The private car is assumed to have
widened our horizons and increased our mobility. When we consider our children’s
mobility, they can be driven to more places than they could visit without access
to a motor vehicle. However, allowing our cities to be dominated by cars has
progressively eroded children’s independent mobility. Children have lost much of
their freedom to explore their own neighborhood or city without adult
supervision. Children’s independent access to their local streets may be important for their own personal, mental and psychological development. Allowing them to get to know their own neighborhood and community gives them a ’sense of place’. This depends on active exploration, which is not provided for when children are passengers in cars. Not only is it important that children be able to get to local play area A. motor vehicles improve children’s independent mobility B. the convenience of cars has also brought bad effects upon children C. cars make children lose freedom for they are always supervised by their parents D. parents should make full use of their cars to make their children independent [单项选择]在一次公司经理联席办公会议上,二分厂张厂长激烈批评人力资源部刘经理说,二分厂需要学工业仪表的本科生或大专生,而公司却进了那么多搞化工设备、建筑材料的毕业生,还有搞系统集成的研究生和MBA,人力资源部到底在做什么刘经理则反驳,公司的发展战略你知道吗我们这样做是有依据的。张厂长回答,二分厂不发展,你那个发展战略有何用对此现象,你认为最恰当的评论是______。
A. 张厂长不对,他不能用局部利益取代整体利益 B. 刘经理不对,他不应脱离二分厂的状况另搞一套人才引进政策 C. 公司总经理不对,他应制止在经理联席会议上出现这种争吵 D. 公司内部管理沟通系统存在问题,应尽快加以解决 [单选题] 在吹扫制动软管时,应用手把住软管端头,以防其甩动打人。( )
A.对 B.错 [多选题]4.14. 第14题
新投入或者经过大修的变压器巡视项目有哪些( )。 A.各部件无渗漏油 B.油位变化应正常,应随温度的增加合理上升,并符合变压器的油温曲线 C.声音应正常,无不均匀声响或放电声 D.油温变化应正常,变压器(电抗器)带负载后,油温应符合厂家要求 [单选题]必须坚持在发展中保障和改善民生,鼓励共同奋斗创造美好生活,不断实现人民对美好生活的向往。要健全覆盖全民、统筹城乡、公平统一、安全规范、可持续的多层次社会保障体系,扩大社会保险覆盖面。在这个社会保障体系的内容中,属于党的二十大报告新增加的内容的是( )。
A.覆盖全民 B.统筹城乡 C.公平统一 D.安全规范 [单项选择] Sometimes urgent things are important and sometimes they aren’’t. You will never have enough time for everything, so you need to decide what is really important. Important activities are those which help you to achieve your goals. Most of us have learned to respond to urgent requests at the expense of important tasks. Ignore important tasks at your peril----they will escalate and become urgent, at which point you have yet another crisis to deal with!
Do you find yourself responding to "urgent" items or requests more quickly than "important" ones Start making important tasks seem more urgent by setting deadlines for them, and schedule the activities into your day. Make sure you take care of the important tasks, even if they are not urgent. When you do have to react to an "urgent request", spend some time thinking through your response. Solutions that are well thought out are usually better than impulsive reactions.
If you start spending 80% of your time working with "Not
A. ignoring urgent requests but only focusing on important tasks B. spending the same amount of your time dealing with urgent requests and important tasks C. taking only one fifth of your time on those "Urgent but Not Important" items D. taking every minute to do everything [单选题]下列有关贝特类药物的临床应用,叙述错误的是
A.用于原发性甘油三酯(T B.血症 C.用于混合型高脂血症 D.用于Ⅲ型高脂血症 E.用于高胆固醇血症 [多选题]机械式离合器接触有异声—原因及排故方法( )。
