Is the Tie a Necessity {{/B}} Ties, or neckties, have been a symbol of politeness and elegance in Britain for centuries. But the casual Prime Minister Tony Blair has problems with them. Reports suggest that even the civil servants may stop wearing ties. So, are the famously formal British really going to abandon the neckties Maybe. Last week, the UK’s Cabinet Secretary Andrew Turnbull openly welcomed a tieless era. He hinted that civil servants would soon be free of the costliest 12 inches of fabric that most men ever buy in their lives. In fact, Blair showed this attitude when he had his first guests to a cocktail party. Many of them were celebrities (知名人士) without ties, which would have been unimaginable even in the recent past. For some mo A. After the late 19th century. B. In the 1630s. C. In 1660. D. In the late 18th century. [判断题]所谓电源热备用,是指专门设置一台平时不工作的电源作为备用电源,当任一台工作电源发生故障或检修时,由它代替工作电源的工作。
A.50ml B.150ml C.100ml D.200ml E.30ml [单选题]巡线人员发现导线断裂落地后,应设法防止行人靠近断线地点( )以内。
A.A-10m B.B-5m C.C-7m D.D-8m [单项选择]三极管工作在饱和状态时,它的IC将()
A. 随IB增加而增加 B. 随IB增加而减少 C. 与IB无关,只决定于RC和VG D. 与IB有关,也决定于RC和VG [单选题]当输入电源屏的交流电源在+15%~-20%范围变化时,经稳压(调压)后的电源允许波动范围应不大于( )。311010103
A.±1% B.±2% C.±3% D.±4% [单选题]党和国家的生命线,人民的幸福线指是( )
A.党的基本纲领 B.党的基本经验 C.党的基本方略 D.党的基本路线 [不定项选择]下列方法或措施中是从声源上降低噪声的是()。
A. 改进机械设计以降低噪声 B. 利用自然地形降低噪声 C. 维持设备处于良好的运转状态 D. 改革工艺和操作方法以降低噪声 [单选题]公文写作对数字运用方面有规范要求。下面不正确的表示为()。
A.一二月 B.三四天 C.五、六种 D.七八个 [填空题]Sie ist ____ als ich. (alt)
[单选题]《民法通则》规定,年满()周岁,能以自己的劳动收入为主要生活来源,视为完全 行为能力人。
A.18 周岁 B.10 周岁 C.16 周岁 D.14 周岁 [判断题]在线监测装置应不直接作用于控制系统,不应影响一二次系统运行。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交