男,63岁。右舌缘疼痛不适3月。体检见右舌缘中部有一溃疡,3cm×3cm大小,质地偏硬,深部有一浸润块,伸舌时偏向同侧。右颈上部触及1cm×1cm大小淋巴结,质中偏硬、活动、无压痛,边界清。临床考虑为鳞状细胞癌。 |
Our culture has caused most Americans
to assume not only that our language is universal but that the gestures we use
are understood by everyone. We do not realize that waving good-bye is the way to
summon a person from the Philippines to one’s side, or that in Italy and some
Latin-American countries, curling the finger to oneself is a sign of
farewell. Those private citizens who sent packages to our troops occupying Germany after World War II and marked the items GIFT to escape duty payments did not bother to find out that "gift" means poison in German. Moreover, we like to think of ourselves as friendly, yet we prefer to be at least 3 feet or an arm’s length away from others. Latins and Middle Easterners like to come closer and touch, which makes Americans uncomfortable. Our linguistic (语言上的) and cultural blindness and th A. need interpreters in hotels and restaurants. B. tend to get along well with the natives C. are not well informed due to the language barrier D. are isolated by the local people [判断题]行政处罚遵循公正、公开、信赖保护原则。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]Your new T-shirt ______ (look) very beautiful.
以下最能反驳这一新模式的一项是()。 A. 应将领导干部8小时以内的职业道德纳入考核 B. 考核领导干部“私德”涉嫌侵犯个人隐私 C. “私德”考核指标难以量化,更难以比较 D. 领导干部的人际关系状况对考核结果有影响 [多选题]《银行业金融机构从业人员行为管理指引》规定,银行业金融机构制定的行为守则及其细则应要求全体从业人员遵守法律法规、恪守工作纪律,包括但不限于( )。
A.自觉抵制并严禁参与非法集资、地下钱庄、洗钱、商业贿赂、内幕交易、操纵市场等违法行为 B.不得在任何场所开展未经批准的金融业务,不得销售或推介未经审批的产品,不得代销未持有金融牌照机构发行的产品 C.不得利用职务和工作之便谋取非法利益 D.未经监管部门允许不得向社会或其他单位和个人泄露监管工作秘密信息 [单选题]相对轨距来说,( )往往是控制性的。只要方向偏差保持在容许范围内,轨距变化对车辆的影响 就不会很大。
A.轨距大小 B.轨距变化率 C.轨距标准 D.轨道方向 [单选题]自动售票机仅支持( )周岁以上的成人旅客持二代身份证购买乘意险。
A.12 B.14 C.16 D.18 [不定项选择题]HMI人机界面中 BAS图元绿色表示( )
A.故障 B.停止 C.运行 D.通讯中断 E.报警 我来回答: 提交