Did you know that the parachute was invented before the airplane This is (1) but true. The first airplane was flown in 1903. However, Leonardo da Vinci, the Italian artist-scientist, drew sketches of a (2) over 450 years ago. The first successful parachute jump was made from a tower (3) a French scientist, Sebastien Lenormand, in 1783. In 1785 J. P. Blanchard of France used a parachute to eject a dog from a hot-air balloon.
People (4) to use parachutes first for thrills and fun. Andre Jacques Garnerin, also of (5) , was the first to drop from a balloon at a (6) of 2000 feet using a parachute. Garnerin continued to parachute for a number of years, as (7) many others. It wasn’t until World War I, (8) , that the parachute became important for saving lives. By the end of the war, it had become standard safety equipment for nearly all (9) . In addition, parachutes were also worn by military pas
A. plane
B. parachute
C. painting
D. sketch
目前状况 | 更新改造后状况 | |
操作人员工资 | 1900 | 100 |
年运营维护费用 | 850 | 680 |
年残次品成本 | 720 |
[填空题]从我国的有关法律法规来看,( )和( )在保证学生的受教育权方面负有
[单选题]60kg/m钢轨( )T尖轨12号道岔导曲线终点横距为( C)mm。
A.15650 B.15793 C.17416 D.21280 [填空题]未设置中队( )或仅设一个的中队( )的大队基本队形参照中队( )的基本队形。
[判断题] 阀门是用来通断和调节介质流量的。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《供电营业规则》中,供电企业对查获的窃电者,应予制止,并可当场中止供电。窃电者应按所窃电量补交电费,承担补交电费()倍的违约使用电费。
A.1~3倍 B.5倍 C.3倍以下 D.3倍 [单项选择]下列有关令牌环网描述正确的是
A. 令牌将数据沿一个方向传输,得到令牌的计算机可以发送数据 B. 令牌将数据沿一个方向传输,令牌就是发送的数据 C. 令牌将数据沿一个方向传输,令牌就是接收的数据 D. 令牌将数据沿一个方向传输,得到令牌的计算机可以接收数据 [单选题]()人员应根据车务应急值守人员(列车调度员)的布置现场准备进路,工务按规定加锁。
A.车务、工务 B.工务 C.车务、电务 D.电务、工务 [多选题]以下属于领导干部违法干预司法活动的情形是( )。
A.在线索核查、立案、侦查、审查起诉、审判、执行等环节为案件当事人请托说情的 B.要求办案人员或办案单位负责人私下会见案件当事人或其辦护人、诉讼代理人近亲属的 C.授意、纵容身边工作人员或者亲属为案件当事人请托说情的 D.其他违法干预司法活动、妨碍司法公正的行为 [单项选择]党政机关原则上()越野车。
A. 不配备 B. 配备12万元以下 C. 配备18万元以下 D. 配备25万元以下 [单项选择]在Excel2003中,若单元格G3中公式为"=D3+E3+F3",将其复制至单元格J4,则J4中的公式为()。
A. =D3+E3+F3 B. =D4+E4+F4 C. =G3+H3+I3 D. =G4+H4+I4 我来回答: 提交