A Most Important Period in Greek{{/B}} One of the most important periods in Greek history was the Hellenistic Age which began after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 B. C., and lasted almost 200 years. It was during this time in history that Greek ideas and Greek culture spread into Egypt and throughout the Near East. A Greek state even existed{{U}} (51) {{/U}}India. During the Hellenistic Age, there were great advances{{U}} (52) {{/U}}in Greek scholarship in such areas as philosophy, science, religion, art and social justice. Important discoveries were made in the{{U}} (53) {{/U}}. Eratosthenes, for instance, made an accurate calculation{{U}} (54) {{/U}}the diameter of the earth, while Aristarchus declared that the earth{{U}} (55) {{/U}}round. So A. espoused B. postulated C. deemed D. speculated [多选题]设备检修与故障抢修时,( )。
A.相关容性、感性设备检修、试验前后应充分放电 B.设备检修工作中使用的检修电源应装设过载自动跳闸装置及漏电 保护装置,使用自备发电机做检修电源的,应保证发电机接地点可靠接地。 C.开关拉出后应将柜门锁闭,禁止擅自开启。 D.开关拉出后,为方便检查,可将柜门保持开启。 [单选题]倒闸操作中( )不按规定检查设备实际位置,不确认设备操作到位情况。
A.可以 B.禁止 C.看情况 D.有时可以 [单选题]根据《民用航空安全检查规则》第 92 条,民用航空安
全检查规则自 2017 年 1 月 1 日起施行。1999 年 6 月 2 日起 施行的《中国民用航空安全检查规则》(民航总局令第 85 号) 同时废止。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]低钠血症的主要临床表现为()
A. 高氯性酸中毒 B. 渗透压升高 C. 渗透压正常 D. 渗透压降低 E. 低钾血症 [判断题]为防止胺液发泡,气体进料温度应比贫胺液进料温度高5-6℃。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]能有效提高支持绝缘子沿面闪络电压的措施是( )。
A.减小介质介电常数 B.改进电极形状 C.增加瓷套管表面电阻 D.加大瓷套管半径 [判断题]手工弯10mm以上的管子时,为防止弯瘪,可以在管内注满干沙进行弯形。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]从不同的角度,依照不同的标准,可对公文进行不同的分类,比如,⑴按照行文关系和行文方向的不同,可将公文分为()、()和()三种;⑵按照紧急程度的不同,可将公文分为()和()两类,紧急公文还分()和()两类;⑶按照有无保密要求的不同,可将公文分为()和();⑷按照保密的不同,还可以将有保密文件为()文件、()文件和()文件三种;⑸按照秘密等级的不同,还可以将有保密要求的文件为()文件、()文件和()文件三种;⑹按其具体职能的不同,可将公文分为()性公文、()性公文、()性公文、()性公文、()性公文和()性公文;⑺按照来源的不同,还可以将文件为()文件、()文件和()文件三种。
[填空题]代表资格审查小组应当向( )报告审查情况。经审查通过后的代表,获得正式资格。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Despite their many differences of temperament and of literary perspective, Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, Melville, and Whitman share certain beliefs. Common to all these writers is their humanistic perspective. Its basic premises are that humans are the spiritual center of the universe and that in them alone is the clue to nature, history, and ultimately the cosmos itself. Without denying outright the existence either of a deity or of brute matter, this perspective nevertheless rejects them as exclusive principles of interpretation and prefers to explain humans and the world in terms of humanity itself. This preference is expressed most clearly in the transcendentalist principle that the structure of the universe literally duplicates the structure of the individual self. Therefore, all knowledge begins with self-knowledge.
This common perspective is almost always universalized. Its emphasis is not upon the individual as a particular European or American, but upon the human as unive A. some of their beliefs about the difficulties involved in self-realization B. some of their beliefs concerning the world and the place that humanity occupies in the universal order C. some of their beliefs concerning the relationship between humanism and democracy D. the way some of their beliefs are shaped by differences in temperament and literary outlook [名词解释]外汇风险(汇率风险)
[单选题]患者女,28岁,被人发现昏迷呈休克状态,屋内有火炉,并且发现有安眠药空瓶。查体:T36℃,BP 90/60 mmHg,四肢厥冷,腱反射消失,血液的COHb为60%,对该患者首要的治疗方法是( )
A. 高压氧疗法 B. 血液透析 C.20%甘露醇250 mL快速静脉滴注 D. 冬眠疗法 E. 能量合剂疗法 [判断题]当交流系统中发生单相短路时,由于零序阻抗的影响,会在健全相上感应出操作过电压。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]GN70型粘油罐车加热及排油装置由()组成。
A.加热管 B.内置排管式加热系统 C.排油装置 D.进汽管 [单选题]属于抗心律失常Ⅲ类(延长动作电位时程)药物的是( )。
A.普罗帕酮 B.美托洛尔 C.维拉帕米 D.胺碘酮 [多选题]我国利用外资的原则有:
A. 必须维护国家主权和民族利益 B. 要从实际情况出发,量力而行 C. 注意规避风险,进一步健全涉外经济法 D. 坚持重质量、重效益的原则 [多选题]449.工会依法组织职工参加本单位安全生产工作的(),维护职工在安全生产方面的合法权益。*
A.民主管理(正确答案) B.安全管理 C.民主监督(正确答案) D.生产管理 [单项选择]某患者,胸闷气急1个月,查体右胸廓较左侧塌陷,呼吸运动减弱,叩诊实音,语颤消失,呼吸音消失,气管及心脏右移,最可能的诊断为()
A. 右下肺脓肿 B. 右侧大叶性肺炎 C. 右侧支气管肺癌并肺不张 D. 右侧大量胸腔积液 E. 右侧支气管扩张并感染 [多选题]法的特征表理为()。
A.法是种般的社会规范 B.法由国家制定或认可 C.法以权利和义务为内容 D.法由国家强制力保证实施且具有严格程序规定的规范 E.法在国家权力管辖范围内普遍有效,具有普遍性 [单选题]杂散电流对混凝土的危害主要是对()的危害
A.混凝土 B.沙 C.钢筋 D.土 [单项选择]甲公司委托乙公司完成了一项发明创造,在双方没有协议约定下,该项发明创造的专利申请权属于()
A. 甲公司 B. 乙公司 C. 甲公司和乙公司 D. 专利机关指定的人 我来回答: 提交