls are now beginning to show
an unwilling general agreement that, whoever is to blame and whatever happens
from now on, high unemployment is probably here to stay. This means we shall
have to find ways of sharing the available employment more widely. But we need to go further. We must ask some fundamental questions about the future of work. Should we continue to treat employment as the norm Should we not create conditions in which many of us can work for ourselves, rather than for an employer Should we not aim to revive the household and the neighbourhood, as well as the factory and the office, as centres of production and work The industrial age has been the only period of human history in which most people’s work has taken the form of jobs. The industrial age may now be coming to an end, and some of the changes in wo A. people were not adequately compensated for the loss of their land B. people were no longer legally entitled to reclaim land C. people were badly paid for the work they managed to find D. people were forced to look elsewhere for means of supporting themselves [多项选择]辩证思维方法,“逻辑和历史的统一”,其基本思想是
A. 历史是逻辑的基础,逻辑是历史的反映 B. 历史从哪里开始,逻辑也应该从哪里开始 C. 逻辑只反映历史的主流和方向 D. 逻辑“修正”历史 [单项选择]国际民事诉讼法最主要的渊源是()
A. 国内立法 B. 国际惯例 C. 国际条约 D. 司法判例 [单选题]民警张某因工作失职被处以警告处分,张某所受的制裁是()。
A.刑事制裁 B.民事制裁 C.经济制裁 D.行政制裁 [判断题]配电终端测量故障电流的平均误差应不大于±5%。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《中国铁路上海局集团有限公司客运岗位作业标准实施意见》上铁办客(〔2020〕38 号)规定,客运值班员班前准备中要求做好台账签认、交接。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]发现使用过期的跨局全年定期乘车证时,除按章补收票款外,还要自该乘车证有效 期终了的次日起至发现日止按每日乘车( )千米计算票价。
A.1212121900年2月19日 B.1212121900年4月9日 C.1212121900年7月18日 D.1212121900年10月26日 [简答题]东北黄大豆与一般黄大豆有何不同?
[单项选择]Jane hadn’t been to London before. ( ) had her husband.
A. Neither B. Either C. So D. Or [单项选择]月龄6个月以内小儿最理想的食品是
A. 母乳 B. 牛乳 C. 羊乳 D. 全脂奶粉 E. 乳儿糕 [多项选择]关于E-MAIL,以下说法正确的有()。
A. 一个完整的E-MAIL地址主要由两大部分构成:邮箱所在主机的地址(域名)和用户的邮箱名 B. SMTP是简单邮件传送协议的英文缩写,主要的作用在于把用户的邮件发送到所指定的邮件服务器 C. 用户把远程邮箱中的个人邮件取回到本地计算机来一般采用POP3协议 D. 我们通常收发邮件所使用的Foxmail其实是E-MAIL的客户端程序 [判断题]进入挂车线后,应严格控制机车速度,执行十、五、三车的规定,不需一度停车()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]使用数字签名,可以确认[ ]。
A.A、保证信息是由签名者自己签名发送 B.B、签名者不能否认或难以否认 C.C、保证信息未曾作过任何修改 D.D、签发的文件是真实文件 [单选题]普通线路正线(不含站内),应设置爬行观测桩。有防爬设备地段每( )设置1对;无防爬地段每1km设置1对。
A.0.5km B.1km C.1.5km D.2km [单选题]在脚手架主节点处必须设置一根( ),用直角扣件扣紧,且严禁拆除
A.纵向水平杆 B.连墙件 C.竖向水平杆 D.横向水平杆 [单选题]中心CCTV系统出现故障无法监控所有车站时,下列说法正确的是( )。
A.通知车站上报 B.通知通号调度处理 C.通知机电调度处理 D.自行重启设备尝试恢复 我来回答: 提交