Vibrations in the ground are a poorly
understood but probably widespread means of communication between
animals. It seems unlikely that these animals could have detected seismic "pre-shocks" that were missed by the sensitive vibration-detecting equipment that clutters the world’s earthquake laboratories. But it is possible. And the fact that many animal species behave strangely before other natural events such as storms, and that they have the ability to detect others of their species at distances which the familiar human senses could not manage, is well established. Such observations have led some to suggest that these animals have a kind of extra-sensory perception. What is more likely, though, is that they have an extra sense—a form of perception that people lack. The best guess is that they can fee A. slugging them out for territorial defense for their offsprings. B. fighting with each other to own harems of females. C. their act of aggression against other animals. D. competing fiercely with each other for locating meals. [不定项选择题]男性,21岁,近半年来反复心悸、胸痛、劳力性呼吸困难,时有头晕或短暂神志丧失。体检发现:心脏轻度增大,心尖部有2级收缩期杂音和第4心音,胸骨左缘第3~4肋间闻及较粗糙的喷射性收缩期杂音
A.地高辛 B.硝酸甘油 C.心得安(普萘洛尔) D.卡托普利 E.双氢克尿塞 [多选题]关于“一事不再罚”,下列哪些说法是错误的
A.对当事人的同一个违法行为,不得给予两次以上罚款的行政处罚 B.对当事人的同一个违法行为,不得给予两次以上行政处罚 C.对当事人的违法行为,同一行政机关不得给予两次以上罚款的行政处罚 D.对当事人的违法行为,同一行政机关不得给予两次以上行政处罚 [单选题]LKD1-T型车站列控中心机柜面板上“离线”指示灯亮灯时为()。
A.绿色 B.白色 C.黄色 D.红色 [判断题]资本公积是企业所有者权益的组成部分,所以也是企业据以向投资者分配利润的主要依据。
( )
[单选题]远程监控软件Radmin在远程登录时,按( )键可以在小窗口、普通窗口、全屏幕之间进行切换。
A.F2 B.F5 C.F10 D.F12 [判断题]:长途客运车辆应当严格落实《道路客运接驳运输管理办法(试行)》,规范长途客运接驳运输管理,积极推进分段式接驳运输。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]电加热设备必须有专人负责使用和监督,离开时要切断电源。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]行人、非机动车、( )、全挂拖斗车以及其他设计最高时速低于七十公里的机动车,不得进入高速公路。高速公路限速标志标明的最高时速不得超过一百二十公里。
A.自行车 B.拖拉机 C.轮式专用机械车 D.铰接式客车 [名词解释]金融期货交易所
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