The free enterprise has produced a
technology capable of providing the American consumer with the largest and most
varied marketplace in the world. Technological advances, however, have come
hand-in-hand with impersonal mass marketing of goods and services. Along with
progress, too, have come some instances of manipulative advertising practices
and a great increase in products whose reliability, safety and quality are
difficult to evaluate. Today’s consumers buy, enjoy, use and discard more types of goods than could possibly have been imagined even a few years ago. Yet too often consumers have no idea of the materials that have gone into the manufacturer’s finished product or their own motivation in selecting one product over another. Easy credit and forceful techniques of modern marketing persuade many consumers to A. the free enterprise system in America B. the difficulty of living on a fixed income C. innovative techniques in food processing D. the advances of advertising techniques [判断题]导线、地线换线施工前,应将导线、地线充分放电后方可作业。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在超过1.1米的高站台或路肩窄、路基高的线路上作业时,必须停车上下。若确需在运行中从低于1.1米的站台上上下车时,由铁路局批准,但车速不得超过15㎞/h。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]银汞合金的调和时间越长则
A.收缩越小 B.强度越低 C.强度越高 D.汞含量越高 E.收缩越大 [填空题]旅客在发站停止旅行,要求仍将行李运至到站时,按( )收费,应补收发站至到站的( )______运费的差额。(《客规》第九十一条)
[单项选择]Holiday Inn Select (716) 291—2837
300 Third Street Discover the rich history of Western NY Niagara Falls, NY 14303 (716) 285—3361 Aquarium of Niagara Advance booking is required. 701 Whirlpool St. Luna; NY 14301 Rizzo’s Used Furniture and Antiques Dive into a world of discovery with over 1500 1601 18th Street kinds of water life like sharks, sea horses, eels, Ramada, NY 14025 etc. (716) 284—1931 Open year round from 9 am on weekends. Mondays and Wednesdays in summer. Parking is Daredevil Museum free! 423 Rainbow Boulevard S. (716) 290-3847 Terra A. 10:00 am on Thursday. B. Friday evenings in summer. C. 8:00 am on Sunday. D. 13:00 pm on Saturday. [判断题]消防人员和急救人员未到达时,事故现场可以组织自救。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](第二十九条)遇爆炸等危险征兆来不及撤离时应就近卧倒,( ),匍匐撤离或依托掩体避险。 ( )
A.头向外、脸向下 B.头向内、脸向下 C.头向外、脸向上 D.头向内、脸向上 [判断题]在建筑物原有的楼面铺设木地板、地砖,墙面上铺贴墙砖、木板或在顶棚增设吊顶时,会在建筑物的房间或墙体增加一定的分布荷载。
[判断题]在站简略试验:有列检作业的由列检人员负责,无列检作业的由车辆乘务员负责,无车辆乘务员的由车站人员负责。挂有列尾装置的列车由司机负责。( )(应知应会-《技规》第274条)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]库存商品科目的借方余额表示( )。
A. 因购进等其他原因增加的存货 B. 因销售等减少的存货 C. 商品储存的实际成本 D. 出口商品的储存和增减变动 [单项选择]发热咳嗽,气粗而喘,鼻息灼热,咽喉红肿疼痛,便秘溲赤,舌红苔黄,脉数,证属()
A. 风热犯肺证 B. 肺热炽盛证 C. 痰热壅肺证 D. 燥邪犯肺证 E. 肝火犯肺证 [简答题]简述农村市场体系建设目标
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]服用磺胺类药物治疗尿路感染时,加服碳酸氢钠的作用是( )。
A.抗炎 B.增加尿量 C.碱化尿液 D.保护尿路黏膜 E.增加肾血流量 [单选题]下列哪⼀种⼿套适⽤于防强碱?(0.20分)
A. ⽩帆布⼿套 B. 橡㬵⼿套 C. ⽪⼿套 [判断题]( )在单相半波可控整流电路中,调节触发信号加到控制极上的时刻,改变控制角的大小,无法控制输出直流电压的大小。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在爆炸危险场所维护检查设备时,严禁解除保护、联锁和( )装置。
A. .清洗 B. .开关 C. .信号 [判断题]国务院应急管理部门和其他负有安全生产监督管理
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 下列( )情况禁止溜放调车。
A. 夜间照明不足,无法确认停留车位置时 B. 一车负重一端或两端突出使用游车的超长货物 C. 装有一级及以上超限货物的车辆 D. 中间站正线、到发线及与其衔接而未设隔开设备的线路 [单选题]依据《农村电网低压电气安全工作规程》(DL/T477— 2010)第13.7条规定:装(拆)不经电流互感器的电能表、电流表时,线路( )。
A.不得带负荷 B.可以带负荷 C.不得带电 D.以上都不对 [填空题]从道岔中心至辙叉尾端轨缝中心的距离称为( )。
[单项选择]某公司4月30日的银行存款日记账账面余额为545600元,银行对账单余额为485790元。经逐笔核对,发现有以下未达账项:(1) 29日银行代企业收款24500元,企业尚未收到收款通知;(2) 30日银行代付电话费1300元,企业尚未收到付款通知;(3) 30日企业送存银行的转账支票86000元,银行尚未入账;(4) 29日企业开出转账支票一张2990元,持票人尚未到银行办理结算手续。公司据以编制“银行存款余额调节表”。调节后的银行存款余额应为( )元。
A. 540000 B. 568800 C. 506800 D. 520000 [判断题]油气管道的风险管理是指管理者通过对油气管道的风险评价、制定和采取相应的措施,改善管道安全,使管道运行无风险。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]乙炔瓶不得靠近热源和电器设备,乙炔瓶与氧气瓶间的距离不得小于( )m。
A.3 B.5 C.7 [判断题]《铁路旅客运输规程》(铁运〔1997〕101号)规定,旅客携带品超过规定范围时,其超重部分应加倍补收四类包裹运费。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]行政复议机关一般应当自受理申请之日起( )日内作出行政复议决定。
A. 15 B. 20 C. 30 D. 60 [单项选择]调整笔触属性的纹理量控制什么?()
A. 纹理的透明度 B. 纹理的颜色 C. 文理的大小 D. 纹理的扩展程度 [填空题]Bob:
It’s worth reflecting on the extraordinary appeal of the Harry Potter epic. Rowling’s triumph, years in the making, is constructed with the elements of classic myth-based stories of the past, from the Greek myths themselves through The Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. The themes come down to the struggle between good and evil, and the choices one makes. They are overlaid with Harry’s disorderly passage from childhood through adolescence to maturity. Cheney: Despite thousands of security fees, spoilers on the Internet have posted copies. "We haven’t read the book yet, and even if we had, we wouldn’t join the spoilers." The media’s willingness to play along with the entertainment industry by voluntarily withholding information about plot points in movies and books is amusing. What ever happened to "the public’s right to know " Hawki: The Big Question has long hovered over the series: Does Harry liv [填空题]房屋建筑按使用功能分为哪些?举例说明。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]分布式电源项目验收单位在项目并网验收后,应将工程有关()提交电网管理单位,及时更新系统接线图。
A.设备资料 B.技术资料 C.验收报告 D.接线图 [填空题]倒闸操作应坚持操作之前三对照、操作之中三()、操作之后三检查。
[填空题]All those expensive shoes are made _____.
[判断题]继父母虽非亲生父母,但只要尽了抚养义务,即可继承继子女的财产。( )
[判断题]数字区段调度电路是指调度所调度交换机至车站调度交换机之间以及车站调度交换机之间的数字电路。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交