A member of the "life for living" group
Planning for a creative retirement
Plan now for a retirement which will allow you to live proactively and creatively!
Dear Ms. Reid,
What happens when you retire Are you just going to let all that experience, all those qualifications, and all that creative energy slide into oblivion Seacloud’s Creative Retirement Advisory Services can design a package for you which includes but goes far beyond financial independence. Why don’t you come to one of our free introductory sessions to find out what "creative retirement" can mean
Here’s the basic idea: "creative retirement" planning has three essential dimensions. The first is financial independence. The second is health and balance. And the last, equally important dimension is creativity.
Take this opportunity to hear the inspirational founder of
A. The seminar date
B. The lunch menu
C. The place of the seminar
D. The main speaker
Whatever Happens to Old
Computers You have just got a new computer and you are delighted with it. It is doing everything you wanted your new computer to do. But what are you going to do with your old computer Have you ever wondered what other people do with their old computers In the past they have often paid high prices for their old computers, but how much do you think these computers are worth now Few people want to buy a computer that has become out of date or has been replaced by a newer model. Unfortunately, the only thing you can do with a computer that you have had for five or six years is to throw it away with your other garbage! What do many people do when they try to sell their old computers Foolishly, they take into account its original cost and then reduce the pr A. "give" B. "send" C. "take" D. "move" [判断题]贷款项目评估是以贷款人出具的资料为基础,从技术、经济等方面对项目进行科学审查与评价的一种理论与方法。()
[多项选择]质量计划与现行施工组织设计相比较,( )相同。
A. 针对的对象 B. 编制的内容 C. 编制所依据的原理 D. 编制对象 E. 存在形式 [单选题]某油田企业为增值税一般纳税人,2019年8月销售自产原油1000吨,取得含税收入1130万元,同时向购买方收取赔偿金3.39万元,储备费2.26万元。另外支付含税运输费、装卸费5.45万元,取得增值税专用发票,原油资源税税率6% ,该油田企业当月应纳资源税()万元。
A. 60.60 B. 60.18 C. 60.00 D. 60.30 [多项选择]下列汉字的笔画是六画的是()
A. 华 B. 县 C. 阳 D. 关 [判断题]用人单位应当按照规定在必要时对工作场所进行职业病危害因素检测评价。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]全冠粘固后出现松动,脱落,其主要原因可能有()
A. 修复冠边缘不密合 B. 修复冠边缘过长 C. 预备牙体轴壁聚合角过大 D. 牙周病 E. 轴壁突度恢复不良 [单选题]晨会时间不超过( )分钟:
A.10 B.15 C.20 D.30 E.60 [单项选择]下列有关施工文件归档的时间和相关要求说法不正确的是( )。
A. 根据建设程序和工程特点,归档可以分阶段分期进行,也可以在单位或分部工程通过竣工验收后进行 B. 施工单位应当在工程竣工验收后,将形成的有关工程档案向建设单位归档 C. 施工单位在收齐工程文件整理立卷后,建设单位、监理单位要根据城建档案管理机构的要求对档案文件完整、准确、系统情况和案卷质量进行审查。审查合格后向建设单位移交 D. 施工单位向建设单位移交档案时,应编制移交清单,双方签字、盖章后方可交接 [单项选择]急性心肌梗死发生心源性休克的主要机制是()
A. 心排血量急剧下降 B. 快速性心律失常 C. 血容量不足 D. 周围血管扩张 E. 迷走神经张力过高 [不定项选择题]某研究用甲、乙两种方法测量某市10处水源中氟含量(mg/L),采用Wilcoxon符号秩和检验比较两种方法测量结果是否有差别。
A.差值从小到大编秩 B.差值的绝对值从小到大编秩 C.原始值从小到大分别编秩 D.差值的原始值从大到小统一编秩 E.原始值的绝对值从小到大统一编秩 [判断题]中资商业银行在一个城市_次可申请设立2个支行。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]什么叫预告信号?
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]汽车以20m/s的速度做匀速直线运动,刹车后加速度大小为5m/s²,那么开始刹车后3s通过的位移为()m,刹车后6s通过的位移为()m。
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