Here in the U. S. a project of moving the
government a few hundred miles to the southwest proceeds apace, under the
supervision of Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia. Apart from the usual
highways and parks, Byrd has taken a special interest in transplanting pieces of
federal agencies from metropolitan Washington to his home state. Strangely, Byrd’s little experiment in de-Washingtonization has become the focus of outrage among the very people who are otherwise most critical of Washington and its ways. To these critics, it is the very symbol of congressional arrogance of power, isolation from reality, contempt for the voters, and so on, and demonstrates the need for term limits if not lynching. Consider the good-government advantages of (let’s call it) the Byrd Migration. What better way to symbolize an end to the old ways and A. "paradise." B. "isolation." C. "noisiness." D. "luxuries." [单选题]因不对称式构图多变、轻巧活泼、线条优美、动感强,所以在礼仪插花中宜应用在( )的场合。
A.潜心学习 B.庄严肃穆 C.轻松愉快 D.沉痛哀悼 [多选题]以下属于文字处理软件的有____。( )
A.Word B.WPS C.Excel D.PowerPoint [单选题]拥有自有资产(动产和不动产)达( )万元(含)以上的客户是我行个人信用贷款的特定准入客户
A.A.100 B.B.200 C.C.300 D.D.400 [单项选择]肺痿的发病机制为()
A. 痰热阻肺 B. 久病肺虚 C. 痰湿壅肺 D. 肺气上逆 E. 肺虚津伤,肺叶枯萎 [单项选择]股票期权的购买费最适合用经营者的()报酬来支付。
A. 雇员薪金 B. 知识资本报酬 C. 个人负债 D. 个人积累 [多项选择]项目的环境风险也称为项目的不可控风险,主要包括()。
A. 完工风险 B. 金融风险 C. 政治风险 D. 生产风险 [判断题]禁止与工作班成员在起重工作区域内行走或停留。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]生长激素的作用不包括
A.促进脑的发育 B.加速蛋白质的合成 C.促进肝糖原分解 D.促进软骨生长发育 E.对维持正常的性发育有重要作用 [多选题]为确保巡检数据的有效性与完整性,应:
A.使无人机低速接近杆塔 B.必要时在杆塔附近悬停 C.使传感器在稳定状态下采集数据 D.使无人机低于所拍摄物体 [判断题]B737-700飞机的舱门有一个助推气瓶,当滑梯预位时旋转舱门手柄舱门将会轻易打开释放滑梯。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]一键顺控的性能试验其指令执行经监控系统内置防误闭锁校验时间的技术要求是下发操作票执行命令的时间和接收到校核结果返回的时间的时间差不大于( ) 秒。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [单选题]下列()情形,属于工程质量缺陷成因中的设计差错。
A.无证设计 B.越级设计 C.沉降缝或变形缝设置不当 D.擅自修改设计 我来回答: 提交