A.接合面螺拴松动——拧紧 B.摩擦片表面硬化或磨损接触铆钉——更换 C.油位不正常——补加或减少 D.飞轮、压盘变形——更换 [单项选择]关于SARS的临床表现,下面哪一项是不正确的()
A. 可有腹泻 B. 潜伏期常见为3~5天 C. 常有鼻塞、流涕等上呼吸道卡他症状 D. 肺部体征常不明显 E. 多表现为干咳、少痰 [单选题]货物装载加固基本要求:货物( )稳定、合理、分布在货车上,不超载、不偏载、不集重。
A. B. C.均衡 D.均匀 E.平衡 F.平均 [判断题]资产类账户金额增加时,在借贷记账法中需登记在借方。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]使用VC++6.0打开考生文件夹下的源程序文件1.cpp,该程序运行时有错,请改正其中的错误,使程序正常运行,并使程序输出的结果为
TC1 TC2 注意:不要改动main函数,不能增加或删除行,也不能更改程序的结构,错误的语句在//******error******的下面。 试题程序: #include<iostream.h> #include<assert.h> struct TC0 //********error******** virtual void fun( ); ; class TC1:public TC0 void fun( ) cout<<"TC1"<<end1; ; class TC2:public TC0 void fun( ) cout<<"TC2"<<end1; ; void main( ) TC0 *p; TCl obj1; TC2 obj2; //********error******** p=*obj1; p—>fun( ); //********error******** p=*obj2; p—>fun( ); return; [多选题] 依据《中国药典》(2015版)中,麸炒白术的说法正确的是
A.将蜜炙麸皮撒入热锅内 B.待麦麸冒烟时投药 C.见焦斑。略有焦香气 D.每100 kg白术片,用蜜炙麸皮10 kg E.炒至黄棕色、逸出焦香气,取出,筛去蜜炙麸皮 [单选题]行车值班员当班期间负责对车站常用钥匙的交接、保管、借用登记进行监督和考核。
A.A B.B [单选题] 登高进行焊割作业者的着装要求描述错误的是( )。 (1.0分)
A. 衣着灵便 B. 戴好安全帽 C. 系好安全带 D. 穿硬底鞋 [单项选择]建立我国第一个幼儿教育研究中心,并亲自主持幼稚园研究工作,提出“活教育”思想的是( )。
A. 陶行知 B. 陈鹤琴 C. 张宗麟 D. 张雪门 [单选题] 锅炉的给水含盐量越高,排污率( )。
A. 越大 B. 不变 C. 越小 D. 无关 [填空题]用万用表测量蓄电池电压时,红表笔接蓄电池的( ) ,黑表笔接蓄电池的( ) ,选用 ( ) 档位, ( ) 量程进行测量。
A.阴阳的相关性 B.阴阳的相对性 C.阴阳的绝对性 D.阴阳的不可反称性 [单选题]下列不属于列车文明服务用语的是( )。
A. “谢谢您的配合” B.“不客气” C.“请您听我解释” D.“老头,把脚抬起来” [单选题]提高溶剂比,在其他条件不变的情况下,苯乙烯收率( )
A.升高 B.降低 C.没影响 D.不一定 [判断题]测电缆线间绝缘电阻,各种电缆在环境条件最差 情况下,其绝缘电阻<4Ω 。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《关于重新规范《CRH服务指南》配置要求的通知》(客管电〔2016〕102号)规定:二等座每车配置《CRH服务指南》()册,分别摆放在车厢两端第二排始发靠过道侧的座椅靠背网兜内。
A.4 B.1 C.2 D.3 [多项选择]实行会计电算化的单位,对于机制记账凭证应当符合记账凭证的一般要求,打印出来的机制记账凭证要加盖( )的印章或者签字,以加强审核,明确责任。
A. 实物验收人员 B. 制单人员和审核人员 C. 记账人员 D. 会计机构负责人(会计主管人员) [简答题]《国家电网公司营销安全风险防范与管理规范(试行)》中现场作业安全风险是指什么?
翻译题:The regulations make it safer for you to use your credit card for shopping on the Internet or over the phone. If someone else makes dishonest use of your credit card, you can cancel the payment and the card issuer(发卡机构) must refund the money to your account. The card issuer will want you to tell them as soon as possible if your card has been lost or stolen or if you find out that someone has used your card details dishonestly. [判断题]贷款重组后的相关经办人员负责重组贷款日常管理工作,原贷款相关经办人员对重组后的贷款仍负有清收责任。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]经营性公路的收费期限按照收回投资并有合理回报的原则确定最长不得超过( )年。国家确定的中西部省、自治区、直辖市的经营性公路收费期限最长不得超过30年。
A.10 B.15 C.20 D.25 [单项选择]患者男性,55岁,乙肝病史6年,10d前出现阵发性高热、寒战,体温最高达39.5℃, 3d前出现右上腹持续性胀痛,伴持续性高热。查体:体温39℃,血压110/60mmHg,脉搏118/min,呼吸25/min,急性面容,巩膜轻度黄染,结膜无苍白,右肺下野呼吸音弱,双肺未闻及干湿哕音,右上腹压痛、反跳痛及肌紧张,肝区叩痛阳性,移动性浊音阴性。化验血常规:白细胞16.2×109/L,中性粒细胞0.85,血红蛋白112g/ L,血小板165× 109/L肝功:AlT 96 U/ L,总胆红素36μm0l/L;AFP 120μg/L。超声示见肝内有一低密度灶。 目前首先考虑的诊断是
A. 原发性肝癌 B. 肝脓肿 C. 活动性肝硬化 D. 慢性活动性肝炎 E. 肝硬化合并自发性腹膜炎 [判断题]新工人上岗前的三级教育是指:公司教育、项目教育、班组教育。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者,女,65岁。近半年出现上腹部不适,进食后不适加重,纤维胃镜发现大弯侧胃壁上直径1.5cm大小块状肿物,与周围组织界限不清。病理回报恶性。该肿瘤Borrmann分型()
A. Ⅰ型 B. Ⅱ型 C. Ⅲ型 D. Ⅳ型 E. Ⅴ型 [判断题]有总断路器(开关)和分路断路器(开关)的回路停电,应先断开总路断路器(开关),后断开分断路器(开关)。送电操作顺序与此相反。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交